Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Spring 2019 Recipient – Rupsa Basu

Rupsa Basu
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Back in Fall 2014, I took my first international flight from India to United States to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a Scientist! That’s when I joined Michigan Tech to pursue Ph.D in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology program. I am fortunate enough to do my doctoral research with Dr. Ebenezer Tumban, Molecular Virology & Vaccinology Lab in Department of Biological Sciences. As a part of my dissertation research, I have handled multiple projects and have learned a lot from my adviser, who was always patient and was there to give immense guidance. My research projects are focused on developing safe and highly immunogenic bacteriophage virus-like particles based vaccines against Zika and Chikungunya viruses. Apart from that, I had the opportunity to work with different projects including working to develop a novel vaccine platform, won many awards at Michigan Tech including 3-minute thesis- 1st place & people’s choice, merit award for presentations, travel awards etc. When I am not doing research, I like to read thrillers and enjoy dancing! Can’t believe it’s the final semester. I want to thank the Graduate School, MTU, Deans and everyone who supported me. With this prestigious fellowship, I now have time to fully concentrate on my dissertation writing and graduate. Happy and proud Husky!

Nominations open for 2019 MAGS Excellence in Teaching Awards

Nominations are now open for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Awards.  Michigan Tech may nominate one student at the MS and PhD level. Each graduate program may nominate one student at the MS and PhD level. Nominations are due to the Graduate School no later than 4pm, January 9, 2019.

Eligible students

  • will have been enrolled at Michigan Tech during the 2018-19 calendar year and have a teaching appointment
  • will have earned the Michigan Tech Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award
  • will have an excellent teaching portfolio and student evaluations

See the application page for complete details on what is required for a nomination.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Spring 2019 Recipient – Maria Paula Kwesiga

Maria Paula Kwesiga
Biomedical Engineering

I started my doctoral program in Biomedical Engineering at Michigan Tech in the summer of 2015.  Previously I obtained my BS Degree in Medicine from the University of Algiers in Algeria. I joined Dr. Frost’s lab that specializes in controlled NO releasing polymeric biomaterials for clinical applications. My research interests are focused on understanding the role that Nitric oxide (NO) plays in cardiovascular pathologies such as Ischemic heart disease and Diabetes. Cardiovascular calcification is frequently associated with ischemic heart disease and it increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke in patients. NO has been shown to aggravate and protect against calcification. The effect of NO highly depends on the concentration and duration of treatment delivered. A novel device (the CellNO trap) was previously developed in Dr. Frost’s lab that makes it possible to measure the levels of NO produced and delivered to cells.  With the CellNO trap, we are able to determine with accuracy the point at which NO changes from a protective to aggravating effect in vascular cells in order to slow down the progression of calcification. Another area of my project is improving treatments for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). Healing is impaired in patients with DFU, it takes on average 120 days for these wounds to close, which increases the risk of infection and amputations. NO is a free radical molecule with a very versatile role in the body and it has been shown to be involved in all the stages of wound healing. We use the CellNO trap to measure the real- time NO produced by cells involved in wound healing under normal and diabetic conditions. The goal is to incorporate the NO levels obtained into controlled NO release wound dressing that can be finely tuned to deliver the dose of NO necessary at each stage of  wound healing. This platform will facilitate the healing of DFU in the shortest time possible. I would like to thank my mentor and   advisor Dr. Megan C. Frost for all the support she has offered to me and I would like to thank the Dean and the Graduate school for awarding me the finishing fellowship for the spring semester. The funds offered will give me the time to finish my experiments and write my dissertation so that I can complete the requirements for my PhD program.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Spring 2019 Recipient – Zhuyong Yang

Zhuyong Yang
Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

I come from Shanghai. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Vehicle Engineering at Nanjing Agricultural University in Nanjing, China. After that, I came to Michigan Tech in the summer of 2012.

My research focuses on the knock of spark-ignited internal combustion engine and 1-D simulation of over expanded engine. With the guidance of Dr. Jeffrey Naber, a significant thermodynamic conversion efficiency has been observed in the research engine. These observations can provide a reference to industry and further improve the vehicle fuel economy.

Along with the research activities, I also work in the Graduate Student Government (GSG) of Michigan Tech. One of the contributions is to represent GSG as a committee member to initiate MTU Cultural Event Fund. This fund allows alumni and community members to donate student organization productions to promote the culture, diversity and inclusion. It is holistically managed to maximize the impact of events.

I would like to thank Michigan Tech for providing a great academic environment. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Graduate School and all the benefactors for supporting the Finishing Fellowship.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Spring 2019 Recipient – Anindya Majumdar

Anindya Majumdar
Biomedical Engineering

I am a PhD candidate in Biomedical Engg. at MTU. Water and biological tissues act as excellent sources of optical scatterers. Scattering from them give rise to fascinating optical phenomena. Speckles and optical phase singularities are among them, and are the subjects of my investigation. My research focuses on ways to make use of these scattering phenomena for novel ways of imaging and analyzing motion in biophysical systems. Outside of work, my time is spent exploring the beauty of the U.P. and the surrounding areas, as well as trying out the excellent variety of student organizations at Michigan Tech.

I am grateful to the Michigan Tech family for all the support I have received during my journey here.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Spring 2019 Recipient -Sakineh Yazdanparast

Sakineh Yazdanparast
Electrical Engineering

I am honored and grateful to be the recipient of the doctoral finishing fellowship .    I started my graduate study in the summer of 2014   at Michigan Technological University .

My dissertation investigates novel solution  in the area of over/non- overlapping  clustering and community detection in social network graphs, localization of mobile sensor network, big data in the field of machine learning, and computational intelligence.

I am thankful to my Master and PhD advisor, Professor Timothy C.Havens for his support and encouragement in my work. I can’t thanks him enough for everything he is doing for his research team. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my Ph.D study. I  am also very grateful to the ECE Department for their support – especially Department Head, Prof.Daniel R. Fuhrmann who has supported me as a PhD student and as a MOM of 2 years old.

A Heartfelt thanks to all supportive wonderful MTU members , Alumni and donors.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Graduate School committee, specifically Dr.  Debra Charlesworth for providing me with this financial support. This fellowship allows me to focus on my dissertation and complete my PhD degree on time.  Their support has provided me with an incredible opportunity to accomplish my goals. It is truly an honor and privilege to have this support.

Finally, MTU for me is so much more than a university; it is a community that I truly feel a part of, a family and a real home, especially for international students. I feel so proud to be an MTU student.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Spring 2019 Recipient – Jinlin Zhang

Jinlin Zhang

I am a PhD candidate working with Dr. Jae Yong Suh and Dr. Yoke Khin Yap in the Physics Department. I joined Michigan Tech in summer of 2015 after finishing my master’s degree from Lanzhou University, China. My research interests lie in linear and nonlinear optical properties of low dimensional materials including novel metallic films and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), which are promising for applications in nanophotonic and nanoelectric devices. I do fabrication, characterization and simulation of these materials. I am also interested in building setups for detecting optical properties of materials. My long-term goal is to pursue an academic career in optical and materials physics, extending what I have learned from Michigan Tech. I am passionate about teaching as well and have more than three years of experience of PH1200 lab as an instructor in Michigan Tech.

I would like to thank Graduate School for granting me the Finishing Fellowship. It allows me time to write my dissertation, defend my thesis and graduate with a doctoral degree. Meanwhile, I am thankful for Dr. Jae Yong Suh and Dr. Yoke Khin Yap for their guidance, and the group members who have helped me during research work as well. I am also grateful to the department chair, Ravindra Pandey, and the Physics Department for their support.

EndNote Workshop in the Library

The library is hosting an EndNote workshop Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Library 242.

Use EndNote software to manage your citations and save time. In this session, you will learn how to add references to an EndNote library, import references from databases and PDFs, organize your citations and use the Cite While You Write tool to incorporate references into Microsoft Word.

No prior knowledge of EndNote is required for this workshop.

Register here.

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholar Award – Fall 2018 Recipients

Congratulations! Outstanding Scholar Award Fall 2018 Recipients

Gina Roose (Accounting MS)
Shuaidong Zhao (Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD)
Priscilla Addison(Geological Engineering PhD)
Sampath Kumar Reddy Boyapally (Mechanical Engineering MS)
Rahul Jitendra Thakkar (Mechanical Engineering MS)
Nikhil Appasaheb Shinde(Mechanical Engineering MS)
Mitchel Timm (Mechanical Engineering MS)
Xinyu Ye (Environmental Engineering PhD)
Janarjan Bhandari (Atmospheric Science PhD)
Mingxi Fang (Chemistry PhD)
John Barnett (Environmental and Energy Policy PhD)
Dolendra Karki (Physics PhD)