Transfer Credits: If you would like to take classes elsewhere and transfer them to MTU, use the online Transfer Equivalency system to look up classes.
- Choose courses that will transfer to an equivalent course at MTU that are required for your degree.
- To access list of courses already approved for transfer use the Michigan Tech Transfer Equivalency System.
- If the course you are looking for is NOT on the Transfer Credit Equivalency list, you can request to have it evaluated for transfer credit by sending this information to the MTU Transfer Services Office (Jean Burich), Admin Bldg 130, for each course: (or email, or call 487-3323)
- University or college name
- Course ID and title
- Syllabus
- Textbook(s) used (usually on the syllabus)
- Detailed Description (usually on the syllabus)
- If all this information is available online, you can send the exact link to A short catalog description is not enough information to evaluate for MTU credit. You must provide a syllabus.
- Enroll in courses, earn good grades. Grades must be C or better to be accepted at MTU. If the course(s) are pre-requisites to classes you need to register for next semester, have a copy of your transcript from the transfer college sent to MTU, so that our system knows the courses you plan to transfer.
Pre-req? Students planning to take a class elsewhere over summer that is a pre-req for a course in their Fall schedule will need to contact Jean Burich, She will enter the transfer course into the system to allow you to register for all of your fall courses.
How to transfer credits to MTU after you complete course(s):
- Have an official copy of your transcript sent to MTU’s Registrar’s Office
Michigan Technological University – Transfer Services
130 Administration Building – Student Service Center
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295