Day: December 16, 2024

Scholarship: ACEC/Michigan (due January 3, 2025)

ACEC/Michigan is planning to award $20,000 in scholarships this year, divided between approximately 5 engineering and surveying students enrolled in an ABET accredited college or university. The students must have lived, worked, or gone to school in Michigan and worked for a consulting engineering, surveying, or architectural/engineering firm within the past 24 months. The criteria is based on GPA, work experience, school and work references, and community activities. Applicants must also write an essay answering the question provided.  

The all-digital Scholarship Application process allows students to save and work on the application over time as well as apply for multiple scholarships they may be eligible for with one application. We would appreciate the distribution of the scholarship application to any students you know of who may be eligible, including your firm’s summer interns.

The application portal link is: The deadline to apply is January 3, 2025.


Kathy VanZee
Member Services Coordinator
American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Michigan
D: 517.580.0341 | O: 517.332.2066

Scholarship: Dr. Fay Thompson Scholarship (EHS oriented)

Dr. Fay Thompson Scholarship

The Scholarship team would appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about the Dr. Fay Thompson scholarship. To apply use the link:

The 2025 Submission period is open from November 26, 2024 – March 31, 2025.


The $3,000 scholarship is open to undergraduate students who:

  • Are currently registered as a full-time student in a 4-year degree-granting course of study in an institution of higher education in North America
  • Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 and at least one full year of study remaining in their degree program
  • Are enrolled in majors geared toward an Environmental Health & Safety career (such as, but not limited to, Environmental Science, Fire Protection, Health Physics, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health, Safety, etc.)
  • Complete the application form and submit all required documentation.

Job Posting: InterVISTAS Consulting (airport planning)

InterVISTAS Consulting is seeking an entry level airport planning consultant to meet our expanding needs. As you have in the past, we would appreciate your sharing the attached job posting with your students and others in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering who may be interested. Questions? Contact Peter Mandle (contact info below)

Peter Mandle

Executive Vice President

InterVISTAS Consulting

+1-650-597-3872 | +1-650-520-1410 |  |

TRC – Internship Opportunities for Students!

We are actively seeking for an Environmental/Ecology Intern with a background in Environmental Science, Environmental Policy, Biology, Ecology or any related major out and an Environmental Intern with a background in Chem/Environmental Engineering, Geology, Environmental Science, or a related field out of our West Allis, WI office and a Civil Engineering Intern out of our Madison, WI office. I was hoping that you could help me share this information or direct me to the best contact to do so. We have a robust internship program and hope to hire many talented students! They will get to work on billable projects with our clients and peers/leaders.  

Here is the link to our applications:  

Environmental Intern in West Allis, Wisconsin | TRC Companies, Inc.

Environmental/Ecology Intern in West Allis, Wisconsin | Careers at West Allis, WI

Civil Engineering Intern in Madison, Wisconsin | TRC Companies, Inc.

All Internship Openings across the U.S.:

TRC Companies Careers

TRC is a leading global engineering consulting firm with more than 150 offices in the States, England, Puerto Rico and China nearly 8,000 employees. You can find more information at 

Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope to have a chance to engage with your students as well in the near future!  


Thanks for your time and support!

Megan Tran (
Talent Analyst