Day: January 14, 2022

Requirements to change major to ECE major (CpE, EE, or RE)

If you are already an EE, RE or CpE student, changing/adding a major within the ECE Department is easy. Simply submit your request through the curriculum change portal in MyMichiganTech.

If you are interested in changing your major to Electrical Engineering (EE), Robotics Engineering (RE) or Computer Engineering (CpE) from another major, you should be aware of the requirements.

To transfer into the EE or RE major:

  • Must have MA2160 (Calculus II) complete
  • ENGPA 2.75 or higher  (see below for class list)
    • Or a GPA in CS/EE/MA course of 2.75+ (based on 25 credits of those subjects)
  • Cumulative GPA 2.5 or higher
  • Cannot be on probation status currently
  • Two most recent full semesters must be good academic standing (off probation)

To transfer into the CpE major:

  • Must have MA2160 (Calculus II) complete
  • ENGPA 2.75 or higher (see below for class list)
    • Or a GPA in CS/EE/MA course of 2.75+ (based on 25 credits of those subjects)
  • Cumulative GPA 2.5 or higher
  • Cannot be on probation status currently
  • Two most recent full semesters must be Good Academic Standing  (off probation)

What to shoot for early on: Achieve an A or B in programming (CS1121, CS1122 or CS1131), Math (MA1160, MA2160, MA2321, MA3521) and Physics (PH2100 and PH2200) courses to be successful in subsequent ECE classes and career.

Update: Oct 2021 – First-year students enrolled in a College of Engineer major, who are not on academic probation in the first semester and first year, will be approved to change to an ECE major. All other situations: Meet above requirements.

ENGPA is calculated with the most recent grades in these courses: ENG1101, ENG1102, MA1160 or MA1161, MA2160, PH1100, PH2100, CH1150, CH1151 and UN1015.