Category: Faculty and Staff

SBE’s Director of Administration Retires


It is with mixed emotions that the Deans Office announces Diane Benda has elected to retire from Michigan Tech effective July 1st.   While we would love her to remain within the SBE, we know Diane has plans to spend more time with her family.  As the Director of Administration, Diane has been the key hub between the central administration, the Deans  Office, faculty, staff, alumni and students.  Diane’s efficient performance of her job masks the enormous responsibilities and duties she performs on a regular basis.  She has been vital to the SBE’s progress and accomplishments over her career.

The SBE held a retirement reception for Diane on May 1st.  We wish her the best, and congratulate her on a well-earned retirement!

Dr. Jeffrey Wall Recognized at the MTU Teaching Showcase

During each spring semester, the five college Deans will identify outstanding instructors within their unit. (Engineering-4, Sciences and Arts-5, Business-1, Forestry-1, and Technology-1) These twelve nominees (allocated proportionally by the total number of affiliated faculty) are announced one per week through the spring term. All twelve are invited to an end-of-term luncheon where they receive formal recognition and a small token of appreciation from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).

Beginning in 2017, Deans’ Teaching Showcase winners are considered (along with the distinguished teaching award finalists not selected) for three additional university-wide $1000 awards in targeted areas. Awards are given for exceptional large classroom/introductory teaching, innovative or outside the classroom teaching methods, and/or curriculum or assessment development. Each awardee is asked to make a presentation at a separate CTL event the following fall, sharing exceptional contributions and formally receiving recognition. Recipients take part in the next selection process.

This year, the School of Business and Economics is proud to recognize Dr. Jeffrey Wall, Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems.


Teacher of the Year 2017-2018

It is with great pleasure to announce the School of Business and Economics 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year has been awarded to Senior Lecturer, Roger Woods!  He is a third-time winner of this award, he was also selected as the 2013-2014 and 2016-2017 recipient!

Every spring fourth-year students from the School of Business and Economics nominate the top three faculty members they believe are deserving of this award.  The results from that survey are tallied, and the faculty members with the most nominations move on to the second round.  The second survey goes out to the entire SBE student body.  This time students are asked to select one faculty member they feel should be recognized as Teacher of the Year and also have the opportunity to share comments on why that individual is deserving.

It is clear from the comments submitted by students, that Roger is a one-of-a-kind teacher. Below he is pictured with his girls, Lucy and Sage.

Roger Teacher of the Year 2018

Distinguished Teaching Award Finalists Announced

The William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning seeks input for its annual Distinguished Teaching Awards, which recognize outstanding contributions to the instructional mission of the University.
Based on more than 50,000 student rating of instruction responses, 12 finalists have been identified for the 2018 awards. The selection committee is soliciting comments from students, staff, faculty and alumni to aid in its deliberation process.
This year’s finalists are:
Assistant Professor / Lecturer / Professor of Practice Category
  • Andrew Barnard (MEEM), Assistant Professor
  • Lisa Johnson de Gordillo (VPA), Assistant Professor
  • Brigitte Morin (Bio Sci), Senior Lecturer
  • Stephen Techtmann (Bio Sci), Assistant Professor
  • Ebenezer Tumban (Bio Sci), Assistant Professor
  • Jeffrey Wall (SBE), Assistant Professor
Associate Professor / Professor Category
  • Andrew Burton (SFRES), Professor
  • Ann Maclean (SFRES), Professor
  • Amy Marcarelli (Bio Sci), Associate Professor
  • Christopher Webster (SFRES), Professor
  • Richelle Winkler (Soc Sci), Associate Professor

Comments on the nominees are due by Monday, March 26, and can be completed online. The process for determining the Distinguished Teaching Award recipients from this list of finalists also involves the additional surveying of their spring classes.

The selection committee makes the final determination of the award recipients. The 2018 DistinguishedTeaching Awards will be formally announced in May.
For more information, email Nancy Seely or call 7-1896.
– William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning, Tech Today – January 30, 2018

Dean’s Teaching Showcase: Jeff Wall

Our third Deans’ Teaching Showcase member for spring 2018 comes from Dean Johnson in the School of Business and Economics (SBE). Johnson has selected Jeff Wall, assistant professor. During his brief time at Tech, Wall has already been recognized as the SBE Teacher of the Year Award and with membership in the Academy of Teaching Excellence. Johnson credits Wall’s teaching success to his “humble, demure and genuine passion for students combined with a deep knowledge of his field.”

In his nomination, Johnson also emphasized Wall’s flexibility: “From the freshman intro course to the advanced graduate MBA and Master of Data Science course, Jeff has the ability to effectively teach a wide range of topics and class levels. Jeff consistently receives high teaching evaluations and positive comments from students across this spectrum. I believe this is due to Jeff’s ability to make each student an active valuable member of the class.”

When asked how he helps students feel included, Wall emphasizes using projects and a need for a “safe” environment to enable learning. He elaborates, “In the classroom, I seek to foster an environment of mutual respect and to create an environment where it is okay to experiment and make mistakes. During experiential learning sessions, student teams are asked to present their work to the class for critique. Students see that all of the teams make mistakes. These sessions help to reinforce the idea that making mistakes is an important part of the learning process. From these sessions, students see what common mistakes may occur in practice and how to avoid or remedy them in the future.”

Wall will be recognized at an end-of-term luncheon with 11 other showcase members, and is now eligible for one of three new teaching awards to be given by the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning this summer recognizing introductory or large class teaching, innovative or outside the classroom teaching methods, or work in curriculum and assessment.


-by Michael Meyer, Director, William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning