Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Fall 2018 Recipient – Wenping Deng

Wendping Deng
Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
wenping deng

I started my PhD in Michigan Tech. in August 2015 after working as a lecturer for ten years in Northeast Forestry University, China.

My PhD research is focused on developing appropriate statistical and machine learning models to reconstruct gene regulatory network from gene expression data. In these 3 years, I developed a backward elimination random forest (BWERF) algorithm for reconstructing multilayered hierarchical gene regulatory network, and a new graphical Gaussian model (JRmGRN) for joint reconstruction of multiple gene regulatory networks using data from multiple tissues or conditions. Reconstructing gene regulatory networks helps elucidating the nature of complex biological processes and disease mechanisms in a variety of organisms. Comprehending the associations between genes has important ramifications in pathological studies for explaining disease pathways and identifying biomarkers for prognosis and diagnosis.
I would like to give my sincere gratitude to the Graduate School at Michigan Tech. for this financial support, which gives me an opportunity to put all my efforts on completing my PHD degree this semester.

Graduate Student Conference Award

Donate to the “Graduate Student Conference Award” project. This is a collaborative initiative between the Graduate School and the Graduate Student Government to foster, encourage, and recognize graduate research. Professional and scholarly conferences are key avenues for presenting one’s research out to the larger community. In addition to sharing knowledge and learning more about the work done by fellow researchers, such conferences also play a key role in graduate students’ professional development.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Summer 2018 Recipient – Kevin Waters

Kevin Waters

KWaters_FFI came to Michigan Tech. in the Summer of 2013 after finishing my undergraduate degree in physics at Indiana State University.

My research focuses on quantum mechanical simulation of nanomaterials. Over the years I have investigated different potential functionalizations of boron-nitride nanotubes and monolayers with amino acids and gold clusters.

I would like to thank the physics department and the graduate school for funding my academic endeavor. The Finishing Fellowship helps me spend my full time on dissertation writing without any distraction from other duties. The university has provided me with great opportunities to grow professionally at Michigan Tech., at the Air Force Research Laboratory and at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Summer 2018 Recipient – Soroush Sepahyar

Soroush Sepahyar
Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

Soroush SepahyarI started my PhD in Michigan Tech in August 2013 in Mechanical Engineering. My PhD research is focused on developing and testing a new technology in cooling systems. The application of this new technology is on future generation computer cooling systems such as Data Centers and Supercomputers. It would make cooling systems working more efficiently and reduce the environmental impact and energy costs when implemented.

Along with the research activities, since Fall 2014, I have been working as Graduate Teaching Assistant and had the opportunity to teach two different labs in MEEM department which was a great experience for me.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the Graduate School at Michigan Tech for this financial support. This gave me an opportunity to focus on my research and also put all my efforts toward completion of my PhD degree this semester.

I am also grateful for the generous donations from MTU alumni and Friends who made this opportunity possible for me.

Thesis/Dissertation/Report Formatting Workshops – Summer 2018

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Are you unsure where to submit your dissertation, thesis, or report?

Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office. Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance may be available.

 Last day to submit a post-defense document to successfully complete your degree in summer is August 6 by 4pm EST!

All workshops will be held from on the following dates at the mentioned time:

  • Friday, July 20, 2018 | 3:00-5:00pm | EERC 0723
  • Thursday, July 26, 2018 |3:00-5:00pm | EERC 0723
  • Thursday, August 2, 2018 | 2:00-4:00pm |EERC 0723
  • Tuesday, August 21, 2018 |10:30am-12:00pm |EERC 0723

Nominee for 2018 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award: Lauren Schaefer

Lauren Schaefer
Geological Engineering

Lauren Schaefer 2018Lauren N. Schaefer received both an MSc in Geology (International Geological Masters in Volcanology and Geotechniques, 2012) and a PhD in Geological Engineering as a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellow (2016) at Michigan Tech under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Oommen. Her dissertation investigated the potential for large-scale debris avalanches at Pacaya Volcano in Guatemala to optimize future monitoring and mitigation efforts. A combination of experimental rock mechanics, field investigations, remote sensing, and numerical modeling not only detected, but revealed the nature and mechanics of the largest landslide surge witnessed in a single event at a volcano. Her dissertation provided rare insight into precursory deformation prior to a potential future catastrophic collapse at an active volcano. Such an event was witnessed at Mount St. Helens in 1980, and is known to have occurred at over 400 volcanoes worldwide.

Currently, Lauren is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, where she continues to research landslide and volcanic hazards.

Nominee for 2018 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award: Erin Pischke

Erin Pischke
Environmental and Energy Policy

Erin Pischke 2018My dissertation research examines the public perceptions of socioecological impacts of oil palm production and the political ecology of environmental change in Tabasco, Mexico. I collaborate with natural, social and engineering scientists to study the impacts of bioenergy development projects to assess the sustainability of them. My work shows that past political and economic actions impact current environmental conditions and creates institutional and structural constraints in the region to which people are adapting. A multi-pronged, interdisciplinary approach tackles problems from various angles to, in a sense, make the problem smaller. My research also studies the challenges that international, interdisciplinary teams face when studying such impacts in international settings so that future research can be more successful.

Nominees for 2018 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

The Graduate School would like to congratulate and recognize Lauren Schaefer and Erin Pischke for being nominated for the Council of Graduate Schools / ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards, the nation’s most prestigious honors for doctoral dissertations.

Two awards are given annually in two different broad areas (mathematics, physical sciences and engineering; and social sciences; and the biological sciences; and humanities and fine arts). The winners of the awards will be announced during the Fall 2018 Semester.

The 2018 fields of competition are:

Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering

Mathematics and Social Sciences

EndNote Workshop at the Library

Save time by using EndNote software to manage your citations. No prior knowledge of EndNote is required for this workshop. The session will cover: how to create and build an EndNote library, how to add references from online databases and PDFs, best practices for organizing your citations and incorporating references into a Microsoft Word document using EndNote’s “cite while you write” tool. The workshop is at 3 p.m. Tuesday, July 10 in Library 242 Register here.

Important Communication from the Graduate School

Dear Students,

As we’re sure you’re aware, Houghton County experienced extreme weather this weekend.  Although much of campus and the surrounding area is back to normal, the Administration Building is closed for an undetermined amount of time.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all of our community members impacted by this disaster.

For the short term, here is how you can communicate with the Graduate School:

  • Graduate School staff will be operating in rooms 112 and 113 of the Library.  Please go to room 112 for assistance beginning at 1pm on Tuesday, June 19th. Not all staff will be present at all times, but we will be able to direct you appropriately.
  • Current students with forms to submit should scan them and upload them to Canvas.  If you need assistance, we have an online tutorial.  Please only use Canvas to upload forms; do not also email and/or submit paper copies.
  • Current students should email with any questions they have about their degree.  Please do not copy other staff; one email will alert everybody.  Graduate directors and assistants with questions about current students should also use this email.
  • If you call the Graduate School, messages will go to voicemail.  Staff will respond as they can.
  • Diploma pickup and diploma mailing will not be available this week.
  • Transcript submission is not available this week.  Students with a missing degree hold may request a waiver using our form.
  • Students who need assistance with housing can contact Housing or Public Safety.  Rooms, meals, and showers are available.

Michigan Tech will be updating the emergency website  with information important to our community.  Please monitor that website for ways that you can contribute to the relief effort and stay in touch with other offices on campus that are displaced.


The Graduate School