Search Results for "thesis and dissertations acrobat tips"

New theses available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Policy
  • Geology
  • Industrial Archaeology
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Rhetoric and Technical Communication

How to create bookmarks using Word and Adobe Acrobat

Having bookmarks that replicate the table of contents (TOC) is a helpful feature to navigate a thesis or dissertation.  Bookmarks allow the reader to see a TOC wherever they are in the document, and navigate easily to that section of the document.  This tutorial will show you how to create bookmarks using Word and Adobe Acrobat on the PC. This tutorial assumes that you are using the Graduate School’s template to create your dissertation or thesis.

New theses and dissertations available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering Science
  • Industrial Archaeology
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Rhetoric and Technical Communication

New Theses and Dissertations Available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Forest Ecology and Management
  • Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Geology
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Physics

New Theses and Dissertations Available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations from the following programs:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Policy
  • Forest Ecology and Management
  • Forest Science
  • Industrial Archaeology
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library.

New theses and dissertations available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Applied Natural Resource Economics
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Forestry
  • Geology
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Rhetoric and Technical Communication

New Guide for Dissertations, Theses, and Reports

The Graduate Student Government, Graduate Faculty Council, University Senate, and administration have approved the new “Guide to Completing a Graduate Degree and Preparing and Submitting a Dissertation, Thesis, or Report at Michigan Technological University.”

Because this Guide makes the submission process similar for all documents, and the formatting requirements are much simpler, the new requirements will be applied retroactively to all pending submissions and to all new submissions.

The web site has been updated to reflect changes for dissertations, theses, and reports.  Highlights are below:

New Deadlines

  • Deadlines to complete a degree have changed. The deadline to submit a final dissertation, thesis, or report to complete a degree in fall 2012 is December 17, 2012.
    • Students defending in fall 2012 may request an extension of this deadline in writing to Dr. Debra Charlesworth (dissertations or theses) or Ms. Nancy Byers Sprague (reports). Requests must be made prior to December 17, 2012.
    • There is no deadline to conduct a final oral examination (defense). Students are recommended to defend well in advance of the deadline to submit a final document to allow sufficient time to incorporate the technical changes required by their committee.

New Formatting Requirements

New Forms

New forms have been released, and only the new versions will be accepted.  A summary of the important changes is below:

  • Pre-defense form (this has been replaced with an online process and is no longer linked here. 3-17-21)
    • This form now only asks for the defense time & date along with committee information.
    • Students who have already submitted a Pre-defense form do not need to re-submit this form.
    • Beginning immediately, if an old Pre-defense form is submitted, the Publishing agreement that was in this form will be discarded.
  • Report on final oral examination form
    • New form for students completing a dissertation, thesis, or report.
    • Students who have already submitted a Verification of final degree requirements form do not need to submit this form.
    • Contains check-boxes for each member of the committee to provide examination results to the Graduate School.
  • Verification of final degree requirements form
    • This form will now only be required for coursework Master’s students and Master of Engineering students.
  • Approval of a final dissertation, thesis, or report [this form was replaced with a google form in summer 2021 and is no longer linked here]
    • New form for students completing a dissertation, thesis, or report.
    • Replaces the “signature page” in the dissertation, thesis, or report
    • Due before the final document is submitted to Canvas, but may not arrive earlier than one week before the final submission.
    • As the Graduate School works toward automating processes, this form will be replaced by an electronic approval process.
  • Degree completion form [this form no longer orders bound copies and is no longer linked here]
    • It updates the required number of bound copies for the Library (1 for dissertations, none for Master’s students)
    • Contains the Publishing agreement which was previously part of the Pre-defense form

New theses and dissertations available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Applied Ecology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Forest Ecology and Management
  • Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Geology
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics