Student News Briefs – Friday, April 18, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Serves Mediteranean Cuisine

Khana Khazana, a weekly international lunch cooked and served by international students, will feature Mediterranean cuisine this Friday, April 18.

The menus are Kidney Beans Salad, a traditional Mediterranean Kidney Bean salad recipe with a light dressing made with olive oil and lemon; Mediterranean Meatballs with Couscous, beef and lentil meatballs serving with olive oil-basil flavored couscous; Tiramisu, meaning “pick me up” or “lift me up”, a popular coffee-flavored Italian dessert. Vegetarian alternatives will be available.

Khana Khazana is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Memorial Union Food Court. A full meal is $6.95, and individual dishes are $2.50 each. The public is welcome.

2. Spring Fling Held at the SDC

Ahoy matey, Spring Fling 2014 – Pirates Edition is set to sail into campus Friday, April 18 from noon-4:00 PM at the SDC. 53 Student Organizations will be set up in the hockey arena and Oozeball will take place in the wood gym.  In addition, MUB Board will be doling out provisions of root beer floats and fresh cut french fries. Look out for the caricature artist, inflatables, and a t-shirt tie-dyeing station fer all ye pirate’s entertainment!  Hope to see all of you there!

3. Campus Bookstore, University Images Spring Fling Sale

Due to the weather, Spring Fling specials will be located inside both the Campus Bookstore and University Images from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
For more information please contact the bookstore at 906-487-3270.

4. Global City Presents A Village in Bangladesh

For our last “Global City Presents” of the semester, A Village in Bangladesh by S. M. Mizanur Rahman on April 22 at 5:00 pm, EERC 103.

Mizanur will present the development disaster caused by shrimp farming in his village, and how small producers are left out of the economic development of this product. He will also talk about his work in the community and “The Motorcycle Project”, an idea he developed with the goal to provide capital support and planning skills to the local people, which he plans on implementing this summer.

Mizanur grew up in the village of Nurnagar, in the Satkhira district, Bangladesh, before moving to the capital city of Dhaka where he did his undergraduate and master studies. He is now doing his PhD in Environmental and Energy Policy at MTU.
Please take the opportunity to come talk to us, with comments and suggestions for events for next year. And if you want to be part of the board, we welcome you!

5. Speaker on Sexual Assault and Dating Violence

Michigan Tech is currently in the process of developing a campus/community network to address positive masculinity. Guest speaker, Rus Funk, will discuss the topic of “Developing the Capacity for a Positive Masculinity Program”.  Rus Funk is a long time activist for gender, racial, and sexual justice.  He has been working specifically to combat sexual and domestic violence, racist violence, and homophobia for over 25 years.   He will be giving a presentation on Sexual Assault Prevention on Wednesday, April 23 at 7:00 PM in Fisher 135. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Immediately following the presentation ​a Take Back The Night candle light vigil will be held​ and will weave through campus.​This event is brought to you by The office of Academic and Community Conduct, Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home, and Outdoor Adventure and Wellness Programs.For more information please contact Wellness at 906-487-2560.

6. Finals Week has Gone to the Dogs

The puppies are back by popular demand.   Unwind and de-stress over at the OAP house and play with the dogs.  On Thursday, April 24 from 5:00-6:30 pm there will be Golden Retrievers from Sigma Tau Gamma and on Tuesday, April 29 from 5:00-6:30 pm, two Dachshunds.

For more information please contact Wellness at 906-487-2560.

7. Spring Fever Social Event

Are you interested in learning some tennis moves? Join GSG for the Spring Fever social event held at the SDC on April 19 from 12-3 PM!

We have FREE tennis lessons 12-3 PM, but sign up is required. Sign up sheet is found at the Graduate School Front Desk, Admin. Building, 4th floor.

Not really interested in tennis? We also have other fun games (basketball, volleyball, etc…) held at the SDC – Wood Gym.

This event is free for Graduate students and their families.

8. Outdoor Cooking Competition with OAP

The OAP is holding an Outdoor Cooking Competition on April 22. Cooking can begin at 1:00 and the dishes must be completed between 3:00-5:00 PM for judging.  The cost is $5.00 to compete and you can enter as many dishes as you’d like.  All participants will receive a recipe book of the dishes that were entered into the competition.

See poster for more details or call Outdoor Adventure Program at 906-487-2290.,hr>

9. Attention May 2014 Graduates

The Michigan Tech Annual Fund invites you to like their Facebook page  and receive a chance to win a prize package commemorating your  transition from student to alumnus!
The package includes a Michigan Tech diploma frame, coffee mug, picture frame, portfolio and more!
Just go to for a  chance to win.
We will draw and announce the winner on April 28, 2014.


Student News Briefs – Friday, April 11, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Will Serve Breakfast April 15

Khana Khazana, a collaboration of international students and Dining Services, will feature breakfast on Tuesday, April 15.
The cooks, Amir Zandnia and Aref Majdara, will cook Haleem, a popular Iranian breakfast stew made from wheat and beef meat. It is slowly simmered for several hours until smooth and silky; Veggie Omelet, an
Iranian style omelet made from eggs, onions and tomatoes; Bread and Cheese, a light sandwich with crème cheese, parsley, radishes and walnuts; Chai, a spiced milk tea from India, The most common are cardamom and ginger. Indian chai produces a warming, soothing effect, acts as a natural digestive aid and gives one a wonderful sense of well-being.
Khana Khazana is served from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Memorial Union Food Court. A full meal is $5.95, and individual dishes are $2 each.

2. Latin Salsa Party

NOSOTROS with the support of the Graduate Student Governmnet (GSG) is running a fun Latin social. The last Salsa party in Spring semester 2014 is on April 11, at MUB Ballroom A, 8-9 Free Salsa lessons, 9-11 open dance floor. Join the GSG Latin social event, learn how to dance to Latin music, and find new friends! The event is FREE, for all levels, family friendly, and no partner is needed! Just show up!
For more information please contact Sara Alian,, or Wesley MaGowan,

3. Indian Student Association Hosts Holi Night

You are invited to the Indian Student Associations biggest event in spring, The Holy Night on Saturday, April 12 in the MUB Commons at 6:00 PM.  Tickets are $6.00 for the General Public and $3.00 for ISA members.

Please contact Muraleekrishnan Menon for more information.

4. Results from the 4th Annual Global City Photo Competition

Our judges – Adam Johnson, Mike Shupe and Steve Brimm – met in person to review the images together. Winning images were selected based on: a) technical merit, b) composition, c) how well it fit the category and d) the story the photo tells. The winners are:

First – Ben Ciavola
Second – Elyssa Furmanski
Third – Geoffrey Lerner
First – Geoffrey Lerner
Second – Edward Louie
Third – Spencer Lacey
First – Ben Ciavola
Second – Riccardo Tortini
Third – Josep Cabre
First – Devin Miller
Second – Elyssa Furmanski
Third – Federica Lanza
People’s Choice:
Breanna Kay with submission to “Landscape”

Thank you all for participating and making this edition another success, with plenty of inspiring photographs.
Check the winning pictures at Global City’s Facebook page.  And please join us this Wednesday, April 9, 7:00 pm, at the KBC, for the photo exhibition and to talk with the photographers. There will be pizza!

5.  Film Board Showing, Lone Survivor

This week Film Board is showing Lone Survivor in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Next weekend we’re showing That Awkward Moment.

If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Bill Price, at

6. Wellness Hosts Lunch and Learn for Students

Join Anna, Peer Health Advocate, for some easy, inexpensive, healthy, and portable recipes at the lunch and learn scheduled for Tuesday, April 15 from noon-1:30 in the MUB Alumni Lounge. Open to all students!

For more information contat Whitney at

7. Spring Fling

Spring Fling is always the Friday of Week 13 of  the Spring Semester and this year it is held on April 18 from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Students end the academic year and welcome warmer weather by engaging in activities. Various student organizations participate in this event providing food and entertainment for a campus community eager to relax and have fun before the serious business of final exams begins.

Check out the website for more details!

8. Ballet Barre Workouts

The glove (and hats and coats) are coming off… or they will be soon! Are you ready for your summer wardrobe? Get your body ready for the big melt with Ballet Barre workouts! COMMIT TO BE FIT with Michigan Tech Recreation.

Designed to shape & transform the body, each Ballet Barre workout combines elements of ballet, Pilates, and yoga to create a total body experience. Expect to shake, stretch, and sweat with Ballet Barre.

Did you know? A special low-rate $30 Student Punch Card gets you started with your first 8 classes OR try us out for a single session for only $6.

For awesome deals, event announcements and more, connect with Michigan Tech Recreation on Facebook. Join us anytime and COMMIT TO BE FIT.

9. Rozsa Center Presents Ecology and Art Lecture Series by John Luther Adams

Called “one of the most original musical thinkers of the new century” (Alex Ross, The New Yorker), John Luther Adams is a composer and environmentalist whose life and work are deeply rooted in the natural world.  Adams, who currently resides in Alaska, will bring his talent and vision to Michigan Tech as a part of the “Ecology and Art Lecture Series” at the Rozsa on Tuesday, April 15, 2014. Two events are planned as a part of this series: Adams will participate in a panel discussion with Michigan Tech environmental science, ecology, poetry, and music professors, and regional environmental science professionals, in the Rozsa Lobby from 10 AM – 11 AM.  This event is free, and the public is invited. He will then present a full lecture on his work and its relationship with the natural sciences at 7:30 PMin the Rozsa Center performance hall. The lecture is also free, and open to the public. For more details, please see the attached press release, or visit


Student News Briefs- Friday, April 4, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Serves Up Napalese Cuisine

Khana Khazana at Michigan Tech is going to present Nepalese cuisine on Friday, April 4. The cooks, Aadarsh Upreti, a master student from Mechanical Engineering student, will present Nepalese food including Spicy Chicken, chicken cooked in typical Nepalese style with spices; Achar salad which is made from potatoes, onions, cucumber, chillies and garnished with cilantro; and Semolina Pudding, a desert made from semolina flour and milk. Khana Khazana also prepare a special dish for vegetarian, Beans Gravy, kidney beans cooked with potatoes, tomatoes, onions, sauce, ginger and garlic paste.

Khana Khazana is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Memorial Union Food Court. A full meal is $6.95, and individual dishes are available for $2.50 each.

Please join us to support our international cooks and enjoy a great meal!

2. Thai New Year Celebration

The Thai Student Association at Michigan Tech would like to invite you to the first Thai Night at Michigan Tech on Saturday, April 5 from 6:00-8:00 PM in the MUB Commons!  Thai authentic foods will be served including, Chicken Massaman (Peanut Curry), Chicken Satay, Crispy Fish with Spicy Sweet & Sour Gravy, Steamed Vegetable with Soy Sauce & Sesame Gravy, Thai Jasmine Rice, Thai hot tea.
Vegetarian options available.

Special performances include, Thai Music, Thai Dance, and Thai Martial art (Thai Boxing).

Tickets are $10 for Students, and $12 for the Public.

Join us on Facebook.
If you are interested in buying a ticket, please contact Sirikorn at

3. Night at the Ballet and Opera

The Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra and Tech Theatre present Night at the Ballet and Opera on Friday-Saturday, April 11-12, 7:30 PM at the Rozsa Center. Tickets are $19 for adults and $6 for youth. Michigan Tech students are free with the Experience Tech Fee.

Tickets are available by calling the central ticket office at 906-487-2073 or online at

4. The 2015 Winter Carnival Seeking Logo Designs

If you would like to submit a logo design for the 2015 Winter Carnival themed, While Frozen in the Ice and Snow, We Dream of Vacations on Which to Go, please complete the FORM and email it to

Designs can be drawn b hand or using computer software. The designer of the selected logo will receive a $50 gift certificate tot eh Michigan Tech Bookstore. Logo entries are due by April 11 at 11:59 PM.

5. Wellness Programs in April

April is Financial & Occupation month at Wellness.  Check out the Personal Budgeting Workshop on April 7, a LeaderShape Reunion on April 10, Quick and Healthy Meals on April 15, and Finals Week Has Gone to the Dogs on April 24 and 29.

For more information see the poster or call Wellness at 487-2560.

6. Annual Gear Swap

The Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) Gear Swap and Silent Auction will be on April 10 from 11:00 – 2:30 PM in the MUB Ballroom A. If you have gear you would like to sell please drop off at the OAP (207 East Street, across the highway from the Library) between April 3-8 during business hours, noon-5. The OAP will take 10% on all personal gear sales.  Proceeds will go towards new gear to be rented out at the rental center.

For more information please contact the OAP at 487-2290.

7. Food Service Training for Parade of Nations Food Booths

Exciting news, the planning has already begun for the 25th Annual Parade of Nations (PON) scheduled for September 13, 2014! We have some great things in store for the celebration, including an international alumni reunion. As always, one of the highlights each year are the food booths at the multicultural festival. Thus, we are having the first food service training on Wednesday April 9 at 5:00 pm in the MUB Alumni Lounge.  We are encouraging all organizations that are planning to have a food booth to plan early and the food service training is first step. We will also discus sponsorship opportunities during the meeting. In order for your organization to qualify for sell food during PON food service training is mandatory. We simply ask that at least 1 member of your organization attend the meeting.

We hope to see you there, if you have additional questions you may contact Bob Wenc at

8. Railroad Engineering Activities Club Meeting

Railroad Engineering Activities Club will be having the last general meeting of the year at 7pm on Tuesday April 8th in EERC 100. Guest speaker, Ed Burkhardt, will be coming to talk about when the UP railroads were owned by Wisconsin Central.

Food and refreshments will be provided.  All majors are welcome.

For more information please contact Colleen Carbary at


Student News Briefs – Friday, March 28, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Serves up Iranian, Syrian, and Napalese Cuisine

Khana Khazana at Michigan Tech is going to present Iranian, Syrian and Nepalese cuisine on Friday, Mar 28st. The cooks, Amir Zandnia and Aref Majdara, both PhD Students in Electrical Engineering, are going to present the Iranian Salad Shirazi, which is made of chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, mixed with spices, vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil. Roba Bdeir, a PHD student in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology department will cook Syrian chicken with veggie, oven baked chicken that is marinated in lemons and spices and mixed with potatoes, peppers, onion and carrots. Aadarsh Upreti who comes from Nepal will present Gajar ko Haluwa, a Nepalese carrot pudding made from shredded carrots and milk.

We sill start serving at 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The whole meal is $6.95 and $2.50 for one side. Khana Khazana is going to serve Iranian, Syrian and Nepalese cuisine at the Food Court, located in the Memorial Union Building (MUB) from 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM.

2. HuskyLEAD Session, Rescheduled for April 1

The HuskyLEAD session that was canceled on March 18 has been rescheduled for April 1 at 6:00 PM in the Peninsula Room. Participants will learn what is takes to be a true leader during times of change, how leaders can impact a culture, and the importance of execution in driving change and achieving results.

Special guest presenter, Andrew Storm with General Motors of Oshkosh Corporation.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 487-1963.

3. Singer-Songwriter Erin Sparks comes to Michigan Tech’s Campus

As part of the Tech Arts Festival, meet Erin Sparks, an exceptionally talented Singer-Songwriter from Nashville, TN. Her inspired lyrics, infectious hooks and jangly guitars will keep you playing her music over and over. Classify it if you must – overall you’d call it ‘acoustic driven pop,’ but categorization is a tricky task, since Erin’s soaring vocals are capable of tearing through a driving Alt-Rock production like ‘Who You Are,’ and then bringing you to your knees in the powerful ballad, ‘Don’t Listen.’

Sponsored by Student Activities and Memorial Union Board

4. Relay for Life

When: April 5th, 11am-11pm
Where: SDC wood gym
Time: 11am-11pm
The theme this year is “Tuning Out Cancer” (music themed)
To sign up, students can go to and search Michigan Tech, then sign up team. Or for team sign up click HERE.

5. Attention All May GraduatesThe Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program. It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.

Just go to the website for program and participation details. The deadline for tribute submissions is Monday, April 7, 2014.

6. 14th Annual Don Keranen Memorial Jazz Concert

Energy and Jazz!—Michigan Technological University Jazz Studies Annual Don Keranen Memorial Jazz Night, Friday evening, March 28, 7:30PM at
the Rozsa Center. Michigan Tech’s Jazz Lab Band and R&D Big Band will perform a wide variety of classic and modern jazz, Latin jazz, fusion, ballads, blues, rock and funk.
Tickets are: Adults $13, Youth $5, Students $5, or Mich. Tech. Students Free With Experience Tech Fee. To purchase tickets, call (906) 487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC). Please note the Rozsa Box Office is closed during regular
business hours, and will only open two hours prior to show times. Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disability.

7. IM Updates

Here is what’s happening in IM:

Team Sports Entry Deadline
Soccer, 4/1 @ 12PM
Individual/Team Sports
Tennis Doubles 4/1 @ 5PM
Sand Volleyball Two’s 4/8 @ 5PM
Officials’ Meetings/Clinics
Soccer 4/2 @ 6PM
Questions?  487-3556 or

8. Film Board Showing The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

This week Film Board is showing The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in Fisher 135. Showtimes on Friday, March 28 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm. Showings on Saturday, March 29 at 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, & 11:30. And a showing on Sunday, March 30 at 2:30. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Next weekends showing, Hackers.
If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Bill Price, at

9. Registration Open for Spring Fling

Spring is coming, or at least we hope it is! If you are interested in registering your organizations for Spring Fling, follow this LINK. Registration is open until April 1.  Also, checkout the best booth challenge, new this year.
For more information keep an eye on the MUB Board Facebook page.

10. Commit To Be Fit with Michigan Tech Recreation

Let the SUMMER countdown begin! Use these next few weeks of Spring programming to get your body in beach, bike, run, swim, and hike condition. If your March workouts roared in like a lion, don’t let your fitness routines go out like a lamb…COMMIT TO BE FIT with Michigan Tech Recreation.  Move, crunch, squat and lift with CORE & MORE! Each workout uses exercise balls, weights, strength exercises, and effective step routines to tone and tighten the entire body. Classes are held, Mondays and Wednesdays, at 5:15pm with Toni at the SDC.

Did you know? A special low-rate $30 Student Punch Card gets you started with your first 8 classes OR try us out for a single session for only $6.

For awesome deals, event announcements and more, connect with Michigan Tech Recreation on Facebook. Join us anytime and COMMIT TO BE FIT.

11. Local Non Profit Seeks Volunteers

Don’t Do It Yourself or DDIY non profit group is seeking volunteers to help with a funraiser that will benefit local families that have financial hardships due to medical hardships.  The fundraiser will be held at the Dee Stadium in Houghton on April 12 from 3-11 PM. The event is called Folk-n-Food and there will be live music, craft vendors, food, and more.
For more information and to sign up as a volunteer please contact Ellie Freeman at

12. Reminder: Iranian New Year Celebration

Norouz is the ancient Persian holiday to celebrate New Year on the first day of spring. Michigan Technological University’s first Norouz celebration includes Persian banquet, dance performance, and live traditional music. The event will be followed by a fun open floor after-party featuring A.D.Dj.

Tickets are $12 (non student) and $10 (students) and available for purchase Monday March 24 through Friday, March 28 from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM in the MUB Commons.

For more information please contact Mohammad Reza Amini at

13. Incredible India: Development and Challenges from a Global Perspective

Global City hosts Incredible India on Tuesday, April 1, at 5:00pm, EERC 103.  India has come a long way since its independence in 1947 and has shown some impressive signs of development in the last few decades. But how have these changes impacted the everyday life of people? Which are the opportunities, the challenges and what still needs to change?

Aparupa Sengupta, born and raised in the city of Patna, capital of Bihar, is familiar with the struggles of the community and will try to answer some of these questions. She just completed her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Michigan Tech, and has masters degrees in Biotechnology and in Molecular Genetics.

For more information please contact Leonor Medeiros at

14. Anime and Gaming Convention

Nanocon, Michigan Tech’s twice-annual anime and gaming convention is this weekend. It starts at 11 AM this saturday (3/29) and ends at 7:00 on sunday(3/30). Locations are all the rooms on first floor of Fisher, and the events are many and varied but all related to some aspect of anime or gaming nerd-dom.

For more information please contact Joshua at


Student News Briefs – Friday, March 21, 2013

1. Khana Khazana Presents Indonesian Cuisine

Khana Khazana will feature Indonesian food, this Friday, March 21st. Igus Anwar will cook Coconut milk chicken soup, an Indonesian chicken soup with some traditional spices and coconut milk. Served with rice cake, some vegetables, boiled egg, emping chips, and fried onion; Gado-gado, an Indonesian salad that consists of various fresh vegetables with peanut sauce and Es Cendol (Jelly Drink with Pandan Taste), an Indonesian drink made from rice flour, coconut milk and palm sugar.

The weekly international lunch is served in the Memorial Union Food Court from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A full meal costs $6.95, with individual dishes available for $2.50 each.

2. Iranian New Year (Norouz) Celebration

Norouz is the ancient Persian holiday to celebrate New Year on the first day of spring. Michigan Technological University’s first Norouz celebration includes Persian banquet, dance performance, and live traditional music. The event will be followed by a fun open floor after-party featuring A.D.Dj.

Tickets are $12 (non student) and $10 (students) and available for purchase Monday March 24 through Friday, March 28 from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM in the MUB Commons.

For more information please contact Mohammad Reza Amini at

3. Student Leadership Awards Close at Noon Today

The nomination period for the general leadership awards will come to a close today at noon. If you would like to make a nomination please do so at

For more information please contact Student Activities at 906-487-963 or email

4. Celebrate Thai New Year 2014

The Thai Student Association at Michigan Tech proudly invites you to Thai New Year 2014, Saturday, April 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., in the MUB Commons. Tickets will be available for purchase at the MUB Commons promotions table from March 24 to April 4, 11 a.m., to 1 p.m.

Come experience Thai cuisine such as chicken massaman, chicken satay, crispy fish with sweet and sour gravy, plus music and performances.

For more information visit the Facebook page.

5. Attention All May Graduates

The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program. It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.

Just go to the website for program and participation details. The deadline for tribute submissions is Monday, April 7, 2014.

6. Rape Aggression Defense Classes Begin March 25

Master self-defense tactics and safety techniques through a comprehensive course designed specifically for women ages twelve and up. It begins with a focus on awareness, prevention, and risk reduction/avoidance, and progresses to the basics of hands-on defense training.

R.A.D. is offered by Michigan Tech’s Department of Public Safety and Police Services through Community Programs, and the course is taught by Public Safety officers. The class combines both classroom instruction and hands on physical training.”
Dates: March 25 to April 17
Days/Times: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm
Location: SDC Racquetball Court #5
Cost: $30 for Michigan Tech students, $50 for non-students
Women only please. Minimum age of 12.
Registration and payment may be completed online HERE, by phone at 906-487-2073, or at the SDC Ticket Office.

7. Rozsa Presents New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players, H.M.S. Pinafore

The Rozsa Center welcomes the New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players as they present “H.M.S. Pinafore,” at the Rozsa Center on Wednesday, March 19th, at 7:30 PM.
For more details and tickets, please visit or call (906) 487-2073.

8. Tickets Available for the 2014 International Night

2014 International Night tickets are on sale through this week at the MUB Commons from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM and at Fisher Hall from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

9. Husky Tae Kwon Do Practices – March 24-29

Thursday 5:30-7:30pm MUB Ballroom B
Friday 5:30-7:30pm MUB Peninsula Room
Saturday noon – 2pm SDC Dance Room
As always, Husky TKD is open to anyone interested in martial arts, regardless of age or skill level. Feel free to come and check us out!

10. Society of Intellectual Sisters 10th Annual Bra Show

Have you or someone you know (male or female) been impacted with breast cancer? Are you an ally for breast cancer awareness and a cure? This is the event for you! The Society of Intellectual Sisters will have their 10th Annual Bra Show tomorrow, in the MUB Ballroom from 6 to 8 p.m. The theme this year in “Disney” and our goal for the 10th Anniversary is to raise over $1,000 to donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Our guest speaker this year is Jill Kalcich of Keweenaw Holistic Family Medicine in Calumet. There is no cost for this event, but donations are appreciated and proceeds will be forwarded to NBCF. Refreshments will be served and we hope to see you there. For more information contact Emerald Gary at

11. Film Board Showing Frozen

This week Film Board is showing Frozen in 3D in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, March 21 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 PM. Showings on Saturday, March 22 at 3:30, 5:00, 8:30, & 11:00. Showings on Sunday, March 23 at 12:00 and 3:00 PM. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Next showing after Spring Break we are showing: Frozen in 3D. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Bill Price, at

12. HuskyLEAD Session, Leading People with Different Personalities

The next HuskyLEAD session will be held on Tuesday, March 25 at 6:00 PM in the MUB Peninsula Room. Participants will learn about people with different personalities, how to utilize their strengths, and how to make them more effective.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 906-487-1963.


Student News Briefs – Friday, March 14, 2014

1. Sixth Annual Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home Fundraiser

The Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter for victims of domestic abuse is holding its annual fundraiser on Sunday, March 23, 2014. It runs from 4:00 – 6:00 PMat Studio Pizza’s Orpheum Theater, 426 W. Quincy in Hancock. There will be live music by RHYTHM 203, and Viney Willa, as well as a silent auction.
All proceeds will go to the Shelter, a non-profit organization.
Any students needing assistance or support can contact the Shelter at 906.337.5623, or toll free in the UP at 888.337.5623.

2. IM Sports Updates

Team Sports Entry Deadline:
Dodgeball Tourney; 3/20 @ 5PM
Individual/Dual Sports Entry Deadlines
Racquetball Singles; 3/18 @ 12PM
Swim Meet; 3/24 @ 3PM
For more information please contact 487-3040 or visit our webpage.

3. Rozsa Center welcomes the New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players

The Rozsa Center welcomes the New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players as they present “H.M.S. Pinafore,” at the Rozsa Center on Wednesday, March 19 miss the intrigue on the high seas and romance among very different classes in this charming, fully staged production, where according to the New York Times, “broad comedy and stylish singing carry the day.”

Tickets are on sale now. To purchase tickets, call (906) 487-2073, go online at or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC). Tickets are $24 for adults, youth (17 and under) $12, and Michigan Tech Students are $5. Please note the Rozsa Box Office is closed during regular business hours, and will only open two hours prior to show times. Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity educational institution/equal opportunity employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

4. Outdoor Adventure Program has Employment Opportunities

Do you love the outdoors?  Do you want to share your passion for the outdoors with others?  Stop by the OAP or head to and complete an application for Summer and next year!  We are looking for people with good outdoor skills, enthusiasm for sharing what you know, and a desire to increase outdoor recreation opportunities at Michigan Tech!

Applications are due March 21 for Trip Leaders, Gear Maintenance, Rental Center, and Challenge Course Facilitators !
For questions or more information contact Jared at 906-487-2290 or email

5. Husky Tae Kwon Do Practices – March 17 – 22

Practice times for the Husky Tae Kwon Do club are:
Tuesday 5:30-7:00pm MUB Ballroom A-2
Thursday 5:30-7:30pm MUB Peninsula Room
Friday 5:30-7:30pm MUB Peninsula Room
Saturday noon – 2pm SDC Dance Room
As always, Husky TKD is open to anyone interested in martial arts, regardless of age or skill level. Feel free to come and check us out!
For more information please contact Amber at

6. HuskyLEAD Cancelled for March 18

The HuskyLEAD session schedule for Tuesday, March 18 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.  Please watch for the new time and location in upcoming News Briefs.

7. Iranian Movie Night, The Color of Paradise

The Iranian student Association would like to invite you to a movie showing, The Color of Paradise on March 17 at 6:00 PM in Fisher Hall, room 135.

To view a  short description of the movie click HERE or visit the Facebook.
For more information please contact Mohammad at


Student News Briefs – Friday, March 7, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Features Nepalese, Syrian, and Korean Cuisine

Khana Khazana will feature Nepalese, Syrian and Korean food, this Friday, Mar 7th. The cooks, Aadarsh Upreti will cook Nepalese Chicken Momo, a fried dumpling filled with spiced chicken and onion stuffing and served with pickled veggies; Roba Bdeir will present Basbouseh, a sweet Mediterranean cake made of cooked semolina, coconut and yogurt and then soaked in sugar syrup, topped off with almonds. We will also provide Korean kimchi soup, a spicy and sour Korean traditional soup made of vegetables with variety of seasonings.

We will start serving at 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM. The whole meal is $6.95 and $2.50 for one side. Khana Khazana is going to international food on Mar 7th at the Food Court, located in the Memorial Union Building (MUB) from 11:00 AM- 1:30PM.

Please join us to support our international cooks and enjoy a great meal!

We will serve food for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

2. Two Student Awards Nominations Closing

Two of the Student Leadership Awards, Presidents Award for Leadership and the Vice President Award for Service, will close today, Friday, March 7 at 5:00 pm. Nominees of these awards have until March 21 at noon to submit their essay and resume to

The other nine general awards as well as Alumni’s new award, Outstanding Future Alumni Award will close at noon on Friday, March 21.

To make a nomination please go to the awards website.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 487-1963.

3. Percy Julian Award Closing

Today, Friday, March 7 by 5:00 pm is the deadline to submit nominations for the Percy Julian Award. Nominees should display outstanding leadership accomplishments which promote diversity, social equity, or racial/ethnic and cultural understanding at Michigan Tech.

To make a nomination please go to the website.

For more information please contact the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at 906-487-2920.

4. Spring Break Hours at the SDC

The SDC building hours will be different March 8 – March 15. Regular hours will resume on Sunday, March 16. This includes all areas within the SDC – Ticket Office, Fitness Center, Multipurpose Room, Pool, University Images and Gates Tennis Center.
The Spring Break building schedule is available here.

5. March Events at the Rosza Center

Please visit the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts website to see more information on the upcoming events.

6. 6th Annual Celebrate the UP

On March 21-22 the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition will hold its sixth annual Celebrate the UP at the Jutila Center in Hancock . The event is free and open to the public.

For more information please visit the website.

7. City of Houghton Winter Water Recommendations for Off Campus Renters
from the City of Houghton

For the Off Campus Michigan Tech students who will be leaving on break at the end of this week, the City of Houghton recommends the following to prevent frozen water pipes:

1. Leave the water running in the house/apartment at the least the size of a pencil. Leave a note or sign letting others know to leave the water running. Please email if you are letting the water run so that she can provide a credit on the water account in the spring. All credits are based on city policy and previous consumption.

2. Let your landlord know that you are leaving town so that they can make arrangements to have someone check on the water situation daily.

3. The city recommends that you do not turn your furnace down lower than 65 degrees.

4. If water is running slow, it may be starting to freeze, please turn on all of the faucets fully until the water runs normally and then keep one faucet running at all times. Again, please let the city know that the water will be left running.

5. If the water in the house freezes, please contact a local plumber to thaw the pipes. There are several local plumbers/contractors that have the equipment to do so. Contact the city office at 482-1700 for a current list.

6. Local plumbers and contractors can be contacted to set up a phone monitoring system to monitor heat and water situations in the house when it is vacant.


Student News Briefs – Friday, February 28, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Features Indian Cuisine

Khana Khazana will feature Indian food this Friday, February 28, located in the Memorial Union Building (MUB) from 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM. The cooks, Jaswanth Kalavagadda, and Abdul Qadeer, will cook Coconut Chicken Curry, a mild buttery curried chicken simmered in coconut milk, onions and tomatoes that makes mouthwatering gravy with Indian spices; Bread Pudding, a desert of fried bread slices soaked in hot milk with spices including saffron and cardamom; and Onion Fritters, a spicy crispy Indian snack made of seasoned onions dipped into a flour mixture and fried until golden color.

We will start serving at 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The whole meal is $6.95 and $2.50 for one side.

Please join us to support our international cooks and enjoy a great meal!

2. Snowshoeing Event at Canyon Falls

The Outdoor Adventure Program is having a snowshoeing event at Canyon Falls this upcoming Saturday, March 1. Participants will leave the Outdoor Adventure Program (207 East St. Across the street from the Library) at 1:00 pm and should return around 5:30 pm. Cost is $10 per person and sign up is at the Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP).

For more information please call 906-487-2290 between Noon and 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday and 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM on Sundays.

3. Women’s Leadership Mentoring Opportunity

Interested in mentoring? Applications are now open for the 2014-2015 Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP). Michigan Tech female undergraduates are invited to apply for the one-year program which pairs them with a middle school girl from the local community to focus on leadership development. Applications are due Monday, March 17.

For more information about the program and the application, visit the website.

4. Film Board Showing Gravity and Akira

This week Film Board is showing Gravity in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, February 28 and Saturday, March 1 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Also showing, Akira, the 25th Anniversary re-release. Show times are Saturday, March 1 at noon and 3:00 pm and Sunday, March 2 at 3:00, 6:00, and 8:30 PM. This movie is Free!

The next showing after Spring Break will be Frozen in 3D. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Bill Price, at

5. March is Women’s Month

The Women’s Programming Committee, CDI, Presidential Council of Alumnae, Society of Intellectual Sisters, Womens Leadership Council, Parent’s Fund of the Michigan Tech Fund, Emily Dennis Photography, and Maurices have several great events coming up in March for Women’s Month.

For more information please contact CDI at 906-487-2920.

6. IM Updates

Here is what’s happening in IM:
Team Sports
Volleyball 3/5 @ 5PM entry deadline
More info HERE or call 906-487-3556

7. African Night Hosted by African Student Organization

Tickets are now available at the MUB Commons and Center for Diversity and Inclusion. The cost is $8.00 for students and $10 for faculty, staff and public.

For more information please contact CDI at 906-487-2920

8. Spin Class

On more week until Spring Break! It’s the end of February and time to kick your workout up a notch! Join class, jump on a bike and spin—it’s that easy! Just Spin is an energetic workout performed on a stationary bike. Instructors guide you through warm-ups, sprints, climbs, cool-downs, and more, with plenty of encouragement and upbeat music.
A special low-rate $30 Student Punch Card gets you started with your first 8 classes OR try us out for a single session for only $6. Are you beginner? No worries, check-out the Learn to Spin class here.
For awesome deals, event announcements and more, connect with Michigan Tech Recreation on Facebook.

9. Mini Symposium on Protein Science

Special 2 day event highlighting the many facets of protein scientists at Michigan Tech on Wednesday, March 5 from noon-1:00 pm and Friday, March 7 from 11:00 am- 1:00 pm.

Sponsored by The Protein Society and aimed at increasing the presence of protein science and introducing this concept to all students.  It will feature brief talks given by faculty members in chemistry and chemical engineering and address the concept of protein science and the research involved.

A light buffet lunch will be provided. To RSVP use this LINK.

10. 1st Annual Paczki Throwdown

Alpha Phi Omega – Epsilon Lambda Chapter is sponsoring a paczki eating contest in the MUB commons at 4:00 PM on “Fat” Tuesday, March 4.
Student Organizations can register one member by Sunday, March 2 at 11:59 PM to participate for a chance to win a custom t-shirt, $50 Roy’s Pasties and Bakery gift card, $50 Rhythm Skate Shop gift card, and Samsung blu-ray disc player with built-in wi-fi ($110 retail value)!
To register click HERE.
Alpha Phi Omega is a coeducational service organization founded on the principles of leadership, fellowship, and service.
For more information, email

11. 2014 ACS Student Research Symposium

The Upper Peninsula Section of the American Chemical Society will be hosting the 2014 ACS Student Research Symposium on Saturday March 29 at Northern Michigan University. Posters can be presented by both graduate and undergraduate researchers. There is no cost to present and prizes will be awarded to the best posters and presentations! Please join us to learn about exciting research being conducted in the U.P. and to network with other chemists in our area! See attached announcement for more information.

12. Daily Bull Holds Creativity Contest

Calling all funny people! In keeping with its mission to boost readership, membership, and community involvement, Michigan Tech’s satirical entertainment press is hosting a creativity contest. Submissions of all original humorous or amusing content is encouraged — if it makes you chuckle, send it our way!

There will be four categories: comics, articles, memes/Photo Shopped funnies, and puzzles/brain teasers. Winners will be chosen from each category to receive a prize and at least temporary glory. Think outside the box. Make a word search with a crazy theme, write a goofy article, or draw an abstract chicken. The Daily Bull looks forward to hearing from people all over the spectrum.
Please submit all content to — entries are due the Monday after spring break.

13. Voting is Now Open for the USG E-Board

Voting for your 2014-2015 Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Executive Board is now open!  All returning students are eligible to vote.  Please follow this LINK to vote for the next executive board members (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer).  You will need to login to Involvement Link with your Michigan Tech ISO username and password.

You have until 11:45 PM Tuesday, March 4, 2014 to cast your vote.  Don’t let this opportunity to pick your next leaders pass you by.  If you have any questions about the USG elections, please contact Sam Richards, USG Elections Committee Chairman, at


Student Leadership Award Nominations Closing

Nominations for the Presidents Award for Leadership and the Vice President of Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service will close at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 7. Please go to the website to submit your nomination. The nine general awards, will close at noon on March 21.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 7-1963.


Student News Briefs – Friday, February 21, 2014

1. Student Activities Late Night Programming and MUB Board Present, Six Appeal

Friday, February 21 in the MUB Ballroom at 9:00 PM is a show you don’t want to miss!

Is Six Appeal a comedy group, a vocal ensemble, or a rock band? Audiences have been trying to answer that question for years. Swearing off instruments, Six Appeal uses a cappella singing to span decades of classic oldies, current chart toppers, and catchy original tunes. Featuring vocal dexterity and adventurous song selection, the 2012 National Harmony Sweepstakes Champions explore all genres with a far-reaching repertoire that will surprise and captivate any audience regardless of the setting.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 906-487-1963

2. Red Cross Blood Drive

There is an urgent need for blood due to extreme weather and the cancellation of numerous blood drives. Please help meet this need by donating next week Tuesday and Wednesday, February 25 and 26, at the Van Pelt Library from 10 AM – 4 PM.

To make an appointment please contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767, visit the website or stop in person during the Blood Drive.

Sponsored by Student Activities, Greek Life, and the Order of Omega.

3. NOSOTROS Hosts Salsa Party

NOSOTROS, the Latin dance lovers, are going to have a Salsa party on Saturday, February 22 at MUB Ballroom A.
There will be a free Salsa lessons from 8:00 to 9:00 PM instructed my Dr. Thomas Werner, Assistant Professor at Biological Sciences, and Sara Alian, PhD student at the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, and open dance floor from 9:00-11:00 PM.
No partner is needed! The Event is FREE, open to public, and family friendly!

For more information please contact Sara Alian at

4. The Evolution of Chinese Fashion, by Shan Zhao

Shan Zhao is a Chinese-born PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering at Michigan Tech (and Global City’s VP).
Shan has interests on engineering bioabsorbable stents, archeological dating techniques, and the study of Chinese culture. In this presentation, she will explore the costumes of ancient China and their culture significances, such as the many facets of color and design that emerged during each dynasty’s reign.
Please join us next week, Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00 pm in EERC L100.
For more information please contact Leonor Medeiros at

5. Documentary, America the Beautiful 3: The Sexualization of Our Youth

Tuesday, February 25 at 7:00 pm Counseling Services and the Association of Psychology Students are screening the documentary “America the Beautiful 3: The Sexualization of Our Youth.” After the film, there will be a Q&A with the film’s maker Darryl Roberts.   Film and concessions are free.
For more information, contact

6. Confidential Eating Disorder Screenings

Counseling Services is holding free confidential eating disorder screenings on Thursday, February 27 from 10:00am-2:00pm in the MUB Peninsula Room .

For more information, contact

7. Multiliteracies (Writing) Center is Now Hiring for Fall 2014

The Writing Center is looking for undergraduates in any major who are interested in working with others on communication and cultural tasks.  Any interested applicants are encouraged to attend the information session on Tuesday, February 25 from 5-6pm in Walker 107. Pizza for all attendees.
Application materials available HERE.
Contact Kirsti Arko for more information.

8. Khana Khazana Serves Iranian Food to Benefit Children

Khana Khazana, a weekly international lunch cooked and served by international students, will feature Iranian food this Friday. Proceeds will go to benefit children living in poverty in Iran, to help them stay in school.  Aref Majdara, Amir Zandnia, Sara Alian and the Iranian community at Michigan Tech will cook kuku sabzi, which is an aromatic quiche filled with fresh herbs and greens; chicken kabob and ranginak, a healthy and tasty dessert from the southern region of Iran.

Khana Khazana is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Memorial Union Food Court. A full meal costs $6.95 and includes a fountain soda. Individual items are available for $2.50. A vegetarian alternative is available.

Khana Khazana is a collaboration of international students and Dining Services.

9. IM Updated

Team Sports
Soccer-Tennis Entry Deadline 2/26 @ 5PM

Ind/Dual Sports
Badminton Singles 2/21 @ noon entry deadline
Badminton Doubles 2/21 @ 3pm entry deadline

More Info at or 487-3556

10. 4th Annual Global City Photo Competition

It’s time for the 4th Annual Global City Photo Competition! Deadline for submissions is Monday, March 3. Submit your photos to

The categories are: People, Landscapes, Sustainability, and “Glocal” (meaning anything that is a local image or an image of Michigan Tech-related activities).  You may submit up to one photo per category. Please use your best images, they will be printed as 11 x 14 images.

We are excited once again to display our members’ photography in the community this spring! The top three photos for each category will be printed and displayed at the Keweenaw Brewing Company. Prizes will be awarded to all three winners in each category. This year’s competition will be judged by three local professional photographers Mike Shupe of the Orpheum Theater, Adam Johnson of brockit inc. and Steve Brimm of Steve Brimm photography. This year we are also having a People’s Choice Award for the image that gets the most votes on the website. Voting instructions will be sent out once all photos submissions have been received and are available online for viewing.

Remember, wherever you are, whether on campus or out there somewhere else in the world, you are part of the Global City community so we encourage you to enter this year’s contest. Please email us if you have any questions. Thanks again to the support of Graduate Student Government and all of our amazing Michigan Tech and community members!

For more information please email Leonor Medeiros a

11. Michigan Tech’s Personal Training Services

Hey Students…How are your 2014 goals coming?  It is definitely time to mentally refresh. Get the blood moving and give yourself an hour to hit the refresh button on your studies. We’re deep (with snow, too!) into February and we want to help you reconnect with your New Year’s resolution.  Work with a trainer…it’s one of the most successful ways to improve your health. Michigan Tech’s personal training services, with Ann Hoover, focus on customized health and exercise programs to help you achieve your lifestyle and fitness goals.

In other Community Program news…Looking for a fun workshop this weekend? Try out the special Zumba session geared towards beginners. Want to hit the ice for adult skating lessons for the last time this season – the final 5 week program starts on February 27.

For more announcements and awesome deals, connect with Michigan Tech Recreation on Facebook and visit us online.

12. Sign-Up Still Open for Trivia Night

Registered student organizations can still sign up for Trivia Night, which will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2014 beginning at 6:00 PM and lasting for about an hour.  The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, February 25 at noon and there is no cost to register.  Space is limited.  Each organization should have a team made up of no more than three of its members.  There will be three rounds of twenty trivia questions regarding Michigan Tech.  A grand prize of $500 will be awarded to the winning organization (additional cash prizes to be awarded).

Sign up for Trivia Night HERE.  This is a great way to learn more about the history of Michigan Tech and philanthropy on campus.  You can win money for your organization while having fun!
Trivia Night is sponsored by the Michigan Tech Annual Fund and the Student Philanthropic Council.  Questions about the event can be directed to Heather Wiitanen, associate director of annual giving, at

13. Campus Hope Seminar

All are welcome to come to the Campus Hope seminar at Fisher 132 on the evenings of February 21-March 1 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM.

For more information please contact Nethaniah Dohr at


Student News Briefs – Friday, February 14, 2014

1. Khana Khazana Returns with Syrian Food

Khana Khazana, a weekly international lunch cooked and served by international students, will offer Syrian food this Friday from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. at the Memorial Union Food Court.

Roba Bdeir, a Syrian PhD student in biochemistry and molecular biology will cook dawood basha, Syrian meatballs in a tomato-herb sauce with onions, chickpeas and nuts; moutabal, made from flame-grilled eggplant mashed with tahini and yogurt and served with pita bread; and riz b-haleeb, a rice pudding made with rosewater and pistachios, topped with coconut.

A full meal costs $7 and includes a fountain drink. Individual entrees cost $2.50 each. Vegetarian alternatives are available

Khana Khazana is a collaboration of international students and Dining Services.

2. Film Board is Showing The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

This week Film Board is showing The Hunger Games: Catching Fire in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, February 14 and Saturday, February 15th at5:30, 8:30, and 11:30pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. Next week we are showing: Thor: The Dark World. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Bill Price, at

3. Here is what’s happening in IM

Team Sports:
Floor Hockey starting on 2/16

Innertube Water Polo starting 2/17

Individual/Dual Sports
Billiard Tourney on 2/14, Noon entry deadline
Badminton Singles on 2/21, Noon entry deadline
Badminton Doubles on 2/21, 3:00 PM entry deadline

More info can be found here or call 906-487-3556

4. 2014 ACS Student Research Symposium

The Upper Peninsula Section of the American Chemical Society will be hosting the 2014 ACS Student Research Symposium on Saturday March 29 at Northern Michigan University. Posters can be presented by both graduate and undergraduate researchers. There is no cost to present and prizes will be awarded to the best posters and presentations! Please join us to learn about exciting research being conducted in the U.P. and to network with other chemists in our area!

5. 2014 Undergraduate Research Expo Abstract Submission Deadline Extended

The Michigan Tech Honors Institute is offering one more chance for students to submit abstracts for the 2014 Undergraduate Research Expo. We would like to invite all undergraduate researchers from every department to submit an abstract for research to be presented at the expo, which will give researchers a chance to present posters describing completed or ongoing research and receive feedback from faculty judges. Not only will this event be an excellent learning experience for presenters, but it will also showcase the undergraduate research that is happening at Michigan Tech. The expo will be held in the Rosza Lobby during Spring Preview Weekend (March 21) when visiting high school students will be able to see the exciting opportunities available to them at Michigan Tech.

The Honors Institute has been working closely with the Vice President of Research and the Undergraduate Admissions Office to make this event possible, and hopes undergraduate researchers will take advantage of this valuable experience. Printing of posters will be sponsored up to $25. For directions for poster design, please visit Prizes of $200, $150, and $100 will be awarded to the best 3 posters, as chosen by faculty judges.

Please visit to submit the abstract. Submission will take place via an online form, but is is recommended that presenters save their abstract in a document and copy the required information to the website. Abstracts will need to include presenter name, e-mail address, class, college/school, department, and faculty advisor’s name. The body of the abstract should include a title, the names of the authors, an introduction, a description of the materials and methods, the results of the completed or ongoing research, and any acknowledgements. The submission deadline has been extended to Sunday, February 16 at 11:59 pm. Abstracts will be reviewed by Research Expo staff, and a confirmation of acceptance will be sent by February 24.

If you have any questions or are having difficulties submitting an abstract, feel free to contact We look forward to seeing your abstracts and presentations!

6. Multiliteracies (Writing) Center is Now Hiring for Fall 2014

The Writing Center is looking for undergraduates in any major who are interested in working with others on communication and cultural tasks.  Any interested applicants are encouraged to attend the information session on Tuesday, February 25 from 5-6pm in Walker 107. Pizza for all attendees.
Application materials available:
Contact Kirsti Arko for more information.

7. Michigan Tech Trivia Night

Please join the Student Philanthropy Council for a Michigan Tech trivia night in the MUB Commons, Thursday, February 27, 2014, 6:00 -7:00 pm.  All registered student organizations are invited to participate with a team (3 member maximum). There will be 3 rounds of 20 trivia questions regarding Michigan Tech. A grand prize of $500 cash will be awarded to the winning team to assist their student organization.

• This is a great way to learn more about the history of Michigan Tech and philanthropy on campus.
• Light snacks will be provided.
• A great opportunity to win money for your organization while having fun.
• Limited space is available; please register your organization as soon as possible with this link.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Heather Wiitanen at

8. Math Learning Center is Hiring

Who is eligible?
– Undergraduate Michigan Tech students
– Must have completed Calc 2

– Must plan on finishing Calc 3, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations during Fall 2014

What’s the hiring process?

– Complete the application by 3pm, Friday, February 21, 2014

– Stage 1: Interview (March 1-2nd)
– Stage 2: Tryout session (March 22-23rd)
How do I apply?
– Applications are available in the MLC (Fisher 234) and online:
– Return the completed application to the MLC by 3pm, Friday, February 21, 2014.
Visit the MLC or email if you have any questions!

9. Reminder: Volunteer Service Opportunity

If you are looking for a community service opportunity and/or for something fun to do, the Michigan Tech Preschool would like to invite you and/or your organization to participate in our upcoming Cabin Fever Carnival fund raising event as event volunteers. This event is in the MUB Ballroom and features Mind Trekkers, a snack bar, bake sale, balloons, activities like face painting, a silent auction, and games where children can earn carnival prizes.

We need volunteers mainly to set-up, supervise games and activities, serve food, and to tear down the event afterwards.

If you or your organization can participate, please get back to me by February 17th with your information and/or a list of names/number of volunteers your organization can commit to one or more shifts. We will need about 30 total volunteers for each event shift and about 10 each for set-up and tear-down.

Michigan Tech Preschool is a non-profit parent cooperative preschool that has been serving the local community and its children for over 50 years. We hope you will choose to work with us to continue our tradition of affordable early childhood education.

Event Summary:

Michigan Tech Preschool Cabin Fever Carnival

Saturday, February 22, 2014

MUB Ballroom

Event Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Set-Up Shift: 7:30am – ~9:00am

Event 1st shift: 9:45am – 11:30pm

Event 2nd shift: 11:15am – 1:00pm

Tear-Down Shift: 1:00pm – ~2:30pm

For Questions please contact Ryan Towels at

10. Spring 2014 Career Development Events

The Career Fair is this coming week! Prepare yourself to ensure you’re ready for “What’s NEXT” by taking advantage of the Career Development Education opportunities that Career Services offers.

New this Spring! Employer Information Expo on Sunday, February 16, in Fisher Hall, 5 PM –7 PM Info Sessions, 7 PM –8 PM Open Networking

Company Information Sessions made better – one stop, informal, open house event with lots of companies…all in one place…all in one night.  Pizza, drinks, and dessert served throughout the event.

Spring Career Fair is finally here!

2014 Spring Career Fair
Tuesday, February 18, 12:00 (noon) – 6:00 PM, Student Development Complex (SDC).
Dress professionally and bring your updated resume and your 60-second Info-mercial to meet with company representatives offering internship, co-op and full-time employment opportunities.
217 companies are attending the Spring Career Fair!
Visit to find out which companies are coming and view and/or print the 2014 Spring Career Fair Guidebook.
Interview room assignments will be available through Husky JOBS on our website following  the Career Fair after 6:00 PM on Tuesday, February 18.
Free rides from the Memorial Union Building to the Career Fair will be available from the Husky Motor Shuttle continuously from 11:30AM – 6:00PM.

Reminder – Employers are posting jobs on HuskyJOBS every day.  Be sure to apply on-line before the Career Fair.

The Career Services Learning Center – Sponsored by DTE Energy – is a great resource for students to walk in and receive valuable career advice, including resume review, interview skills and career fair prep. Walk-in hours areMonday – Thursday from 1:00 – 5:00 PM in the Career Services Office, room 220 of the Administration Building.

For the full schedule of events leading up to Spring 2014 Career Fair visit