Tag: Fellowship

NSF GRFP Workshop Series Continues

Mark Hopkins, an NSF Fellow and a PhD candidate, and Kara Sokol, director of integrated marketing for University Marketing and Communication, will present “Harness Your Brilliance: A Revision Process” from noon to 12:50 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 27, in the Pat Nelson Graduate Conference Center on the fourth floor of the Administration Building.

Topics will include:

  • Why start early
  • Who needs to be involved in the revision process
  • Writing strategies and revision processes that worked

NSF GRFP Workshop Series

Jodi Lehman, coordinator of proposal and fellowship development at Sponsored Program Enhancement, will present “Pulling Together Competitive NSF GRFP Application Material” from noon to 12:50 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 20, in the Pat Nelson Graduate Conference Center on the fourth floor of the Administration Building.

Topics will include:

  • Broader Impacts and Intellectual Merit
  • The Personal Statement: A five-point elevator speech
  • Previous Research Experience: Thinking outside the traditional lab experience
  • Proposed Plan of Research: A template for success
  • Exceptional Letters of Recommendation

Tech is Recognized as a Military Friendly School

Michigan Tech has been named a “military friendly school” for 2013 by G.I. Jobs magazine.

The recognition puts Tech among 15 percent of all colleges, universities and trade schools nationwide. The schools are not ranked.

“The competition for our 2013 list was fierce, and as a result we raised the already stringent criteria to a higher benchmark,” a spokesman said. “Your school is among the elite.”

As part of the program, Tech will be listed in the “G.I. Jobs 2013 Guide to Military Friendly Schools,” and will be included online at Schools.

Michigan Tech offers an array of services for veterans.

Since 2008, Michigan Tech has offered in-state tuition to out-of-state students who are the offspring or spouse of a person on active US military duty. Tech is also a “yellow-ribbon school”–a federal designation for a program where the University commits $2,500, which the government matches, to help offset the tuition of nonresident students.

Tech also participates in the National Service Graduate Fellowship–an assistance program for graduate students. The University has a student veterans organization that helps veterans transition from military to civilian life, promotes camaraderie, and encourages community outreach, particularly with other veterans.

There is a component in Orientation that directs veterans to student services, as well as GI benefits, mental health providers and the veterans hospital in Iron Mountain. Tech alerts faculty to watch for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and, in a symbolic initiative: veterans wear red, white and blue honor cords at graduation.

Published in Tech Today

DeVlieg Recipients Announced

Patrick Bowen, PhD candidate in Materials Science and Engineering

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that two students have earned fellowships from The DeVlieg Foundation.  The DeVlieg Foundation has generously provided support for graduate students pursuing research in engineering, wildlife, and biology at Michigan Tech.

The recipients this year are:

  • Patrick Bowen, PhD candidate in Materials Science and Engineering
  • Nan Pond, PhD candidate in Forest Science

Photographs and details of awards and fellowships coordinated by the Graduate School can be found online.

Nan Pond, PhD candidate in Forest Science

International Climate Change Policy and Technology Fellowship Program

Now Accepting Applications for MS/MA or PhD Graduates and recent Alumni in Engineering, Physical Sciences, or Public Policy

Application closes midnight EDT, Sunday, June 17, 2012 – visit http://www.orise.orau.gov/ccpt/ to get started NOW!

Opportunity in Washington, D.C. to contribute to a multilateral initiative to promote industrial efficiency in major economies through the Clean Energy Ministerial (www.cleanenergyministerial.org). The Fellowship position would involve frequent interactions with international counterparts and some international travel.

Prior industrial efficiency experience and demonstrated project management skills are both required.  Preferred qualifications include international experience and prior work in energy and/or climate change policy.  Familiarity with energy management is also desirable.

Stipends range from $50,000 to $100,000 depending on academic level, skills and experience.

Additional allowances for medical insurance or transportation may be provided.


E-mail Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) at ccpt.fellowship@orise.orau.gov .

Summer 2012 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Nominations for summer 2012 Finishing Fellowships are now open. Applications must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than 4pm on March 14th.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish in summer.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous request for funding.
  4. Must be eligible for Research Only Mode.

Previous recipients of a Finishing Fellowship are not eligible.

Please see our application page for details on the application procedure. Please direct any questions you have about the application or review process to Debra Charlesworth

Chateaubriand Fellowship program

Applications are being accepted for the Chateaubriand Fellowship program offered by the Embassy of France. The program offers 10 months of support for Ph.D. students from U.S. institutions to conduct research in France. There are two programs: one is a STEM fellowship program and the other focuses on Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). Recipients receive a stipend, health insurance, and funds for roundtrip travel to France. The deadline for the HSS program is December 31, 2011; STEM Fellowship applications are due February 1, 2012. According to the announcement, “Candidates do not have to be US citizens, but French citizens are not eligible to apply. Students must be enrolled in at an American university.”

More information is available at: chateaubriand-fellowship.org.

2012 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is accepting applications for the 2012 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships which “seeks to sponsor U.S. citizen and permanent resident graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s strategic goals and missions.”  The applications must be submitted by institutions of higher education “on behalf of highly qualified individuals pursuing or planning to pursue Master’s (e.g., MS) or Doctoral (e.g., PhD) degrees in relevant space technology disciplines at their respective institutions.”  Applications are due January 11, 2012.  Awards may be up to 4 years in length and the program is contingent upon appropriation of the necessary funds.

More information is available at:


2012-2013 IAF Fellowship Deadline Announcement

2012-2013 APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 17 th , 2012

IAF Fellowships support dissertation research in Latin America and the Caribbean undertaken by students who have advanced to PhD candidacy in a university in the United States. Fellows must be US citizens or citizens of the independent Latin American countries. Proficiency in the language(s) appropriate to the research proposal is required.

Awards are based on both development and scholarly criteria. Proposals should offer a practical orientation to field-based information on the following topics:

  • Organizations promoting grassroots development among the poor;
  • the financial sustainability and independence of such organizations;
  • trends affecting historically excluded groups such as African descendants, indigenous peoples, women and others;
  • transnational development;
  • the role of corporate social responsibility in grassroots development;
  • the impact of globalization on grassroots development;
  • the impact of grassroots development activities on the quality of life of the poor.

The Fellowship includes:

  • round-trip international transportation to the research site;
  • a research allowance of up to $3,000;
  • a monthly stipend of $1,500 for up to 12 months;
  • emergency health insurance;
  • expenses related to required attendance at a mid-year conference.

For more information on this exceptional grant opportunity, including application instructions and additional information on the deadline, visit www.iie.org/iaf . For more information on the IAF, visit www.iaf.gov .

Michigan Space Grant Consortium Conference & Fellowships

The new Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) website is now open for Fellowship, Precollege Education, Public Outreach, Teacher Training, and Research Seed Grant proposals.  Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship funding opportunity proposal guidelines and applications are available on the website.  Deadline date for proposal packages is no later than Friday, November 18, 2011.  Funding announcements will be made in February 2012.

In addition, the Fifteenth Annual Fall MSGC Conference has been scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 4:30 p.m.  The Registration Deadline date for the conference is October 24, 2011.  We are calling for short lectures and/or posters (abstract required and must be submitted with your registration form).  Some travel expense assistance for out-of-town students is available (if you need lodging in Ann Arbor, you must contact Bonnie Bryant no later than October 14, 2011).

For more information about the Conference, including a registration form, please visit the MSGC website or call Bonnie Bryant at (734) 764-9508 or e-mail:  blbryant@umich.edu.