Day: March 17, 2015

Natural Hazards and Human Impacts Summer 2015 Course

Natural Hazards
Natural Hazards and Human Impacts

Natural Hazards and Human Impacts
August 3 – 14, 2015
SS 5150
3 credits

Register Online at Michigan Tech

This course emphasizes the impact of Earth system processes on societies, and human impacts on local, regional, and global Earth processes. The course will emphasize the integration of field-based activities as a means to insure deep student learning.

Learn more at Teacher Professional Development – Current Institutes.

For more information, contact Certification Officer Judy A Hilss.

Environmental Justice Day March 19, 2015

EnvironmentalJusticeDay2015Environmental Justice Day Speakers and Reception
Please come join Wilma Subra and Jessica Koski (third speaker TBA) for Michigan Tech’s first ever Environmental Justice Day!

The main event will be held March 19th, 4:30-6:45 pm in the MUB Ballroom B. There will also be a reception in the GLRC on March 18th at 5:30 pm, and Wilma will also be available earlier in the day for other meet and greets.

At the panel, we will be discussing what environmental justice is, how that impacts career decisions, and ethics in science.

This event is supported by the Parent’s Fund of the Michigan Tech Fund, Students for Environmental Sustainability, the Center for Science & Environmental Outreach and the Biology Department.

For more information contact Nicolette Slagle at

Read more at Student Organizations News Briefs.

Two Articles in Press for Jeon

Applied ErgonomicsAssistant Prof. Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS/CS) has two new journal articles in press, “The effects of social interactions with in-vehicle agents on a driver’s angry level, driving performance, situation awareness, and perceived workload” in Applied Ergonomics and “Auditory user interface design: Practical evaluation methods and design process case studies” in The International Journal of Design in Society.

From Tech Today.
