Author: Amy Evans

KIP Students Tie for Third Place in Poster Competition at 2023 Upper Peninsula Medical Conference

From left to right: Lexi Little, Lily Hart, Gracie VanLangevelde, Dr. Carolyn Duncan at UP Medical Conference held at MTU on October 28, 2023.

The research group that works in Dr. Carolyn Duncan’s Biomechanics Lab tied for 3rd place in the student poster competition. “My personal highlight of the conference was seeing the students interact with the healthcare professionals. The networking experience was awesome, and they seemed so excited that the work they were doing was of interest to people in the profession,” remarked Dr. Duncan. Learn more about the students’ research and work in the abstract below.

Utilizing Surface Electromyography and Kinematic Analyses to Quantify Deep Tendon Reflexes

Alexandra Little (BioSci), Gracie VanLangevelde (KIP), Lily Hart (KIP), Cameron Williams (CMU), Todd Hall (KIP), Carolyn Duncan (KIP)

Michigan Technological University, Central Michigan University

Deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) are a fundamental part of neurological examinations. Clinical observations and past studies have suggested that abnormal DTRs are a sign of corticospinal tract abnormalities or dysfunction with other descending pathways that influence the reflex arc. However, there are challenges regarding the interpretation and understanding of reflex excitability in clinical settings. There have been some attempts at using alternative methods, such as electromyography, to mechanically quantify DTRs for interpretation. However, this research has been limited to smaller focused studies and has not been used to examine and characterize DTRs across larger populations.

The overarching goal of the research is to characterize and quantify DTR responses using surface EMG and kinematic analyses. To accomplish this, our research team is currently performing 2 studies that aim to 1) Quantifying and determining the repeatability of DTR in healthy varsity athletes 2) Evaluating the relationship between neuromuscular output and DTR rating and 3) Examining the influence of concussions and contact sports on DTR response. In all studies surface EMG electrodes and inertial measurement units (IMU) are utilized to help quantify responses during standard quadriceps, achilles, biceps and triceps DTR testing. While this research is currently ongoing, initial findings suggest that surface electromyography and kinematic analyses can provide more precise information about DTR responses. Moving forward, these initial findings provide the foundational basis for future research examining DTR responses. This research also demonstrates the potential for utilizing EMG and kinematic analyses in clinical settings to gain more information about DTR responses.

KIP Presents Research at Midwest American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference

Kyle Wehmanen and Dr. Steven Elmer from the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the Midwest American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Conference held on October 12-14, 2023. The conference brought together over 400 students, faculty, and professionals focused on kinesiology and sports medicine from across the Midwest states, including Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

This year was the 50th Midwest ACSM Annual Conference, which included a keynote presentation on “The Learning Connection: how physical activity, nutrition, free play and nurturing grow a healthy kid” by Anastasia Fischer, MD from Nationwide Children’s Hospital and The Ohio State University College. There were also 18 faculty and professional-led symposia, over 100 student oral and poster presentations, professional development sessions, and networking opportunities. To celebrate the Midwest chapter’s 50th anniversary, there was a historical presentation that highlighted how the chapter was started and how it has grown over the years to become what it is today.

Kyle Wehmanen, “Metabolic Cost Of Human Locomotion On Soft Terrain”
Dr. Steve Elmer (pictured on right), “Single-leg Cycling for Improving Performance, Restoring Function, and Facilitating Research”

Kyle Wehmanen, a second-year PhD student, presented a poster highlighting his research conducted in the Exercise Physiology Laboratory titled “Metabolic Cost of Human Locomotion on Soft Terrain.”

“Attending and presenting the MWACSM conference is a highlight for me every year. It always provides an inviting environment to share your research while gaining valuable feedback. It also provides a great opportunity to meet new like-minded individuals and have personal conversations with esteemed researchers in your areas of interest,” said Wehmanen.

Dr. Elmer presented as part of symposium that focused on “Single-Leg Cycling for Improving Performance, Restoring Function, and Facilitating Research” on day one of the conference and on “Science Communication and Advocacy: Current Topics and Integration with Your Career” on day two. The questions and feedback that Wehmanen and Elmer received will strengthen their projects and move their work forward. Overall, it was an excellent conference and professional development opportunity. A special thank you to the Michigan Space Grant Consortium and American Physiological Society for supporting the research and scholarly work that was presented by Wehmanen and Elmer. Also, thank you to members of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory and the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology for their continued support.

KIP Faculty Featured at MTU-MSU Symposium on Michigan Tech’s Campus

On Friday, October 27, 2023, Dr. Steve Elmer, Dr. William Cooke, and Dr. Jenny Shan from the KIP department presented at the Engineering The Future of Human Health II: Collaborative Research Symposium held on the MTU campus in the Memorial Union Building. This is the second symposium being held in conjunction with Michigan State University. The inaugural symposium was held at MSU in March of 2022. Michigan Tech hosted this symposium with Dr. Cooke as a co-sponsor. “This is an important collaborative opportunity,” he commented.

Dr. Elmer and Dr. Cooke presented in the “Kinesiology and Physiology” session, and Dr. Shan presented in the “Metabolic Disease” session. Dr. Cooke also served as a moderator for the “Neural Control and Disease” session.

The symposium made the local TV6 news. More information and highlights about the event can be found on the station’s website.

Dr. Steve Elmer’s presentation, “Beyond the Weight Room: The Importance of Exercise in Health and Disease”
Dr. William Cooke’s presentation, “Inspiratory Resistance and Hemorrhage Control”
Dr. Jenny Shan’s presentation, “Exploring the Involvement of Extracellular Vesicles in Regulating Blood Pressure”

October is Exercise is Medicine® On Campus Month!

October is Exercise is Medicine® On Campus Month. As a Silver Level ACSM Exercise is a Medicine® recognized campus we want to engage our students, staff, and faculty this month. Below are 4 ways to participate, promote, and advocate for the importance of physical activity on our campus during October.

1. Sit less – take a short break from sitting which can be a lunchtime standing break activity from your desk, office, library, etc. This short 20 min low-intensity movement break will help everyone take a break from prolonged sitting.

2. Move a little more – get in your physical activity for the day Join us for a virtual physical activity workout on our UP & Moving website. These 30-45 min moderate intensity workouts offer a great way to work towards achieving the recommended amount of weekly physical activity of 150 minutes/week.

3. Encourage others to stay active; new research highlights the protective role physical activity has against COVID-19.

Here is a short blog post written by former graduate student Isaac Lennox highlighting the benefits of staying physical active to help reduce risk for COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, severe illness, and death.

4. Advocate for physical activity.

Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology Proclamation

WHEREAS, October 2023 is Exercise is Medicine® On Campus Month; and WHEREAS, all Students, Staff, and Faculty are encouraged to speak with their health care provider about how physical activity and exercise may improve their personal health or help treat or prevent numerous chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, cardiac disease and diabetes; and

WHEREAS, all health care providers are encouraged to talk to their patients about the health benefits of regular physical activity and to strongly recommend that their patients engage in appropriate exercise; and

WHEREAS, regular, moderate-intensity exercise has curative and protective health benefits; and WHEREAS, the health benefits of physical activity and exercise have the power to improve the quality of life for everyone; and

WHEREAS, a healthier populace means cost savings, greater participation in the workforce and other benefits to society at large; and

WHEREAS, regular physical activity and exercise is indeed a powerful prescription, with great potential to improve the health of all people everywhere; and

WHEREAS, the American College of Sports Medicine and Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology at Michigan Tech University call on health care organizations, health care professionals, regardless of specialty, to assess, to advocate for, and to review every patient’s physical activity program during every comprehensive visit;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, William Cooke, PhD, Professor and Chair in the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, hereby proclaim October 2023 as EXERCISE IS MEDICINE® ON CAMPUS MONTH

The Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology encourages all STUDENTS/STAFF/FACULTY to participate in activities and observances relating to Exercise is Medicine® On Campus Month in the interests of better health and quality of life for all.

William Cooke, PhD, Chair of the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology DATED THIS 5th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023

©2023 Exercise is Medicine®. All rights reserved.

KIP Students Present at 2023 American Physiology Summit

Students and faculty from the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology (KIP) recently attended the 2023 American Physiology Summit in Long Beach, CA on April 20–23, 2023. PhD students Greg Miodonski, Sherry Chen, Kyle Wehmanen, and Isaac Wedig presented posters to their colleagues at the annual event.

Greg, a member of Dr. Qinghui Chen’s lab, did a poster presentation of his research project entitled “Exercise Augments Small Conductance Ca2+ -Activated Potassium Channel (SK) Function in the PVN of Sprague Dawley Rats to Reduce Sympathetic Outflow.” His poster was selected as “top 10% scoring abstracts” sponsored by APS Central Nervous Session (CNS). Read more about his research in his abstract below.

Congratulations to these students for a wonderful showing at the summit!

Greg Miodonski, Qinghui Chen, and Mingjun Gu at APS
Top row from left to right: Qinghui Chen (KIP faculty), Gregory Miodonski (KIP student); Ian Greenlund (KIP alum); Jeremy Bigalke (KIP alum), Robert Larson (BioSci faculty); John Durocher (former KIP faculty)
Bottom row from left to right: Mingjun Gu (KIP researcher), Sherry Chen (KIP student), Jennifer Nicevski (KIP alum), Jenny Shan (KIP faculty)

Greg’s Abstract:

“Exercise Augments Small Conductance Ca2+ -Activated Potassium Channel (SK) Function in the PVN of Sprague Dawley Rats to Reduce Sympathetic Outflow”

Gregory Miodonski, Jessica Bruning, Derrick Simet, Haley Ruiter, Christian Johnson, Mingjun Gu, Zhiying Shan, Qing-Hui Chen

Elevated sympathetic outflow is a key feature of cardiovascular disease (CVD) that worsens disease progression. Our lab has shown that SK channels expressed in the PVN play a crucial role in regulating neuronal activity and sympathetic outflow, and that SK channels become dysfunctional in rats fed a high salt diet. Exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment for reducing sympathoexcitation in CVD including hypertension and heart failure, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We hypothesized that aerobic exercise would upregulate SK channel function in the PVN to reduce sympathetic nerve activity (SNA). To test this, 5–6 week old Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into sedentary (SED) and exercise (EXT) two groups and fed a 0.4% NaCl normal salt diet. Following acclimation, EXT groups ran on a motorized treadmill 5 days/week for 8-10 weeks. Conscious blood pressure was measured weekly via tail plethysmography. After 8-10 weeks, animals were anesthetized and underwent in vivo surgery to record the renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) following PVN microinjection of the SK blocker, apamin (0.25mM, 60nL/side). The data showed that the RSNA response to PVN apamin was significantly enhanced in EXT rats compared with SED rats (320.8 ± 174.6 % baseline, n=9 vs 184.8 ± 143.1 % baseline, n=9; p = 0.02).  The corresponding ABP response to apamin was not significantly different in EXT rats compared with SED rats (20.40 ± 9.98 mmHg, n=9 vs 25.27 ± 9.97 mmHg, n=8; p = 0.1658). Our data indicates exercise enhances PVN SK channel function to reduce sympathetic outflow. This improvement of SK channel function may be one mechanism by which exercise reduces SNA in CVD including hypertension and heart failure. Support: 1R15HL145655 (Chen); 1R15 HL150703 (Shan); MTU Health Research Institute (HRI).

Greg Miodonski, PhD student
Kyle Wehmanen, PhD student, presented his project entitled “Teaching K-12 Students Using Jenga: The Impact of Health Behaviors on Community Health, Wellbeing, and Resilience.”
Not pictured, PhD student Isaac Wedig presented his research project entitled “”Predictors of Arterial Occlusion Pressure in the Lower-Body Across Commonly Used Cuff Widths.”
PhD student Sherry Chen’s research project is entitled “Brain-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles from Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats with High Salt Diet Induce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress.”
Sherry Chen with Dr. Jenny Shan

Congratulations KIP Class of 2023 Spring Graduates!

Undergraduate Students

Devin Schmitz, BS, Sports & Fitness Management

Cody Tarnowski, BS, Sports & Fitness Management

Kaitlyn Brady, BS, Exercise Science

Blake Hewitt, BS, Exercise Science

Brendan Kaski, BS, Exercise Science

Jessica Lacy, BS, Exercise Science

Karina Madigan, BS, Exercise Science

Maxwell Marion, BS, Exercise Science

Armando Motz, BS, Exercise Science

Gracie VanLangevelde, BS, Exercise Science

Mariah Willmer, BS, Exercise Science

Graduate Students

Isaac Wedig, PhD, Integrative Physiology

Isaac Lennox, MS, Kinesiology

KIP 2023 Spring Undergraduate Students
KIP 2023 Graduate Students

KIP Master’s Student Wins 2023 American Kinesiology Association National Master’s Scholar Award

Isaac Lennox has been named the winner of the 2023 AKA National Master’s Scholar Award. Isaac was selected from all the local AKA Master’s Scholars nationwide as the master’s student with the most distinguished academic and leadership record. The AKA has recognized the top master’s kinesiology student in the nation with this award since 2014. National award winners will be recognized in an upcoming issue of Kinesiology Today.

Winners receive a cash prize, an AKA memorabilia medal, as well as a national certificate of recognition. The annual scholar awards honor a select number of students from member departments, recommended by department faculty, whose academic and leadership records are distinctive. The awards are intended to recognize and promote academic excellence, to further the professional competence and dedication of academically accomplished students, and to promote kinesiology and its related fields. National award winners will also be noted on the AKA website, Kinesiology Today, and AKA Social media channels.

More information about AKA and its mission can be found on its website. Congratulations to Isaac on this well-deserved recognition!

Isaac Lennox, MS student


  • BS, Kinesiology, Lake Superior State University, 2021

Research Interests

  • Exercise as medicine in rural populations 
  • Physical activity as a vital sign 
  • Blood flow restriction training