Dow Chemical Hong Kong – Michigan Scholarship Program 2010-2011

U.S. doctoral students or recent Ph.Ds from a Michigan university who are studying in the
following areas Environment, Energy, Sustainability, Education,
Transnational Relations, Science and Technology and policy issues
related to these topics.  are eligible for the Dow Chemical Hong Kong- Michigan Scholarship Program.

The award is for the 2010-2011 academic year
to engage in dissertation research while affiliated with Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology.

Only U.S. citizens and permanentresidents (Green Card holders) are eligible.

The scholarship is modeled along the lines of a Fulbright Grant in Hong
Kong as it provides approximately $17K stipend, $5K travel, and $13K
living allowance, plus health insurance.  The total value is over

For more information about the scholarship opportunity please visit:  Dow Chemical Hong Kong Program Information

If you are interested in applying, please contact Jodi Lehman (jglehman@mtu.edu)

Funding Opportunities in STEM Graduate Programs

Funding Opportunities in STEM Graduate Programs


programs offer minority students support in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

• GK-12:

The NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) Program supports fellowships and training for graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


fellowship programs offer a $30,000 stipend plus tuition and fees. Over 100 programs nationwide emphasize interdisciplinary studies in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering.


The Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success (MSPHDS) in Earth System Science initiative was developed by and for underrepresented minorities with the overall purpose of facilitating increased participation in Earth system science.

• NSF Grad Research Fellowships:

provides students with three years of funding for research-focused Master’s and PhD degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

For additional information please visit: http://www.pathwaystoscience.org/Grad.asp

Grant To Boost Michigan Science, Math Teachers

WWJ Newsradio

Addressing the shortage of math and science teachers who will equip Michigan’s vulnerable students with the skills they need to compete in the work force, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has awarded the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation with a $16.7 million grant to establish a new statewide teaching fellowship program.

The new W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Woodrow Wilson Michigan Teaching Fellowship will provide 240 future teachers with an exemplary intensive master’s program in education and place those Fellows in hard-to-staff middle and high schools. Over the five-year timeline, almost 20,000 public school students in Mich. will receive high quality instruction in the critical subject areas of science, technology, engineering and math.

WKK Foundation