Please see links below for information on the following scholarships:
2017-18 ASCE Southeast Michigan Branch – 18th Annual Student Scholarship Competition
ASCE Michigan Section – Engineering Scholarships for Civil Engineering Students
Please see links below for information on the following scholarships:
2017-18 ASCE Southeast Michigan Branch – 18th Annual Student Scholarship Competition
ASCE Michigan Section – Engineering Scholarships for Civil Engineering Students
Are you looking for a research opportunity? Are you interested in expanding your skill set and becoming competitive in your field?
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education are recruiting students in STEM! ORNL is the U.S. Department of Energy’s largest science and energy lab, dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions in clean energy and global security.
ORNL and ORISE are co-hosting a virtual career fair February 22nd from noon to 3 p.m. EST at a computer or mobile device near you!
Pre-register for the Laboratory Internship Virtual Event today!
This virtual career fair will feature various internship opportunities and research participation programs at ORNL.
Chat with ORNL scientists and ORISE recruiters and get tips on applying! (Check out the attached agenda to learn more about the researchers scheduled to chat.)
This is an excellent opportunity to network and see what a unique internship experience at a national lab would be like! Follow us to stay posted for future opportunities exploring even more programs available at locations around the United States through DOE and ORISE!