Formatting help available for dissertations, theses, and reports

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report?  Do you need help?

Join Harriet King, coordinator of the Graduate School Communications Assistance Program for group work hours in the Library. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Harriet is skilled with MS Office, Open Office, and Adobe Acrobat Pro, and can provide group tutoring and assistance during these open times:

  • Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 1-5pm – Library 242
  • Friday, December 5, 2014, 1-5pm – Library 242
  • Monday, December 8, 2014, 9am-1pm – Library 244
  • Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 1-3pm – Library 244
  • Wednesday, December 10, 2014, , 9am-1pm – Library 244
  • Thursday, December 11, 2014, 1-3pm – Library 244
  • Monday, December 15, 2014, 10am – 1pm – Library 242
  • Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 10am – 1pm – Library 242
  • Wednesday, December 17, 2014 , 10am – 1pm – Library 242

These rooms are equipped with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop.

If you need additional help or prefer one-on-one assistance, please contact Harriet to arrange for times and inquire about the services available.

Clean water PhD project gets press

Research by PhD student Bas Wijnen (MSE) and his collaborators Jerry Anzalone (MSE) and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was highlighted in Make Magazine and covered by 3D Print.

Their work describes a water quality testing device made with open source components and 3D printing, with a focus on portability and low cost (paper available on This device would facilitate the testing of water quality in the field, before and after an intervention like the salt-enhanced solar water disinfection method previously developed by Pearce’s research group.

Originally announced in Tech Today (11/26/2014)

ORAU Big Data Postdoc

ORAU is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate with an interest in big data and excellent communication skills. The position requires skills in analysis of large data sets, and will involve development of white papers and other communications, both for technical audiences and general scientific audiences. The key skill set is communication, both to technical and non-technical audiences, and writing samples are requested from potential candidates. The holder of the position would develop connections with the 114 ORAU member universities as well as expert staff at ORAU. The appointment can begin as early as December 15, 2014 and the current funding extends through September 30, 2015. There is potential for mutually agreeable extension. Applicants can express interest or apply through the ORAU online Career Center at

Shuttle Hours During Thanksgiving Break

The Transportation Services shuttle will operate 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., MondayWednesday, Nov. 24-26, and will not run Thursday-Friday, Nov. 27-28. The shuttle services the Memorial Union Building to the SDC and stops at both the Lower and Upper Daniell Heights’ bus stops. The shuttle will also stop hourly at the Lakeshore Center.

The City of Houghton shuttle, which includes the Michigan Tech afternoon shuttle, will not be operating on campus during the week of Nov. 24-28. For questions, contact Angie Kolehmainen at 7-3288.

Originally posted in Tech Today (11/24/2014)

New Peace Corps Master’s International Programs (CS, ECE, GIS)

Michigan Technological University’s award-winning Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI) program is offering new degree options for students in two departments: computer science (CS) and electrical and computer engineering (ECE).  The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science is also expanding its PCMI programs to include a Master of Geographic Information Science (GIS).

The expanded programs will enable more students to take part in PCMI, in which students earn a master’s degree while simultaneously serving in the Peace Corps. Students typically take two semesters of courses on campus before volunteering for two years overseas and then returning to Michigan Tech to complete their degree.

“The new programs in computer science and ECE were pitched to the Peace Corps as an opportunity for our students to serve in math and science education or other sectors needing IT and technology expertise,” said Kari Henquinet, PCMI director at Tech. “Our new PCMI students will bring technical training together with the strong interdisciplinary training that all of our Tech PCMI students have.”

Read the rest of Danny Messinger’s article here (Michigan Tech News 11/20/2014).

Research and Funding Opportunities for Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM

The National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) funding Program is supporting research to increase the number of domestic underrepresented minority students pursuing and completing graduate degrees in STEM and moving into careers in academia.

Michigan Tech is part of the Michigan AGEP Alliance, and is making available information about funding opportunities, summer research opportunities and employment opportunities. All the items on the blog were posted to a national listserve by organizations that are specifically seeking to broaden participation by diverse racial and ethnic groups. Students interested in exploring these opportunities are encouraged to check out the AGEP blog.

For more information about Michigan Tech’s involvement with AGEP, please see the original Tech Today post (11/20/2014) .

Nov 24 Seminar: Tips from former NSF Program Director

Min Song, new chair of the Department of Computer Science and former program director at NSF, will give a research seminar on Monday, Nov. 24, in Rekhi 101 from 11 a.m. to noon.  The talk will first explore the critical elements that could strengthen a research proposal and then illustrate a list of typical mistakes that PIs make. At the end of the presentation, samples of programs in the area of computer information science and engineering will be discussed.

Originally Posted in Tech Today (11/19/2014)

Grant Program for Travel to Isreal

The semi-annual Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grants Program for young Scientists is open for submissions and the current deadline for this round of funding is Dec. 3, 2014 (5pm Israel time, GMT/UTC +2; or 10 am EST).

Note that applications must be submitted through the University, and the internal deadline will be different. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact the Sponsored Programs Office.

This program is supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation for short scientific trips by young American or Israeli scientists to the other country. This opportunity is open to PhD students doing research that requires facilities or expertise not available in their home countries, and grants are for $4000.

The call for proposals, instructions, and list of eligible disciplines, can be found in the following BSF website page:

International Student Resources Available

Materials from the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning Luncheon event on international students have been added to the award winning archive of all CTL Lunch and Learn events. Instructors and staff can access 5-8 minute videos on the following topics:

  • The Intensive English as a Second Language (IESL) program (Beatrice Smith, HU)
  • The International GTA Assistance Program (IGTAAP)
    (Sylvia Matthews, CSA)
  • The International Student Experience (Shreya Kumar, CS and Ali Mirchi, CEE)
  • A Broad Look at International Programs (Darnishia Slade, IPS)
  • International Students in Teams (Brett Hamlin, EF)
  • How the Multiliteracies Center works with International Students (Abraham Romney, HU)

These resources join similar videos on student accommodations, academic integrity, classroom spaces, group/team activities, integrating communication in the disciplines and blended learning.

For more information, contact the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning at 7-3000 or, or visit Library 219.
Originally Posted in Tech Today (11/17/2014)