Tag: EE4901

Senior Design or Enterprise?

Part of being a nationally accredited degree program, includes the application of your major skills and knowledge in engineering design.
BS-RE, BS-EE and BS-CpE Engineering Design requirements may be fulfilled by one of the following options:

1) Senior Design – the Year-long engineering design-focused project team. Real-life engineering problem, typically sponsored by a company that loves to recruit Tech engineers!

EE4901 + EE4910  or   MEEM4901 + MEEM4911 or BE4901 and BE4910.

2) Enterprise:  Students may use four semesters of enterprise project work, beginning with junior year or at that point when you have 4 semesters left until graduation:  ENT3950, ENT3960, ENT4950 and ENT4960.
(ENT1950, ENT1960, ENT2950, ENT2960, and ENT3980 may not be applied to engineering design requirements) Add business and leadership skills to your resume, along with practicing your major skills in engineering design.

3) EPSEuropean Project Semester:  be a part of a team overseas and fulfill your design requirements in one semester, working on a project with students from other countries.  Look for details on the Study abroad website and attend Study Abroad 101. Your project must be approved by the ECE Department beforehand, to satisfy  EE3901(4900), EE4901, EE4910. Provide detailed project description to your academic advisor. Some HASS credits may be possible.  Senior Class standing at time of project, and EE3131 and EE3171 for EE’s,  or EE3173 for CpE’s must be complete prior to EPS.

4) Other – occasionally another team project experience may apply.  If you find another opportunity where you can apply your major design skills on a team project (such as with another engineering department), you may bring your project course syllabus to the Undergraduate Program Committee for review and possible approval. (see your academic advisor first)

Engineering Design Prerequisites must be complete, so that you are “Senior Design Ready”.

Engineering Design outcomes:

  • Ability to design a system, component or process- CpE’s: including an integrated hardware/software system to meet desired needs;  EE: using EE skills and modern EE tools; RE using RE skills and modern RE tools.
  • Function on multi-disciplinary team(s) as demonstrated by the execution of a team project that is too large, complex, or diverse for a single person
  • Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems, including the ability to evaluate hardware/software trade-offs (CpE’s).
  • Understand professional and ethical responsibility
  • communicate effectively in IEEE-compatible written and oral presentation styles
  • use relevant techniques, skills and modern EE, RE, and/or  computer-engineering tools, including methods and tools for modeling and simulation of digital system performance and dependability
  • ability to function in a major design experience incorporating most of economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethical, health and safety, social and political considerations