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Flu Vaccine Clinics Announced

Working with Portage Health, the Benefits Office is pleased to announce flu vaccine clinics.

All employees and their dependents, as well as students, are welcome to attend one of the clinics scheduled on campus. Due to supply availability at each clinic, shots will be on a first-come, first-served basis; no appointment is necessary. In order for the flu shot to be paid by Michigan Tech, employees and dependents must participate in Tech’s Aetna health care plan.

Employes and dependents should be prepared to provide a picture ID and/or an Aetna member card for verification. (Spouse and dependent can show up without employee.) Students or those employees not covered under the Aetna health plan may still attend the clinic; cost is $25 per shot, payable at the time of service.

Anyone under the age of 18 cannot be vaccinated without parental permission. Clinics will take place in the Memorial Union Peninsula Room.

Here is the schedule:

  • Monday, Oct. 29, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov 1, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 6, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 8, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

For more information, contact Benefits at .

Summer Internship with the Director of National Intelligence

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI) National Security Analysis & Intelligence Summer Seminar (NSAISS) is now accepting applications through APRIL 3, 2011 for a two-week residential summer program in Washington, D.C., July 10-22, 2011.

NSAISS participants will be introduced to the business of intelligence and will interact with senior officials, current intelligence analysts, and private sector experts to explore intelligence disciplines, methodologies, and substantive topics through a curriculum of lectures, panels, case studies, simulations, and site visits to agencies.   Program participants will receive accommodations, living expenses, and transportation to/from Washington D.C. and to all program activities.

Program participants must be US citizens, interested in intelligence careers, and currently enrolled university graduate students or exceptional graduating seniors with proven plans for ongoing graduate study in Fall 2011.

For more information about the program, eligibility and application visit:

October First Friday Social

Faculty, staff and graduate students is invited to attend the October First Friday University Social from 4 to 6 p.m., Oct. 5, at the Rozsa Center Art Gallery (downstairs from the Lobby). A cash bar along with complementary soda and snacks will be provided.

International Programs and Services is this month’s sponsor. Plan to come and mingle with your colleges. NOSOTROS will start the social with a Hispanic/Latin dance followed by global trivia with door prizes.

NOSOTROS was established to create a “sense of community” of the Hispanic/Latin culture at Michigan Tech; to share the Hispanic/Latin culture with the campus community and to provide a forum for the exchange of information pertinent for the Hispanic/Latino and non-Hispanic/Latino students at Tech.

The First Friday University Socials began in 2006 to provide a casual setting for members of the campus community to get together informally, share their work and get to know each other. Such informal gatherings often lead to more productive work relationships and an appreciation for diversity.

In an effort to increase the effectiveness of the initiative, this academic year will continue to feature departmental partners who will sponsor each month’s event. The Vice President for Research Office and MTEC SmartZone will host the next social on Friday, Nov. 2. There are still a few dates available. If your department is interested in hosting a social or would like more information, please contact Megan Ross at 487-3123 or .

U.S. Department of Energy Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (MLEF)

The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program provides students with an opportunity to gain and develop research skills with the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy for 10 weeks over the summer. For 20 years, this program has increased awareness of DOE research opportunities to students pursuing STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering and math). The goal of the program is to improve opportunities for women and minority students in these fields, however all eligible candidates are encouraged to apply.  Stipends start at $600 per week and eligible Fellows will receive an additional travel and housing allowance.  For more information, visit


  • Be at least 18 years of age at time of application;
  • Be a U.S. Citizen;
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0;
  • Be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited college or university (sophomore year or higher) or had a Ph.D. conferred on or after January 2, 2014 in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) degree

Application closes Friday, January 2, 2015 – click to get started NOW!


Biomedical Engineering Announces Fellowship Program

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now accepting applications for the Kenneth L. Stevenson Biomedical Engineering Summer Research Fellowship Program. The primary goal of the program is to provide deserving undergraduate and beginning graduate students the opportunity to participate in meaningful and intensive biomedical engineering research at Michigan Tech.

The competition is open to undergraduate and early-stage graduate students from all departments who would like to conduct research under the supervision of a biomedical engineering faculty member this summer.

For more information see the website or the BME Facebook page. Interested students may also inquire in the Biomedical Engineering office.

Published in Tech Today.

Report from Provost’s Committee on issues impacting graduate students

Dear students,

In early April, the Provost convened an ad hoc committee to look into issues impacting graduate students. This committee submitted a set of recommendations to the Provost concerning employment, Daniell Heights graduate student housing, fundraising, and communications. The outcome of those recommendations is the subject of this email.


The committee recognized that a number of students have had their on-campus working hours reduced or eliminated entirely. The committee recommended that these students be supported for the hours they were unable to work. Across-the-board compensation is not possible at this time due to the wide variability in student situations and need. Federal Work-Study students will continue to be paid for the number of hours they were allowed. Students experiencing financial hardship as a result of lost hours are encouraged to apply for assistance through the emergency funds listed later in this email. 

Daniell Heights Housing

The results of recommendations made in regard to Daniell Heights are below: 

  • There will be no evictions as long as a student has a payment plan in place and is meeting their obligations.
  • Accounts Receivable will offer zero-interest payment plans. Please contact them to set one up:
  • Late fees were waived in April. At this time and going forward, normal late fees will be applied. Students are encouraged to set up a payment plan if they are having trouble making rent payments.
  • Students having trouble making their payments should reach out to Accounts Receivable to discuss their situation. Accounts Receivable will work with individuals to discuss future plans and expectations. Additional communication will be coming from Accounts Receivable and Housing.
  • Previously planned rent increases are included in the budget for 2020-2021. It is not anticipated that these increases will change. 
  • If a hold is placed on your account, please contact Accounts Receivable to discuss your situation. 


As the demand for emergency funds has increased, the committee recommended that fundraising for these emergency resources be made a priority. The dean of the Graduate School and Advancement and Alumni Engagement are putting together a plan to raise funds that will be specifically set aside for grad student support. These funds will be prioritized for students who are not eligible for other forms of emergency resources. 


For information of particular interest to graduate students, visit the MTU Flex website, which addresses questions and concerns from students, faculty, and staff.

Emergency Funds

There are a number of emergency resources available to students. Please see below for a list of available resources.

  • Husky Emergency Assistance Fund – Emergency funds for students and staff experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. These funds do not need to be paid back.
  • Graduate School Emergency Fund – Zero-interest loans provided by the Graduate School. Currently capped at $500 per application. Very flexible repayment options.
  • International Student Emergency Fund – Available to international students experiencing financial hardship. Currently limited to $500 per student, but other amounts may be considered on a case-by-case basis. The funds do not need to be paid back. 
  • Betty Chavis Emergency Fund – Emergency funds for students—now including graduate students—experiencing financial hardship.
  • HuskyFAN – Food resources available for students experiencing food insecurity. No-cost meal packets can be picked up from Public Safety. Please schedule a pickup ahead of time.

CARES Act funds will also be available to eligible students. We are awaiting University guidance on how the funds will be disbursed. Official communication on this matter is forthcoming. 

The Graduate School recognizes the difficulty of the situation and urges any graduate student who is experiencing hardship or who feels their concerns are not addressed by the information in this email to reach out by emailing We are here to help.

Take care,

Pushpa Murthy
Associate Provost and Dean, Graduate School

Seminar on “Conflict of Interest”

The Office of Compliance, Integrity and Safety will hold an educational session, “Conflict of Interest,” from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 27. Registration ends at 5 p.m., March 25.


An email confirming the reservation will include the location.

This session is designed to provide faculty, postdocs and research/program staff with an understanding of what conflict of interest means and how it relates to researchers and other employees of Michigan Tech.

Some of the topics covered will include:

  • Conflict of interest categories at Michigan Tech
  • Federal regulations
  • Situational understanding

Beverages and desserts will be available. Bring your lunch.

For more information, contact Carole Noonan at 487-1148 or at .

Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study

Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study

The Smithsonian Institution offers a variety of Fellowship programs, contingent on available funds.

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

At present, the fields fellowship are available for:

  • Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental
    science, including an emphasis on the tropics
  • Anthropology, including archaeology,
  • Astrophysics and astronomy
  • Earth sciences and paleobiology
  • Evolutionary and systematic biology
  • History of science and technology
  • History of art, especially American, contemporary,
    African, and Asian art, twentieth-century
    American crafts, and decorative arts
  • Social and cultural history of the United States
  • Folklife
  • Materials Research

Deadline: January 15 annually (applications are available in September)

Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for less than seven years. Senior Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for seven years or more. The term is 3 to 12 months**. Both fellowships offer a stipend of $42,000* per year plus allowances.
* Earth and Planetary Sciences Senior and Postdoctoral stipends are $47,000 per year.
** Postdoctoral fellowship applicants in science may apply for up to 24 months.

Predoctoral Fellowships are offered to doctoral candidates who have completed preliminary course work and examinations. Candidates must have the approval of their universities to conduct doctoral research at the Smithsonian Institution. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $27,000 per year plus allowances.

Graduate Student Fellowships are offered to stu-dents formally enrolled in a graduate program of study, who have completed at least one semester, and not yet been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. Program. Applicants must submit a proposal for research in a discipline, which is pursued at the Smithsonian. The term is 10 weeks; the stipend is $6,000.

Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship in Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry

The Office of the Undersecretary of Science at the Smithsonian Institution is offering an Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship in the area of stable isotope biogeochemistry. Research proposals must integrate the use of stable isotopes (2H/1H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, and 18O/16O) into their specific research questions. Isotope analyses will be conducted at one of the two Pan-Institutional isotope facilities (OUSS/MCI Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility in Suitland, MD or at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama). Applicants interested in this fellowship are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors/hosts at any of the Smithsonian’s various Museums and Research Units prior to proposal preparation and submission. Please consult the research staff listed for the Museum, Research Units, and Offices at the links to Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study’ see below.

Talk on OSM/VISTA Tech Partnership Monday

Allan Comp of the Office of Surface Mining (OSM), Department of the Interior will give a presentation, “The OSM/VISTA–Michigan Tech Partnership” on Monday, March 24, at 5 p.m. in Dow 642.

Comp will discuss how OSM/VISTA partners with local organizations to provide VISTA volunteers working in economic rejuvenation and environmental restoration in legacy mining communities and watersheds. Comp directs the Western Hardrock Watershed and Appalachian Coal Country teams, the two primary organizations linking OSM to rural communities. Michigan Tech has partnered with OSM to enable students to earn a graduate degree while participating in the OSM/VISTA program.

Comp’s presentation will be directed toward Michigan Tech students and faculty with an interest in details of how the program works. The talk is free and open to the public. Pizza will be provided. More information about the program can be obtained at the Michigan Tech Graduate School web site.

Published in Tech Today.