Category: Video

ECE graduate degree – grad school

Consider pursuing a graduate degree after completion of your bachelor’s. Students have taken advantage of one or both of these opportunities:

1) The ECE Department offers an Accelerated Master’s program. (cumulative GPA of 3.25+ required) With this program, students can double-count up to six credits of coursework towards an accelerated master’s degree in EE or CpE.  A master’s degree requires 30 credits, so students in the Accelerated Master’s Program take 24 credits after completion of their bachelor’s degree. What a deal!

Students who do not meet the 3.25 minimum GPA requirements for the Accelerated Master’s program, may apply for graduate school, and will take 30 credits after completion of the bachelor of science degree to earn a master of science in EE or CpE.

2) Students may take graduate courses while they are still an undergraduate student, under the Senior Rule, if they have room in the last semester(s). This is DIFFERENT than the accelerated master’s program six credits.  With the senior rule, specific courses are designated for a graduate transcript only, and may not be used toward your bachelor’s degree. See this link to get the Senior Rule Form. The credits are available for possible use toward a graduate degree and may be transferred elsewhere. It is up to the program you pursue to approve the courses for a graduate degree. Pay undergraduate tuition.

4000 and 5000 level courses may be used with either option. A maximum of 9 credits of 4000 level coursework may be used toward a master’s. All EE courses must have a grade of BC or better to be used toward a master’s degree in the ECE Department. All credits must be approved by your graduate program advisor.

Why grad school?  see:

Spring 2015 ECE grad school information session with Dr. Lukowski and Dr. Mork. 49 minutes.

If you are uncertain about your options, please meet with your advisor and see what might work for you! It’s worth considering!


Computer Engineering, MS, PhD

Electrical Enginering, MS, PhD

ECE Accelerated Master’s program

Online Master’s in Power Systems

ECE advising videos

Degree Audit report:

Transfer courses:

Study abroad introduction:

Spring Advising meetings – advice for planning your next year and prepare for registration of fall classes.