Day: October 2, 2019

Job Posting: G & J Site Solutions (Estimator and Project Manager Position)

G & J Site Solutions are still seeking an estimator/project manager position in their Calumet Office.  They would also consider an internship as well for both Fall and Spring Semesters.  Resumes can be submitted direct to Geoff by email ( or through handshake.

Geoffrey A. Cutsy (Owner)

President, Owner

G & J Site Solutions, Inc.

51811 Industrial Drive

Calumet, MI 49913

Office:   906-483-3100

Faculty-Led Study Abroad Info Sessions

I want to be sure that the group has information on our Faculty-Led Study Abroad information sessions, which are coming up soon:
Wednesday, Oct 2, 5-6pm in Fisher 101
Monday, Oct. 28, 5-6pm, Library East Reading Room
I have attached an e-announcement for the event, and I’d love to ask if you would share that with your students, and with other faculty who may have students who are interested.
We will have programs for Spring Break, Track A, and Track B, in six locations:
England, Scotland, and Ireland
The Bahamas
Costa Rica
Almost all of the courses offered are HASS and CORE courses; some programs also have the option for more advanced study. For example, in Greece I will be teaching a class called, “International Arts Studio,” where students are able to develop their own creative research project working one-on-one with a faculty mentor.
Lisa Johnson de Gordillo
Pronouns: she, her, hers

Assistant Professor of Visual & Performing Arts
Curator and Director of the Rozsa Galleries
208 Walker Arts & Humanities Center
(906) 487-3096

D80 Conference 2019 – Registration Deadline Oct. 4th

The Michigan Tech campus community is invited to attend the annual 2019 D80 Conference which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 12 in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Free lunch will be provided.

This year’s D80 Conference theme is The Intersection of Public Service and Community Engagement and topics include:

  • The Father’s Day Flood: Service, CommUNITY, and Preventative Measures -Food Insecurities, Food Sovereignty and Community Health
  • Project work conducted in places such as Panama, Ghana, Tanzania, Peru, Bahamas and more

We are very excited to welcome this year’s D80 Conference keynote speaker, Michigan Tech graduate, Otha Thornton, the owner and Principal Consultant for the Thornton Consulting Group.

This year’s conference is sponsored by Michigan Tech’s Pavlis Honors College, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and the Sustainable Futures Institute. Registration is required. The deadline to register is Friday (Oct. 4).

The Michigan Tech campus and community hosts this annual conference every fall to give a platform to the voices of university students, faculty, and staff who serve communities in need, both domestically and abroad. The conference is open to anyone interested in development, design and discovery for the poorest 80% of humanity.