Category: Study Abroad

Study Abroad: The Green Program

Japan Program:

Are you interested in any of the following?
  • Study nuclear energy in Japan & current disaster mitigation efforts
  • Snowshoeing through the Japanese Alps
  • Understand policy changes to transition to 100% renewable energy
  • Study abroad for just 8-10 days over Spring or Summer Break

There are a few spots remaining for March 7-15 and May 17-26!

For more information please visit:

Faculty-Led Study Abroad Info Sessions

I want to be sure that the group has information on our Faculty-Led Study Abroad information sessions, which are coming up soon:
Wednesday, Oct 2, 5-6pm in Fisher 101
Monday, Oct. 28, 5-6pm, Library East Reading Room
I have attached an e-announcement for the event, and I’d love to ask if you would share that with your students, and with other faculty who may have students who are interested.
We will have programs for Spring Break, Track A, and Track B, in six locations:
England, Scotland, and Ireland
The Bahamas
Costa Rica
Almost all of the courses offered are HASS and CORE courses; some programs also have the option for more advanced study. For example, in Greece I will be teaching a class called, “International Arts Studio,” where students are able to develop their own creative research project working one-on-one with a faculty mentor.
Lisa Johnson de Gordillo
Pronouns: she, her, hers

Assistant Professor of Visual & Performing Arts
Curator and Director of the Rozsa Galleries
208 Walker Arts & Humanities Center
(906) 487-3096

Study Abroad Fair – Sept 18th

The Michigan Tech Study Abroad Fair will take place on September 18th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on campus under the Career Fest Tents (between EERC and Chem Sci). 
The Study Abroad Fair is an opportunity for you to meet program representatives from the following:
In addition, you can meet with exchange students from Europe and Australia, mingle with study abroad alumni, and learn more about Michigan Tech modern languages.

The Green Program – Short Term Study Abroad

Short-term, experiential education for our world’s most pressing issues in sustainable development

Join The GREEN Program (TGP) for an upcoming 10-day educational adventure this summer or winter break!

Travel with The GREEN Program to find a meaningful educational experience that fits your busy schedule and advances your career goals in sustainable development.

By using the world as our classroom, TGP’s accredited model expertly balances sustainability-focused course work, exclusive industry exposure, and bucket-list adventures! We specialize in providing private access to leading industry facilities, from Iceland’s largest Geothermal Facility to Fukushima’s Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Zoe Ketola is a MTU student who is now an ambassador for The Green Program.  Any questions, please email her at

Availability updates & Enrollment deadlines:
Summer 2019 & Winter 2020 

Build your resume, travel abroad, experience an adventure of a lifetime, and get credit in just 10-days! 

Summer 2019 (*Limited Spots Available)
Iceland – Renewable Energy & Sustainability (9-Days):

June 3-11 (4 spots open)
August 5-13 (3 spots open)

Peru – Water Resource Management & Sustainable Practices (10-Days)
August 11-20 (5 spots open)

Winter 2020
Iceland – Renewable Energy & Sustainability (9-Days)
December 15-22
January 8-15

Peru – Water Resource Management & Sustainable Practices (10-Days)
January 2-11

Nepal – Microgrids for Rural Development (10-Days)
December 12-21 (3 spots open)
January 5-14

Programs fill on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Submit your priority application today! 

Study Abroad: Cumbria once again!

There will be a “final” Cumbria promotion this Thursday, Jan 31, Fisher 125, 6 – 7.
The program is a “go” this year – enough bodies already accepted and have paid the deposit – but more will be welcome!
Also I will be starting soon – should have earlier – the promotions for London in January 2020 – short term between New Years and start of term, -9 days 1 course three credits, and also Greece, Track A 2020, 4 weeks, 9 credits!
– Dr. Carl Blair

Study Abroad: Cumbira (Info Session)

Carl Blair (SS), Dana Van Kooy (HU) and Libby Meyer (VPA) will host an information session for Cumbria 2019, a faculty-led study abroad program in northern England and southern Scotland: summer, Track B. The session will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 10) in Fisher 130.

We welcome students from across campus. This program offers students an opportunity for foreign travel and for fulfilling HASS (humanities, arts and social sciences) and other General Education requirements in the fields of history, literature, music and archaeology. This session will provide students with information about course offerings, field trips, the application process, costs and scholarships.

Study Abroad: GREEN Program

Looking for a career focused travel opportunity?

Supercharge your resume with The GREEN Program, an experiential education career-focused abroad organization. GREEN takes liked-minded students and young professionals from around the globe on short-term abroad programs to the epicenters of clean tech, sustainability, and innovative industries in Japan, Peru, and Iceland. Each program is jam-packed with bucket-list adventure excursions, hands-on academia & industry exposure, professional networking & leadership development, and cultural immersion for a career-enhancing study abroad experience unlike any other.