Day: January 29, 2019

Family Science & Engineering Nights – Need Presenters

Greetings Students:

I am looking for students interested in presenting for family science & engineering nights at area schools.  The spring semester schedule can be found here.

Please let me know if you are available to present and which nights. I need two presenters on these dates: Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, March 6 (all Wednesdays).

We usually depart the MTU-GLRC at 4:45 pm, except for Feb. 13 & 20 where we have to drive to Ewen (60 miles) and Wakefield (100 min.).

All of the Family nights are 6 -7:30 pm. From 5-6 pm, we eat dinner & set up in the classroom.  (Usually instructors will let you go early if needed. Many profs are familiar with the Family Science Night program and have allowed students to leave lab a few minutes early in past years.)

I have 4 notebooks of prepared lesson plans that you can choose from.  Let me know your preferred grade: K-1, Gr. 2-3, and gr. 4-5 and if you have a topic you’re interested and I can email a lesson to you. Or you can stop by 115 GLRC and look through the lesson notebooks. Presenters organize your own materials. We have lots of supplies available.

Feel free to forward this email to other interested students. They should contact me if they are available and let me know which dates.

I will provide transportation to the school, dinner, and $25 stipend per night.


Joan Schumaker Chadde
Director, Center for Science & Environmental Outreach
115 Great Lakes Research Center
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931
Office: 906-487-3341