Tag: Awards

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Jeff Kabel

Jeff Kabel in formal attire standing in front of a brick background
Jeff Kabel – Applied Physics

I entered the field of nanotechnology rather unexpectedly. During a casual conversation at my undergraduate institution, a professor asked me if I was looking for a job, and with my background I was in no position to say no. A week later I was in lab, and I haven’t looked back since. The Department of Physics at Michigan Tech welcomed me in the Fall of 2018, and I began structuring my dissertation work shortly after. Originally my research was solely on two-dimensional materials, however, through some serendipitous discoveries, my scope has broadened to include many other van der Waals materials.

One of my favorite aspects of nanotechnology is that it is fundamentally interdisciplinary. Nanomaterials have such wildly varied properties that they have found applications in many fields. Through my studies I’ve been allowed to peer into the windows of various fields, including energy production, electronics, photovoltaics, chemical sensing, and bioimaging. A significant portion of my dissertation is centered on the synthesis of an easily-made, cost-effective, high-brightness fluorophore – it is unfortunate that I can not disclose much more until the patent is finalized. One project I can discuss is the internal functionalization of boron nitride nanotubes; I have been taking very small tubes – about 50,000 times thinner than the average human hair – and filling them with different materials (I’ve often described my research goal as “making the world’s smallest cannoli”). The applications of these filled nanotubes thus far include novel transistors and photostable fluorophores, and we hope to test their capabilities in solar technology soon.

As my time here comes to a close, I would like to express gratitude for the opportunities provided to me at Michigan Tech. Dr. Yoke Khin Yap has been an invaluable mentor, and his unwavering patience through my academic pursuits has been much appreciated. The support I have received from the King-Chávez-Parks Initiative and the Henes Center for Quantum Phenomena has enabled me to progress this far, and I am deeply grateful that Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel has granted me the opportunity to expeditiously conclude my dissertation.


DeVlieg Graduate Research Recipient – Summer 2024 – Fatemeh Razaviamri

Fatemeh Razaviamri standing outside with body of water, trees, and cityscape behind
Fatemeh Razaviamri – Biomedical Engineering

I am a third-year PhD student in the Biomedical Engineering department. My research focuses on designing polymeric biomaterials for antimicrobial, hemostatic, and wound healing applications under the supervision of Dr. Bruce Lee. Currently, I am working on a project aimed at developing a novel, antimicrobial hemostatic agent inspired by the strong adhesive properties of mussel adhesive proteins.

Hemorrhage is one of the leading preventable causes of death associated with trauma. Additionally, trauma patients are at a higher risk for developing infection, leading to substantial morbidity and mortality. I aim to develop a novel and portable hemostatic agent that could achieve hemorrhage control in a prehospital setting and prevent infection. This powder-form hemostatic agent can be activated by hydration through the patient’s bodily fluid or blood, which greatly simplifies the criteria for packaging and storage. The proposed hemostatic agent provides multiple mechanisms to prevent infection, including the ability to kill drug-resistant bacteria. The ability to disinfect the wound site in a prehospital setting will limit complications associated with infection and will greatly improve the rate of recovery.

I am immensely grateful for the support provided by the DeVlieg Foundation and the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel. With their support, I will spend the summer conducting in vivo hemostatic and infected wound healing tests using a mouse model to evaluate the rapid and effective hemostatic properties of the designed hemostatic agent, as well as its ability to promote the infected-wound healing.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Abdelrahman Ismail

Abdelrahman Ismail in formal clothing, standing in a field with trees in background
Abdelrahman Ismail – Chemistry

It’s hard to fathom how the start of my chemistry journey was a full decade ago when I was in high school. Back then, I had no idea this path would take me where I am today. Time seems to have flown by when I look to the past, but it slows down to a snail’s pace when I look towards the future, and with that long, bountiful future ahead of me, it makes my journey all the more worth it.

I graduated with a BS in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse in spring 2019 and started my PhD here in Michigan Tech in the fall of the same year. My research is about understanding the substrate preferences of cellular sugar transporters, which would enable selective drug targeting of those transporters and allow for new treatments and diagnostic tools for many diseases including cancers. This work involved synthetic organic synthesis of novel compounds, analytical purification and characterization of those compounds, in-vitro pharmacological studies of those compounds on live cancer cells, and computational chemistry studies of the transporter-compound interactions. This monumental project required in-depth expertise in all of those different domains of chemistry, and despite initially thinking of myself as a pure organic chemist, taking on this challenge helped me grow into a well-rounded interdisciplinary scientist, and that is my biggest and most important prize out of my time in Tech.

My heartfelt thanks to the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel and Dean for the high honor and privilege of this award. Special thanks to Dr. Athar Ata, the chemistry department chair, for his generous support and excellent leadership. But most of all, I want to thank Dr. Marina Tanasova, my PhD advisor and graduate program director, for everything she’s done for me. She gave me and my colleagues in our research group all the freedom, independence, and room for growth that we need to flourish, and yet she was always there for us and guided us onto the path to success. She always believed in us, pushed us to question our limits, think critically, and deliver impactful and groundbreaking science. After mingling with my peers in the industry and hearing about their advisors, it further reinforced my thankfulness. It was a pleasure being part of her research group.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Sam Groetsch

Samuel Groetsch standing in front of a wall, indoors
Sam Groetsch – Physics

Ever since my freshman year of high school when another older student approached me to join a physics club sponsored by Fermilab which focused on cosmic ray air showers, I’ve been fond of both the theoretical and experimental side of physics. It is quite the coincidence, or perhaps the exact opposite, that my research now focuses on detecting some of the highest energy gamma-ray air showers with HAWC.

After attending a very large high school in a suburb of Chicago, I decided to apply to Tech after a family friend recommended the school and I immediately enjoyed the smaller and closer-knit feel of Tech. I did both my undergraduate (B.S. in Physics and B.S. in Computational Math) and my graduate studies at Tech and the end of my academic journey with Tech is a very bittersweet moment for me. My Ph.D. thesis is mostly focused on using gamma-rays detected by HAWC over nearly a decade to create a catalog of some of the most extreme galactic particle accelerators like supernova remnants, pulsars, and micro-quasars. Catalogs historically have provided useful information to both theorists and other experiments to help guide and accelerate research in and beyond the field of astrophysics. To help create this catalog and assist future analysis work in the HAWC collaboration I developed a software framework to automate source finding in the HAWC dataset.

I want to thank many different organizations and people who have helped me throughout my university journey. First, the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for providing their wonderful support to help me finish strong. Second, my advisor Prof. Huentemeyer along with our research group for the invaluable support they’ve provided to me during my Ph.D. studies. Third, the physics department as a whole because without their support both personally and fiscally throughout both my undergrad and grad experience I would not have made it to where I am today.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 – Yunsheng Su

Yunsheng Su sitting outside on rock wall with waterway behind
Yunsheng Su – Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

I am honored to have the opportunity to apply for the final finishing fellowship to gain further support and guidance in my doctoral research. I am a doctoral student in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics at Michigan Tech University, and I have been pursuing my Ph.D. since 2019. Over the past five years, I have focused on research in the field of mechanical fault diagnosis.

My research aims to leverage advanced data analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms to enhance the health monitoring and fault diagnosis capabilities of mechanical systems. In my doctoral research, I have explored theoretical models and algorithms and validated their effectiveness through experimental and engineering application.

Obtaining this fellowship is significant to me as it will provide the support and resources needed to complete the final steps towards my Ph.D. I look forward to collaborating with mentors and fellow researchers to further refine my research and translate it into practical applications.
In the future, I aspire to secure a position in either industry or academia, continuing my research and application work in mechanical fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for considering my application, and I assure you of my commitment to fully utilize the opportunities provided by this fellowship. I want to thank Dr. Zequn Wang and my advisor Dr. Shangyan Zou for their support with my PhD research and preparing me for an academic career.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Swapan Chakrabarty

Swapan Chakrabarty standing outdoors
Swapan Chakrabarty – Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology

In the summer of 2021, I joined as a Ph.D. student in Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology and started working as a Graduate Research Assistant on a USDA-NIFA project at the Kuelheim Lab at the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Tech. By this time, I completed Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics and Data Science Foundations. I am going to complete a course-based M.S. in Data Science with bioinformatics domain in Spring 2024.

My research interest includes the study of the genetic basis of plant evolution and adaptation in changing climate using genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics approaches. In my Ph.D. dissertation “Novel methods of tree improvement in the genomic era”, I performed a meta-analysis to find out the suitable tree genetic improvement methods appropriate for different contexts and provided a framework for future tree genetic improvements. Through doing a comparative genome-wide association studies using a reference genome of Eucalyptus grandis, an in vitro generated Eucalyptus polybractea pseudo-reference, and a hybrid assembled E. polybractea reference genome, I am investigating if we can use pseudo-references or even just related genome as the reference genome for tree genetic studies. I am also investigating the transcriptomic regulation of foliar terpene-related genes in Eucalyptus camaldulensis to understand how transcriptional variation in E. camaldulensis influence terpene production and local adaptation. I also working on de novo assemblies of Quercus ellipsoidales genome to investigate structural variation between Q. ellipsoidales and Quercus rubra genome to identify the specific genomic regions related to climatic adaption and species diversification in oaks. Overall, my research provides an overview of trends of using tree genetic improvement methods and how the advanced methods and technologies help in achieving the goal of tree genetic improvement program.

I would like to express my profound gratitude to the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel and Dean for awarding me the Doctoral Finishing Fellowship. This fellowship has been a tremendous source of inspiration and support for me, and it has marked an important turning point in my academic and professional career. My sincere appreciation to my advisor Dr. Carsten Külheim for his invaluable guidance, support and expertise which has been instrumental in shaping me for my future profession. I would also like to extend sincere gratitude to my committee members Dr. Victor Busov, Dr. Stephen Techtmann, Dr. David Kainer, and program coordinator Dr. Molly Cavaleri as well as lab members, friends and family, whose continuous support and help have been vital for my accomplishment during my studies at Michigan Tech. I am excited for the learning and growth that awaits me, which I know will greatly influence my future pursuits.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Nithin Allwayin

Nithin Allwayin outdoors in a shady wooded area
Nithin Allwayin – Physics

My journey at Michigan Technological University began in 2019 when I joined the Ph.D. program in the Physics department. My research focuses on the physics of clouds, where I work on understanding processes happening at the individual droplet scales. These processes play an important role in determining the observable properties of clouds and their inadequate representation contributes substantially to the uncertainties in global climate model predictions. To do this, I’ve utilized data from our novel holographic cloud imaging instrument developed at Michigan Technological University. My research spans computational, field, and laboratory studies. Our work highlights the importance of local small-scale processes and could potentially open new ways to represent clouds in global climate models.

I extend my since gratitude to the Graduate School and the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for the Doctoral Finishing Fellowship. A special acknowledgment goes to my advisor, Prof. Raymond Shaw, for his motivation, guidance, and support throughout my journey. Additionally, I am grateful to the Elizabeth and Richard Henes Center for Quantum Phenomena for their support, enabling me to share my research findings at multiple conferences. I would also like to express my gratitude to, Dr. Gowtham and the High-Performance Computing facilities at MTU, my collaborators and colleagues, and faculty and staff at the Department of Physics for their support and assistance. This fellowship will play a crucial role in helping me to complete my dissertation and publish my research findings.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Tiffany DeGroot

Tiff DeGroot standing on a tree branch overlooking a wooded area below
Tiff DeGroot – Forest Science

Tiff DeGroot is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Brzeski and Wolfe Laboratories at MTU, where she investigates mammal diversity and distribution across Equatorial Guinea in central Africa. Her research leverages noninvasive techniques such as remote trail cameras, known as “camera trapping,” and DNA metabarcoding of carrion flies to study environmental DNA (eDNA). Carrion flies consume tissue from various mammals, providing a window into local biodiversity. This can be especially effective at detecting rare or arboreal species not typically captured by camera traps.

Tiff focuses on how human activities influence wildlife, with a particular interest in developing and applying conservation measures to mitigate negative interactions between humans and wildlife. Her work helps researchers and local wildlife managers to understand mammal populations in Equatorial Guinea, informing conservation efforts that aim to preserve the region’s unique biodiversity. Her research along with other work has led to the designation of a new protected area in Equatorial Guinea.

Tiff earned a B.S. in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of New Hampshire in 2015, and has worked in the global wildlife conservation nonprofit space since 2017. When she is not coding or in the lab, she enjoys hiking with her rescue dog and creating ceramic art.

Matt Beals Receives NSF GRFP Honorable Mention

Matt Beals ’22 ’24 (B.S. M.S. Mechanical Engineering), a Michigan Tech graduate student, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention.

The oldest STEM-related fellowship program in the United States, the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is a prestigious award that recognizes exceptional graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines early in their career and supports them through graduate education. NSF-GRFP fellows are an exceptional group; 42 fellows have become Nobel Laureates and about 450 fellows are members of the National Academy of Sciences.

The fellowship provides three years of financial support, including a $37,000 stipend for each fellow and a $12,000 cost-of-education allowance for the fellow’s institution. Besides financial support for fellows, the GRFP provides opportunities for research in national laboratories and international research.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Summer 2024 Recipient – Mohanish Kishor Chandurkar

Mohanish Chandurkar standing outdoors with wooded mountain view behind
Mohanish Kishor Chandurkar – Biomedical Engineering

As I approach the culmination of my graduate studies, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for being selected as a recipient of the Graduate Finishing Fellowship. This award not only signifies a recognition of my academic achievements but also serves as a testament to the invaluable support and encouragement I have received throughout my journey.

Being inspired by the healthcare researchers and professionals and my background in engineering motivated me to pursue my career in Biomedical engineering to contribute to healthcare innovation. My PhD work focuses on the fundamentals of mechanobiology to understand cardiovascular health and disease conditions. Specifically, it focuses on the role of blood flow profiles in tuning the vascular function on cell level to better understand cardiovascular diseases.

Throughout my time in graduate school, I have been fortunate to work alongside my mentor Dr. Sangyoon Han, my committee and colleagues who played an important role in shaping my academic and professional development. The continued support from Biomedical engineering department, graduate school and HRI played a significant role in pursuit of my educational experience.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the selection committee for their confidence in my ability and for their investment in my future. Thank you for believing in me and for empowering me to pursue my dreams.