Psychology Ambassador: Tyrell Buckley

Tyrell Buckley is a student-athlete at Michigan Tech as a member of the hockey team. Sports have always been a strong of passion of his, as he grew up playing many different sports before focusing strictly on hockey. He wishes to continue to have sports in his life in the future, whether it be by still playing hockey or working with athletes in some way. He likes to go hiking in the summer and enjoys wakesurfing and jet skiing on the lake in his hometown. For several years, he has worked at a hockey school during the summers as a power skating instructor in Penticton and has enjoyed coaching kids.

Being a part of the Psychology program at Michigan Tech has been a great experience for Tyrell because he has developed great relationships with his classmates and professors in the department. He has felt very supported throughout his time here and attributes a lot of his success in the classroom to the professors that have taught him. “Their methods of teaching material for various courses and the opportunity they give students to participate in real studies to further learn in a hands-on way has helped me find areas of psychology that are particularly interesting to me,” he says. He has had an excellent experience in the Research Methods class conducting his own research that focused on the effects of mindfulness and pre-game rituals on self-reported confidence. He thinks that this was a great opportunity to work on using all the methods needed to conduct research and learn the skills that are needed to present his results effectively to fellow professors and students in the Psychology program.