Call for Posters – Michigan Tech World Water Day 2018 – March 27-28, 2018

To Graduate and Undergraduate students:

Michigan Tech is celebrating World Water Day 2018 during the week of March 26.  The Great Lakes Research Center is sponsoring the World Water Day Poster Competition, using the United Nations World Water Day theme, “Nature-based Solutions for Water.”

Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to participate in the World Water Day Poster Competition, which includes 2 categories of cash awards:

Original Research posters typically represent thesis and research work related to any aspect of water.
Coursework/Informational posters present coursework or literature based research.  They can be assigned in a course to individuals or groups of students, or can be entered independently.

Posters in the Original Research category may or may not be relevant to the “Nature-based Solutions for Water” theme of World Water Day, but additional points are awarded to the Coursework/Informational posters if they incorporate the “Nature-based Solutions for Water” theme.

See the World Water Day Flyer and download the registration form.

Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 18 by midnight to Carol Asiala (

Digital Posters Deadline: Sunday, March 25 by midnight to Carol Asiala (
Printed Posters: Tuesday, March 27 between 8:00-9:00am in Dow Lobby Area – Campus side

Judging Sessions with oral presentations: Tuesday, March 27, 12:00 to 2:30 pm in Dow Conference Rooms

Informal discussions with students at poster session: Tuesday, March 27, 2:30-4:00 pm in Dow Lobby Area – Campus side

Note: we are planning to display the posters digitally on TV monitors in the Dow conference rooms for the judging process this year.  The printed versions will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, March 27-28 in the Dow Lobby, campus-side, but Powerpoint Slides will need to be submitted to Carol Asiala ( by March 25, so they can be prepared for display on the computers in the conference rooms.

More information about all of the World Water Day activities can be found at:

This year’s World Water Day guest speaker is Dr. Greg Kleinheinz from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
Other related notes:
The Library is hosting several poster workshop sessions before World Water Day.  Register for one of the following sessions if you would like to learn more about presenting  your research and information in a poster format, and also learn about he the resources available for printing posters at the library.

1/26/2018, 12:00 -1:00 in Library 242

2/26/2018, 5:00 -6:00 in Library 242

3/6/2018, 12:00 -1:00 in Library 242

The Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held on Friday, March 23. Please be aware that this is a time when many posters will be printed, so plan ahead to avoid any scheduling conflicts with the printing.

Nature-based Solutions for Water resources:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Naturally Resilient Communities

Thank you, and please contact me with any questions about the Posters.

Carol J. Asiala, Assistant Research Scientist/Engineer
Dept. of Geological & Mining Engineering & Science, 626 Dow
Great Lakes Research Center
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI  49931
906/487-2033 (direct line), 906/487-2531 (main office), 906/487-3371 (fax)