Category: Students

Chemical Engineering Sweeps Poster Competition at SME Annual Meeting

Four Michigan Tech Chemical Engineering students placed in the annual Minerals Processing division undergraduate and graduate poster competition during the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual meeting in Denver on February 27. This annual poster competition showcases research from the top mining and mineral processing programs across the nation and is judged by some of the top engineers and scientists in industry and academia. It involved a five-minute oral presentation in a special session as well as a public poster display at a large SME gathering.

Howard Haselhuhn: Outstanding Graduate Student Leader

The Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) was held on Feb 21-22, 2013. GRC was organized by the Graduate Student Government (GSG). Graduate students from all departments at Michigan Tech presented their research and ideas to other students and faculty in the form of oral or poster presentations. A group of judges that consists of faculty (and/or some invited members of industry) evaluated student’s presentations to award prizes to the best 1st, 2nd and 3rd presentations from each session (oral and poster). There are also three honorable mention awards given in both oral and poster presentation sessions.

In addition, at the Awards Banquet that was held on Friday evening February 23, the Graduate School presented several annual awards, including the Outstanding Graduate Student Leader award that went to Howard Haselhuhn of Chemical Engineering.

Outstanding Graduate Student Leader: Howard Haselhuhn, Shown here Kevin Cassell (GSG), Michigan Tech vice president Les Cook, Howard Haselhuhn, and Komar Kawatra, Department Chair, Chemical Engineering

Find out more about the Graduate Research Colloquium

Chem-E Car Going to AIChE Annual Challenge

A team of six chemical engineering students will represent Michigan Tech in the 2012 National Chem-E Car Competition in Pittsburgh, Penn., on Oct. 28. They are one of 32 student teams competing in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) annual challenge.

Chem-E cars are small vehicles, about the size of a shoebox, powered by chemical reactions.

Co-leaders of Tech’s 2012 team are David Hutchison and Christian Dale, both second-year chemical engineering students. Other team members are Justin Levande and Benjamin Veenstra, both second-year chemical engineering students; Ross Koepke, a third-year chemical engineering student; and Ben Markel, a senior in chemical engineering. Interim faculty advisor is Tony Rogers (CEE).

The team took first place in the North Central Region Chem-E car regional competition last April to earn their place in the lineup at next weekend’s national event. The Tech team’s car also won an award for creativity in the regional competition at the University of Akron.

2011-2012 Awards Convocation

The Annual Chemical Engineering Department Awards Convocation was held in the Rozsa Center on April 11, 2012. This is an opportunity to thank the faculty, staff and students for their hard work and dedication.  The department recognized the support of Mrs. Karen Hubbard, Kimberly-Clark, Dow Chemical, and UOP for their donations and services, which made this year’s Awards Convocation possible.

The guest speaker was Linda McInally, who joined Dow Corning in 1981 after having worked 2 years with IBM following her graduation from MTU as a chemical engineer. Her career at Dow Corning was centered on operations, with positions in process engineering, product development, finance and most recently, several roles in manufacturing leadership. Linda was named Vice President of Manufacturing for the Specialty Chemicals Business in 2008, where she was responsible for manufacturing plants across Asia, Europe and North and South America. Linda was recognized for her deep knowledge of the people and processes around the world, enabling strong leadership for contributing significant financial contribution and quality improvements for the business. Linda was also leading the Global Manufacturing Automation Group, responsible for implementing a vision for improving productivity through automation.Linda was awarded membership to the MTU Presidential Council of Alumnae in 2008 and inducted into the Chemical Engineering Distinguished Academy in 2010. She retired from Dow Corning in early 2012.

The  Interim Chair, Dr. Tony Roger opened the event.  The Convocation Master of Ceremonies was Dr. Faith Morrison, Associate Professor. Awards were presented by Mr. David Caspary, Lab Facilities Manager for Prevent Accidents With Safety (PAWS) Awards. The Dow Chemical Marriott W. Bredekamp Award was presented by Dr. John Sandell, Associate Professor. The Kimberly-Clark Communication Award and Kimberly-Clark Professional Ethics Award was presented by Mr. Robert VanDen Heuvel, Senior Process Engineer, Kimberly-Clark Corporation. The UOP Davis W. Hubbard Plant Design Team Award was presented by Dr. Caryn Heldt, Assistant Professor.  Student Reports were given for the   AIChE Chapter President by Ms. Kelly-Anne Zayan, Omega Chi Epsilon (OCE) President by Ms. Ellesse Bess, the Consumer Products Manufacturing (CPM) President by Mr. Robert Parker and the Alternative Fuels Group (AFG) President by Mr. Jacob Boes Student Research Recognition was presented by Dr. Caryn Heldt, Assistant Professor, the Faculty Awards, Teacher of the Year was presented to Dr. Faith Morrison  by AIChE Chapter President  Ms. Kelly-Anne, and  the Special Recognition of Graduating Seniors, by Dr. Faith Morrison, Associate Professor.

Photos for 2011-2012 Awards Convocation April 11, 2011