Plummer Oversees Auditory Emoticon Project

GRC2014 Graduate Research Colloquium
Memorial Union Building Ballroom

Associate Professor Christopher Plummer co-advised a project entitled “Auditory Emoticons: Iterative Design and Acoustic Characteristics of Emotional Auditory Icons and Earcons,” which was presented at the colloquium on Wednesday, February 19, 2014. The work was co-authored by Jason Sterkenburg, a graduate student in Cognitive and Learning Sciences, and Assistant Professor Myounghoon Jeon in Cognitive and Learning Sciences.

View the Abstract Book

Pep Band at Heikinpäivä 2014

Hancock celebrates Heikinpäivä 2014 despite frigid weather

Undaunted by the sub-zero temperatures last Saturday, Jan. 25, Hancock celebrated its mid-winter festival, Heikinpäivä 2014, a celebration of Finnish American cultural heritage.

Image taken from video clip captioned:

“More characters from the Kalevala, Finnish Theme Committee members, Finlandia University students, members of the Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club, the Brrr Maids and the Michigan Tech Pep Band parade down Quincy Street in Hancock during Heikinpäivä 2014.”

Read more at Keweenaw Now, by Michele Bourdieu.

Libby Meyer at Heikinpäivä 2014

Libby MeyerHeikinpaiva to Feature Several Michigan Tech Faculty

Join several faculty members, including Pasi Lautala and Libby Meyer, at Heikinpaiva 2014 Saturday in Hancock. There will be music, dance, food, games, a parade, and the ever-popular Polar Bear Dive. Be sure to remind students that the Polar Bear Dive is back after a one-year hiatus, and they’re all welcome to show their UP mettle!

From Tech Today.

Saturday, January 25

10 a.m. – 3 p.m. — Tori Market, Finnish American Heritage Center & First United Methodist Church.
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Family Fun Day — Vipukelkka (Whipsled), kicksleds, World’s Largest Kicksled, Finlandia’s Quincy Green.
11 a.m. – Parade, downtown Hancock. Line up at BRIDGE School at 10:30 a.m. Prizes.
Immediately following parade — Wife-carrying contest and kicksled races, Finlandia’sQuincy Green.

1 p.m— Finnish card making class, Finnish American Heritage Center, Hancock.
3 p.m. — Polar Bear Dive, Hancock waterfront.
Note: Official site TBD
6 p.m. — Seisovapöytä (Finnish buffet), Zion Lutheran Church, Hancock. Tickets $18.
Silent auction during the banquet.
8 p.m. — Heikinpäivä dance, Finnish American Heritage Center

From the Heikinpäivä 2014 schedule page.

KCACTF III Festival Award Recipients from Michigan Tech

Mason Pew
Mason Pew at KCACTF III Regional Festival 2014

The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) Region III (Illinois, Indian, Michigan, Wisconsin) held their regional festival at Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, MI, from January 7-11, 2014.

There were several award recipients from Michigan Tech this year.

The Gold Medallion For Excellence in Theatre Education:
M.C. Friedrich

Regional Design Projects, Sound Design

Royal Hunt of the Sun

The Games of the Technological Olympiad, Team Event
Second Place

The Games of the Technological Olympiad, Team Event
First Place

Allied Design and Technologies Award

Southern Nights

KCACTF Award for Theatrical Design Excellence, Lighting Design

Southern Nights: Unsung Songs of the Southern Nightingale

Get more festival details at the KCACTF III website and Michigan Tech Visual and Performing Arts on Facebook. Learn more about theatre at Michigan Tech.

Plummer Publishes Review and Collaborative Paper

Associate Professor Christopher Plummer (VPA) has had two works accepted for publication. One of them is co-authored by Assistant Professor Myounghoon Jeon (CLS). Plummer’s book review of Phillip Giddings’ text titled “Audio Systems Design and Installation” will be published in the January issue of the journal Theatre Design & Technology. A collaborative paper with Jeon and Jason Sterkenburg titled “Auditory Emoticons: Iterative Design and Acoustic Characteristics of Emotional Auditory Icons and Earcons” has been accepted for presentation at HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) International 2014 and for publication in the conference proceedings.

From Tech Today.

Blended Learning Grant for Jared Anderson

Jackson Blended Learning Winners

In early November, the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning invited faculty to submit proposals to support blended learning course innovations. Proposals were accepted at three levels ($1,000, $5,000 and $10,000), and a total of $50,000 was originally planned to be awarded during this cycle.

In the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Jared Anderson was awarded $10,000 for “Video Arts in Blended Learning (VIABLE).”

Read more at Tech Today.

Loar Honored as Live Sound Engineer of the Year

Josh Loar ClassroomMulti-talented Graduate of SAE Institute Wins Award for Outstanding Achievement in Live Sound
Josh Loar, a 2007 graduate of SAE Institute, was honored as the Live Sound Engineer of the Year at SAE’s 2013 alumni awards in New York City.

“It means a lot to me to be recognized for my work, particularly in a field like sound consulting and design, which isn’t typically the focus of many awards,” says Loar. “I always say that one of my goals in life is to make the world sound better, one room at a time, and I’m deeply appreciative of SAE’s recognition of my work towards that objective.”

“While I always found that I could make the projects or shows that I was working on sound great, I had no idea how I was doing it – I just operated on instinct, says Loar, who is currently a Professor of Practice in Sound Design, Visual and Performing Arts at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan

Read more at PRWeb.