Success and study habits

Success in a class is largely due to the effort put in. Interest and motivation are close seconds. Even if you are not liking a class, pretend you are very interested and wish to learn as much as you can by listening attentively in class and being curious.
Here is one students’ answer to the question of how to study in the best possible way. Why not give them a try.

Re-presented here, as found in above link, answered by Rob McQueen:”


  • Teach it first: To understand new systems / concepts, stand up in front of a chalkboard and act as if you’re teaching it to a class. When you get to a point you don’t know how to explain, talk it out. Literally, stand up and talk to yourself; it works.
  • Diagram / Symbol: Once you understand something, create a visual diagram / symbol. Draw it on a piece of paper. Close your eyes and think about it in your head. Once you have the diagram / symbol, it will be very easy to remember how it works later on.”

It always helps to ‘write it down’ multiple times. Practice doing problems, until you think you’ve got it, then test yourself. Re-work the problem until you can do it successfully on your own. (as if in exam)


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