Category: New Transfer Students

Engineering Fundamentals courses: ENG1101, ENG1102

The First-year engineering courses are offered by the Engineering Fundamentals Department, and are required for most engineering majors.

As a prerequisite, the Spatial Visualization test must be passed prior to enrolling in  ENG 1101 or ENG 1102.  Take ENG1002 along with your first ENG course if you do not achieve a score of at least 19 on the Spat Vis test.  Transfer students with credit for ENG1101 must pass the Spatial Visualization test before enrolling in ENG1102. (or take ENG1002 prior to taking ENG1102)

Email or go to the Engineering Fundamentals Department to take the spatial visualization test:  Dillman 112,   906-487-3057

ENG Courses

Objectives of Engineering Fundamentals courses:

  • To develop an appreciation for the engineering profession
  • To develop proficiency in the use of computers to solve engineering problems
  • To introduce fundamental engineering and design concepts
  • To improved technical communication skills
  • To understand ethics and it’s importance in the engineering profession

Summer course option for Fall 2020 incoming class

Are you considering a head start on your ECE Degree? This is not required, however, you may take a summer course at a discounted price! The details are listed on our Admissions Website.

Summer 2020 recommended courses for Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors who are admitted for Fall 2020:

Do not take a course for which you may be earning AP or transfer credit. Students should not take more than one course from each General Education list (consider any AP or transfer credits you may earn).

One of the following is appropriate for all engineering degrees:
UN1025 – Global Issues, 3 credits
FA2520 or HU2324 or HU2503 or HU2538 or HU2700 (one of these will satisfy the Critical & Creative Thinking core list)
PSY2000 or EC2001 or SS2700 (one of these will satisfy the Social Responsibility/Ethical Reasoning core list)
MA1161 – Calculus I, (if Calc I is the correct starting math course for you)

Computer Engineers may include this as their choice:
CS1121 – Introduction to programming I

Electrical Engineers may include one of these as their choice:
CH1150 and CH1151 – University Chemistry I and Lab
MSE2100 – Introduction to Material Science and Engineering (will apply toward the SELECT approved elective area)

Electrical Engineers who are interested in pursuing a Computer Science minor or Computer Engineering double-major may take CS1121. If undecided, it is OK to postpone this class until later.

CH1150 and CH1151 will apply toward the Computer Engineering degree in the 2nd Discipline math and science electives area. Later, there are will be two other choices, in case you do not want to take Chemistry.

One of the other lower level Humanities, Arts and Social Science courses may be a choice for you, as 6 credits of lower level HASS are allowed. Ensure you don’t have the lower-level HASS already covered from incoming AP or Transfer credits.

If you have questions, please contact the academic advisor for your major:
Computer Engineers: Liz Fujita,
Electrical Engineers: Judy Burl,