Jeremy Bos Awarded Young Investigator Research Program Grant

Only 58 scientists and engineers were invited to join the Air Force’s Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) this year. Jeremy Bos (DataS) is the recipient of this prestigious award. The three-year YIP grant is for his project entitled, “Imaging Theory and Mitigation in Extreme Turbulence-Induced Anisoplanatism.”  This project will explore the nature of imaging in conditions characterized by extreme anisoplanatism.  Under these conditions each point in an image may be affected by a locally unique blurring kernel implying a violation of the linear shift invariance. Bos and his students will use a combination analysis and extensive experimental data to develop new models and new understanding of this phenomenon. Bos has also proposed using angular diversity as a means of mitigating the effects of extreme anisoplanatism on imaging and beam control problems.

Read more on Michigan Tech News.

Nilufer Onder Recognized for Exceptional Teaching Performance

Nilufer Onder (DataS) has been identified as one of only 91 instructors at Michigan Tech who received an exceptional “Average of 7 dimensions” student evaluation score during fall semester 2016.

Onder’s scores were 4.95 (Excellent Teacher) and 4.71 (Average of 7 dimensions). These are in the top 10% of similarly sized sections across all courses/sections on campus. Only 111 sections university-wide (out of more than 1050 evaluated) were rated this highly by students.

Center Director Shiyan Hu Publishes Keynote Paper in IEEE Transactions on CAD

CPS Center Director, Shiyan Hu and collaborators, published a keynote paper in IEEE Transactions on CAD, entitled, “Design Automation of Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges, Advances, and Opportunities”. Their work was featured in the Michigan Tech News story, “Streamlining the Internet of Things and Other Cyber-Physical Systems”. The article highlights how their work lays the groundwork for better design in cyber-physical systems and was featured as a headline on NSF Science360and the NSF Computer and Network Systems (CNS) website.

HCC Center Director’s Lab Featured in the ACM Magazine, Interactions

The ACM magazine, Interactions, is featuring HCC Center Director, Philart Jeon’s, Mind Music Machine (tri-M) Lab this month. The Tri-M Lab is a transdisciplinary research group based in the departments of Cognitive Science and Computer Science at Michigan Tech. The research goal of the lab is understanding the mechanisms of the human mind and designing better interactions between people and technologies. Researchers utilize various instruments, including computer vision technologies, display wall, digital audio workstation, driving simulators, neurophysiological equipment, and robots. To learn more visit ACM’s Interactions.