Category: Music

Pep Band at Heikinpäivä 2014

Hancock celebrates Heikinpäivä 2014 despite frigid weather

Undaunted by the sub-zero temperatures last Saturday, Jan. 25, Hancock celebrated its mid-winter festival, Heikinpäivä 2014, a celebration of Finnish American cultural heritage.

Image taken from video clip captioned:

“More characters from the Kalevala, Finnish Theme Committee members, Finlandia University students, members of the Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club, the Brrr Maids and the Michigan Tech Pep Band parade down Quincy Street in Hancock during Heikinpäivä 2014.”

Read more at Keweenaw Now, by Michele Bourdieu.

Libby Meyer at Heikinpäivä 2014

Libby MeyerHeikinpaiva to Feature Several Michigan Tech Faculty

Join several faculty members, including Pasi Lautala and Libby Meyer, at Heikinpaiva 2014 Saturday in Hancock. There will be music, dance, food, games, a parade, and the ever-popular Polar Bear Dive. Be sure to remind students that the Polar Bear Dive is back after a one-year hiatus, and they’re all welcome to show their UP mettle!

From Tech Today.

Saturday, January 25

10 a.m. – 3 p.m. — Tori Market, Finnish American Heritage Center & First United Methodist Church.
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Family Fun Day — Vipukelkka (Whipsled), kicksleds, World’s Largest Kicksled, Finlandia’s Quincy Green.
11 a.m. – Parade, downtown Hancock. Line up at BRIDGE School at 10:30 a.m. Prizes.
Immediately following parade — Wife-carrying contest and kicksled races, Finlandia’sQuincy Green.

1 p.m— Finnish card making class, Finnish American Heritage Center, Hancock.
3 p.m. — Polar Bear Dive, Hancock waterfront.
Note: Official site TBD
6 p.m. — Seisovapöytä (Finnish buffet), Zion Lutheran Church, Hancock. Tickets $18.
Silent auction during the banquet.
8 p.m. — Heikinpäivä dance, Finnish American Heritage Center

From the Heikinpäivä 2014 schedule page.

Blended Learning Grant for Jared Anderson

Jackson Blended Learning Winners

In early November, the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning invited faculty to submit proposals to support blended learning course innovations. Proposals were accepted at three levels ($1,000, $5,000 and $10,000), and a total of $50,000 was originally planned to be awarded during this cycle.

In the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Jared Anderson was awarded $10,000 for “Video Arts in Blended Learning (VIABLE).”

Read more at Tech Today.

Ensembles United on December 4, 2013

United NationsEnsembles United: Free Rozsa Lobby Superior Wind Symphony Chamber Performance

Members of the Superior Wind Symphony present “Ensembles United,” with ensembles from different wind families coming together in brother and sisterhood to create a more wonderful array of free music. In honor of the 68th anniversary of the United States’ decision on December 4, 1945 to join the United Nations, the Superior Wind Symphony will perform next Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m., in the Rozsa Lobby. This performance is free.

Several self-started small ensembles of the saxophone, woodwind and brass varieties have materialized with music prepared, needing an excuse to perform! In addition, some of these ensembles have worked with Michigan Tech student composers from Libby Meyers’ class, creating a Dec. 4 concert that will feature music by great composers of many eras, plus recently created music by Michigan Tech students!

From Tech Today.

Swan Lake Ballet Auditions

Swan Lake Ballet Auditions

We call on all student and community ballet dancers to audition for a role in Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake ballet.  Auditions will take place at the following days/times in Rozsa 120 (choir room) on Michigan Tech’s campus:

Friday, December 6, at 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 7, at 2:00 pm
Friday, December 13, at 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 14, at 2:00 pm

The Visual and Performing Arts department presents Tchaikovsky’s enchanting Swan Lake ballet, with professional, community, and student dancers and live orchestral music provided by the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra.  The ballet runs Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 (2014) in the Rozsa Center.  Rehearsals will begin in early January.

Auditions will include a short barre, centre work and sample combinations from classical and character repertoire used in the ballet.  Men and women are requested to wear appropriate dance clothing and ballet or jazz shoes; women, please bring pointe shoes if applicable.

Please email Dr. Joel Neves ( to sign-up for an audition slot.

(For ballet-related questions, please contact Donna Armistead or Mary Muncil

Amahl and the Night Visitors Auditions

Auditions for the opera “Amahl and the Night Visitors” take place Sunday, December 8, from 6-9 pm in Rozsa 120 (choir room).

For the first time since 1998, the Visual and Performing Arts department presents Menotti’s beloved chamber opera, Amahl and the Night Visitors.  Set near Bethlehem in the 1st century, Amahl is the heartwarming tale of a poor crippled shepherd boy and his mother, who unexpectedly play host to three kings on their way to Bethlehem.  As the shepherds struggle to understand why the kings should carry rich gifts to an unknown child when their own needs are so great, a miracle occurs that blesses everyone, kings and shepherds alike.

Amahl and the Night Visitors runs Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 in the Rozsa Center.  Rehearsals will begin in early February.

Auditions are open for the following roles:

Amahl (boy soprano or female soprano)
King Kaspar (tenor)
King Melchior (baritone)
King Balthazar (bass)
Page (bass-baritone)
Shepherds (SATB double chorus)

Individuals should come prepared with two contrasting pieces that showcase their voice, musicianship, and dramatic abilities.  An accompanist will be provided.

The December 8 auditions will take place in half-hour blocks according to the following schedule:


Those interested in signing up for an audition block should email Dr. Joel Neves at

KSO Recital Friday, October 18, 2013

KSO The Four SeasonsThe Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra presents a free Fall Music Recital on Friday, October 18, at 7:00 pm at Portage Lake United Church. This recital’s theme—The Four Seasons—invites beautiful and compelling vocal and instrumental music, including performances by woodwind quintet, guitar solo, vocal solo, viola quintet, and flute solo.

There is no ticket price for the recital, but a $5 donation toward the KSO and PLUC is accepted at the door. There a nice reception after the performance.

Get Involved with Music at Michigan Tech

Music at Michigan TechGet involved for the 2013-14 school year with music ensembles, private lessons, or a music minor.

Music at Michigan Tech 2013-14

No audition is required for Huskies Pep Band. To join, come to the Fall Band Camp during orientation week (Friday, August 30 from 4:30-8:30 pm).

Find out more about rehearsal times, ensembles, and music courses in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts.

• Jazz
• Band
• Orchestra
• Choir
• Chamber Ensembles
• Jazz Combos
• Private Lessons
• Need an Instrument?
• Instrument Lockers
• Practice Facilities
• Music Minors