Category: Student Organization Meetings

NOBCChE at Michigan Tech: Member Recruitment

NOBCChE at Michigan Tech is a student chapter of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE). NOBCChE’s mission to help encourage and facilitate more participation of black and other minority groups in STEM education as well as to provide platforms for their professional development. 

As a NOBCChE student member, one is eligible for full or partial sponsorship to conferences, direct access to NOBCChE career centre for job applications, and opportunities to network with professionals from different industries and schools across the country. 

Note: Membership in NOBCChE at Michigan Tech is open to any student here at Tech who supports the mission of the organization, regardless of the department, gender, or race. You can learn more about the organization via this link:

General Meeting: Structural Engineering Institute

We are excited to announce our info sessions for next semester’s spaghetti bridge competition!
Rules will be presented along with the logistics of the competition. Spaghetti dinner will be provided.
They will be Wednesday (12/4) and Thursday (12/5) from 5-6pm in Dillman 202.
We hope to see you there!

General Meeting: REAC (Railroad Engineering and Activities Club) Speaker Series

Everybody is invited to this month’s edition of the Railroad Engineering and Activities Club Speaker Series, featuring guest speaker Phil Pasterak!
Phil works for WSP Engineering, and will be discussing some of the high(er) speed rail projects that he’s been a part of recently. He’s also going to be sharing a number of internship and full-time opportunities at the meeting!
Where: Fisher 125
When: Mon Jan 28 @ 7pm
Who: Open to all!
We hope to see you there!

EWB (Engineers Without Borders): Recruiting New Members!

We Welcome all Majors!
Bolivia: 1st General Meeting:
Time: Wednesday, Jan. 30, 8pm-9pm
Location: M&M Rm 104

Guatemala: 1st General Meeting:

Time: Tuesday, Jan. 29, 8pm-9pm
Location: EERC Rm 412
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is the MTU student chapter of the national membership-based nonprofit organization that partners with communities to meet their basic human needs and creates global leaders through transformative experiences.
Currently, we have 2 open projects looking for team members: Bolivia and Guatemala.
Bolivia: Looking for team members to help implement and design a road culvert
Guatemala: Looking for a Team Leader to coordinate and manage the project and team members to help implement and design a gravity-fed water distribution system
Involvement link:

ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers)

The Institute of Transportation Engineers, Michigan Tech Chapter, will be having its first meeting of the year Thursday October 4th at 5:00pm in Dillman 214. We will be joined by company representatives from HNTB. Join us to learn more about ITE, HNTB, and enjoy pizza provided by them.

About ITE:

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international membership association of transportation professionals who work to improve mobility and safety for all transportation system users and help build smart and livable communities. Through its products and services, ITE promotes professional development and career advancement for its members, supports and encourages education, identifies necessary research, develops technical resources including standards and recommended practices, develops public awareness programs, and serves as a conduit for the exchange of professional information.

Founded in 1930, ITE is a community of transportation professionals including, transportation engineers, transportation planners, consultants, educators, technologists, and researchers. Through meetings, seminars, publications, and a network of more than 15,000 members working in more than 90 countries, ITE is your source for expertise, knowledge, and ideas.

Questions? Contact student chapter president:

Jakob Janquart,


General Meeting: Husky Construction

Husky Construction will be having their first meeting of this semester tomorrow (Tuesday 9/18) from 7PM-8PM in EERC 314. They will discuss possible volunteer opportunities including with Habitat for Humanity and possibly building a broomball rink for Michigan Tech. A special guest speaker Mike Summerfield will present more information on possibly building the broomball rink as well as provide snacks for everyone. in addition they will discuss any seminars or presentations that members are interested in attending. Hope to see everyone there tomorrow.

-Matthew Wray

Michigan Technological University
Construction Management

General Meeting: Railroad Engineering and Activities Club


    As you all finishing up the last days of your spring break, please note the upcoming REAC GBM. Our next meeting will be held on March 20, at 7pm in Rheki 214. During this months’ meeting, we will be holding elections for E-Board as well as hosting the guest speaker, Phil Pasterak. (speaking on Twin Cities Light Railroad).
    For more information regarding the officer duties as well as the GBM poster, see attachment in email. This Tuesday’s meeting will be the last chance you have to sign up for the Spring Trip. If you would like to know more about this trip, come to the meeting!
Oh! Wait!… Did I forget to mention?!?! …… March 20 is TACO TUESDAY!!!! So, please stop by for a taco or two!


Preview attachment Mar_18 GBM.pdf

Preview attachment Offices and Duties.pdf

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