Category: Faculty and Staff

Dean Johnson Named Dean of the SBE


Dean L. Johnson, currently the James and Dolores Trethewey APMP professor and founding director of the Applied Portfolio Management Program, has been named Dean of the School of Business and Economics. The announcement was made by Jackie Huntoon provost and vice president of academic affairs.

Johnson has been serving as interim dean since January of this year. Huntoon said “I thank the search committee for their efforts in assembling an outstanding slate of candidates for on-campus interviews. Despite the quality of the other candidates, Dr. Johnson rose to the top and I look forward to working with him in the future.”

Johnson earned his PhD in finance from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He joined Michigan Tech in 1996, with an initial appointment at the rank of instructor. He was promoted to the rank of full professor in 2012 and served as assistant dean from 2014-2016. Johnson has also held a visiting faculty position at the University of Wisconsin for the past twenty years.

Huntoon says Johnson has a reputation for creating unique academic programs, offering engaging learning opportunities for students, partnering with key stakeholders and working with accreditors.

His research focuses on fictional asset pricing and has been recognized through awards for best paper. His teaching has earned him recognition as the 2012 Michigan Professor of the Year by the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan (now the Michigan Association of State Universities).

On his appointment, Johnson said, “It’s an exciting time to accept this position. Technology has become the driver of the global economy. Michigan Tech is an exceptional STEM university that provides the School with a unique ability to bridge business and technology. I am looking forward to working with the stakeholders of the University and the School of Business and Economics to fulfill this unique role.”

Faculty, academic staff, students and an alumnus comprised the search committee that made recommendations to the provost regarding selection of the new dean. Johnson succeeds Gene Klippel, who retired this year. Johnson will begin his duties immediately.

by Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Tech Today

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

The School of Business and Economics will host its first brown bag lunch research seminar of the semester on Thursday, September 15 at 12:00pm in Academic Office Building 101.  Dr. Tom Merz and Professor Russ Louks will present their exciting new study.

Title: Scorecasting: A Laboratory Experiment of the Framing Effect on Risky and Safe Choices in a Strictly Competitive, Repeatedly Played 2X2 Game.

The experiment consists of two players (subjects) playing repeated rounds of a “simple” game involving binary choices for each player.  The game is one of pure conflict – constant sum, with each round having only one winner.  Players choose simultaneously – without knowledge of the choice of his or her opponent.  The stage game has a unique Nash equilibrium in mixed strategy (the minimax solution).  With two players each making one of two choices, each round has four possible choice combinations.  Once each player makes a choice, the winner of a round is determined by a random draw, with the odds of winning being dependent on the choice combination.



Dr. Emanuel Xavier-Oliveira Featured Across the Web

Dr. Emanuel Xavier-Oliveira (SBE) and other professors of economics from universities such as Purdue and Yale were asked by the financial web site WalletHub to comment on growth strategies that state economies can adopt in order to improve or return to full capacity. It was part of a WalletHub report just released on the states with the best and worst economies. News of the report has been picked up by Forbes and CBS News, among others.

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Dr. Dana Johnson Receives ASQ’s 2016 Gryna Award

Dr. Dana Johnson was honored for her contributions in Quality this spring by the American Society for Quality.  She received ASQ’s 2016 Gryna Award for co-authoring the paper, “SEM of Service Quality to Predict Overall Patient Satisfaction in Medical CLinics: A Case Study,” published in 2015 in Quality Management Journal, Vol. 22,  No. 4 pp. 18-36.  The ASQ Gryna Award is for the largest single contribution to the extension of understanding and knowledge of the philosophy, principles, or methods of quality management.  Dr. Johnson’s co-author, Dr. Roberta S. Russel, is a Professor of Business Information Technology at Virginia Tech.  Both authors thank Elizabeth MacInnes, V.P. Quality, UP Health Systems Portage and James Bogan, UP Health Systems Market President for providing access to the data necessary to complete this research.

About ASQ

ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With millions of individual and organizational members of the community in 150 countries, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s corporations, organizations and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges. Celebrating 70 years in 2016, ASQ, with its world headquarters in Milwaukee, Wis., USA, operates regional centers in the U.S. and Canada, North Asia, South Asia, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. Learn more about ASQ’s members, mission, technologies and training by visiting the ASQ webpage.


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Dr. Mari W. Buche – 11th Annual Midwest AIS Conference

Dr. Mari W. Buche, director of the Data Science Graduate Program and associate professor of Management Information Systems (SBE), attended the 11th Annual Midwest AIS conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin May 19-20. The theme for this year’s event was “Bigger, Smarter, Safer: Game Changers for Information Systems.”

Buche participated on a panel entitled “Privacy, technology and surveillance in the digital age: the Big Brother scenario.” The panel focused on redefining privacy expectations and generational gaps in fundamental interpretations of information security. Reference material for this panel was Can ‘Big Brother’ watch us?

Buche also presented a research-in-progress paper entitled “The influence of Outcome-Oriented Security Policy on Security Perceptions and Intentions,” co-authored with Jeff Wall (SBE). The study investigates expected improvements when corporations enhance traditional checklist-oriented information security policies (ISPs) with an outcomes-oriented policy. Intrinsic motivation and employee commitment will be measured in an experimental design study. 

Tech Today


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