WSP has many job postings (full time and internships) for engineers! Check them out!
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) will be hosting a virtual recruiting event on March 16. They employ students from many disciplines, including but not limited to: geophysics, earth sciences, geology, geomatics, math, astronomy, physics, surveying and applied sciences more generally. Note that a high percentage of our interns go on to work full time at NGA.
The virtual presentation will focus on geoscience-related employment and internship opportunities at NGA. The event will be an hour and a half where they spend time introducing NGA and our office of Geomatics and the divisions within i.e., GNSS, Photogrammetry, Geosciences and Geodetic Surveys. Employees from the NGA Office of Geomatics will speak generally about what they do, to help students better gauge their interest in our agency, as well as give application tips to apply for employment.
Virtual recruiting event on 3/16/2022 at 4-530 ET.
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Meeting password: Huskies (4875437 from phones and video systems)
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OHM Advisors has the Internship Opportunity you have been looking for!
With the singular mission of Advancing Communities, our diverse, 500+ member team works collaboratively across multiple service areas, including architecture, engineering, planning, surveying, and construction engineering, to create better places for people.
OHM has internship and Co-Op Positions available at our Kalamazoo office in the Field Services Department. You will gain valuable working knowledge from real world application in the field. Your primary role will include the following:
- Assist project engineers in the application of principles, methods, and techniques of engineering.
- Collaborate with a team to solve problems and complete projects
- Assist in developing design documents utilizing Civil 3D
- Construction observation.
- Material Testing such as density, concrete, and HMA
- Assist survey crew.
Our other departments including Transportation, Survey, and Municipal Engineering located in multiple Michigan locations have internship opportunities as well! Please go to OHM Website for all locations and for the Kalamazoo location, please contact me directly, Jim Woods at 269-998-6789 or
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy has recently posted a job opening for an environmental engineer.
The posting can be found here:
Folks can apply through March 17, 2022.
Volkswagen Group of America is looking for applicants for a 10-week internship this summer within our EHS department. The program description and specific role posting are attached. Any interested applicants must apply with a resume and cover letter via email to, subject line “Application for EHS Internship,” no later than March 11. It is a mostly remote position, so we are accepting applicants from across the country. We will be covering business travel (air/lodging) to some of our facilities during the internship for some hands-on experience.
If any interested applicants want to reach out to me directly, my work information is below:
Caryn Murray Ballou
Product Stewardship Specialist
Environment, Health & Safety (US/H)
T. +1 248 754 4227
M. +1 248 425 7973
Michigan Tech alum, Joe Azzarello, is offering a LEED GA exam prep workshop here on campus. It is being offered at a very low cost to all Michigan Tech students, faculty and staff near the end of March.
Joe is one of the founders of the US Green Building Council. He has led LEED training workshops throughout the United States, Mexico, South America, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam. At Kohler, where he worked for many years as an engineer, he was known as their “green building guru”.
The LEED exam prep training at MTU will take place over two days. Joe will teach on campus in two 5-hour sessions, from 12-5 pm on both Sunday, March 20 and Sunday, March 27. The room is ChemSci 211. Those who cannot attend in person can attend via Zoom. Cost for materials and course is $80. Here is the website and link to sign up.
Depending on interest, Joe may next offer prep for the LEED Accredited Professional Exam.
Please help spread the word! Here is an article with more info, as well.
Summer Work Program
Designed exclusively for Michigan construction contractors, this cooperative program between the AGC Construction Industry Advancement Program and Michigan colleges and universities provides construction work experience for undergraduate students. Contractors have the opportunity to hire Civil Engineering and Construction Management Sophomores and Juniors from accredited Michigan Universities.
Terms: Students will earn $550/week salary + $800 for tuition in fellowship from the employer + $800 for tuition in fellowship from the AGC CIAP. This equates to over $17.00/ hour for up to twelve weeks. Students also gain the benefit of great industry experience.
Students interested in participating in the Summer Work Program need to complete and submit an application. Students who complete the following application, and are hired as a result of this application, agree to the terms of the program provided above.
The application is now open for summer 2022.
Michigan Tech is inviting applications for the NSF-funded REU site program – TECH SCEnE, this summer. TECH SCEnE is a unique bio-inspired, community-centric STEM program. The program is in collaboration with the Natural resources department at the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC). Participants will work with mentors from Michigan Tech and KBIC. Projects offer opportunities for participants to enjoy the beautiful outdoors of the Upper Peninsula. Past projects include water quality testing for heavy metal contamination, smart adhesives for underwater applications, underwater acoustic modems for remote monitoring, simulating daylight for hatcheries, and applications of electrospun nanofibers.
More details about the program can be found on the website: TECH SCEnE REU
Internship opportunity with Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (Chicago South Shore Area). Info can be found in the link below.
Coleman summer interns will be exposed to a combination of field and office related civil and surveying engineering activities.
Information regarding Coleman Engineering Company can be found at Interested students can feel free to reach out to Kevin Trevillian ( directly .
Kevin W. Trevillian, P.E. • Principal
635 Circle Drive • Iron Mountain, MI 49801
P: 906.774.3440 • F: 906.774.7776 • C: 906.282.3419