Category: Faculty and Staff

Dr. Dana Johnson Receives ASQ’s 2016 Gryna Award

Dr. Dana Johnson was honored for her contributions in Quality this spring by the American Society for Quality.  She received ASQ’s 2016 Gryna Award for co-authoring the paper, “SEM of Service Quality to Predict Overall Patient Satisfaction in Medical CLinics: A Case Study,” published in 2015 in Quality Management Journal, Vol. 22,  No. 4 pp. 18-36.  The ASQ Gryna Award is for the largest single contribution to the extension of understanding and knowledge of the philosophy, principles, or methods of quality management.  Dr. Johnson’s co-author, Dr. Roberta S. Russel, is a Professor of Business Information Technology at Virginia Tech.  Both authors thank Elizabeth MacInnes, V.P. Quality, UP Health Systems Portage and James Bogan, UP Health Systems Market President for providing access to the data necessary to complete this research.

About ASQ

ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With millions of individual and organizational members of the community in 150 countries, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s corporations, organizations and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges. Celebrating 70 years in 2016, ASQ, with its world headquarters in Milwaukee, Wis., USA, operates regional centers in the U.S. and Canada, North Asia, South Asia, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. Learn more about ASQ’s members, mission, technologies and training by visiting the ASQ webpage.


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Dr. Mari W. Buche – 11th Annual Midwest AIS Conference

Dr. Mari W. Buche, director of the Data Science Graduate Program and associate professor of Management Information Systems (SBE), attended the 11th Annual Midwest AIS conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin May 19-20. The theme for this year’s event was “Bigger, Smarter, Safer: Game Changers for Information Systems.”

Buche participated on a panel entitled “Privacy, technology and surveillance in the digital age: the Big Brother scenario.” The panel focused on redefining privacy expectations and generational gaps in fundamental interpretations of information security. Reference material for this panel was Can ‘Big Brother’ watch us?

Buche also presented a research-in-progress paper entitled “The influence of Outcome-Oriented Security Policy on Security Perceptions and Intentions,” co-authored with Jeff Wall (SBE). The study investigates expected improvements when corporations enhance traditional checklist-oriented information security policies (ISPs) with an outcomes-oriented policy. Intrinsic motivation and employee commitment will be measured in an experimental design study. 

Tech Today


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SBE Faculty Recognized by Fraternities and Sororities

On Sunday, about 250 students gathered for the 10th Annual Greek Life Awards Ceremony in the MUB Ballroom.

In addition to the many student awards presented, Order of Omega, the Greek Life Honor Society that coordinates the awards, also took the time to recognize some exceptional faculty and staff.

There are more than 500 students in fraternities and sororities at Michigan Tech and Order of Omega wants to emphasize Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards come directly from the students.

When writing a nomination for the Outstanding Faculty Award, students were asked to consider faculty who:
are dedicated to supporting students and helping them succeed academically
demonstrate a passion for teaching and/or research
utilize innovative teaching methods
promote academic integrity among students
When writing a nomination for the Outstanding Staff Award, students were asked to consider staff who:
are dedicated to supporting students and helping them succeed both inside and outside the classroom
demonstrate a passion for working with students
promote and inspire the Michigan Tech Values of Community, Scholarship, Possibilities, Accountability and Tenacity

The following faculty and staff members were nominated by members of the Greek community and were recognized at the 2016 Greek Life Awards Ceremony (winners in bold):

Dana Johnson (SBE)
Jeffrey Wall (SBE)
Ted Anderson (SoT)
Tony Rogers (ChE)
Cody Kangas (Center for Pre-College Outreach)
Jannah Brandt (Center for Pre-College Outreach)
Mark Maroste (Auxiliary Services)
Whitney Boroski (Wellness)

These nominations were written by individual students and were supported by an entire fraternity or sorority.

In addition, Ellen Horsch, VP for Administration, was honored with the Outstanding Chapter Advisor of the Year Award. Ellen has served as an advisor for Alpha Gamma Delta Women’s Fraternity for 30 years.

Congratulations to all the faculty and staff who were nominated and thank you for inspiring and motivating students!

Story from Tech Today on Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

The School of Business and Economics will have its third brown bag lunch research seminar from noon to 1 p.m. on April 21, in Academic Office Building (AOB) 101.  Associate Professor of Accounting Robert Hutchinson will present his latest research.  All interested members of the MTU community are invited.

Title: Intangible Resource Value and Tobin’s Q: Evidence from the Super Bowl.


The emergent resource-based view of competitive strategy is that companies survive in the long-run by developing unique capabilities that are firm-specific and difficult to duplicate. Brand equity represents one of the most valuable, unique, and potentially long-lasting of these resources, and the need for developing accounting measures that allow for the efficient management of such resources is increasingly recognized. This study uses a unique data set to empirically examine the impact of one of the most exclusive and coveted forms marketing activities, Super Bowl advertising, on long-term brand equity via the q ratio. This paper attempts to bridge the gap between the management accounting and marketing management literatures by providing a practical application of the q ratio and a resource-based perspective on the reporting of intangible assets.



Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

The School of Business and Economics will have its second brown bag lunch research seminar from noon – 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, in Academic Office Building 101.  Associate Professor of Management, Manish Srivistava will present his latest research breakthrough.

Title: Firm Risk and Market Valuation: A Reexamination Using Quantile Regression


Despite a very long history the relationship between firm risk and market value of firms is poorly understood.  Some of the prior research have shown a positive relationship, others have found a negative relationship, while still others have found no relationship. Considering the inconsistency of these findings, in this research, we reexamine this relationship using quantile regression and make an attempt to reconcile some of the contradictory findings.
