Category: News

Chadde to Participate in Field-Based Ecology CAREER Project

Amy Marcarelli Receives NSF CAREER Award

In the world of aquatic biology, it’s a long-held belief that what goes up, must come down. As human activity causes nitrogen loads to go up along the banks of rivers and streams, nitrogen levels go down through another process. Amy Marcarelli, a Michigan Technological University associate professor in biological sciences, has received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study this nitrogen conversion balance.

The CAREER awards are prestigious grants from the NSF to young faculty who effectively integrate research and teaching. Marcarelli was awarded a 5-year, $794,661 grant to continue her research into nitrogen fixation and denitrification.

Not only will her research look to affirm, or disprove, long-held beliefs, but also to create a more ecologically-savvy citizenry by integrating ecosystem ecology techniques into K-12 and undergraduate education.

The construction and operation of a mobile lab is a key part of both the research and educational components of the CAREER project. Marcarelli says accurate rates of nitrogen fixation and denitrification using common assays are dependent on accurate estimates of gas concentrations.

“To reach local (K-12) students, I will identify several classes where teachers are interested in introducing their students to field-based ecology. Before our departure, we will visit these students in their classrooms to introduce ourselves and our project,” Marcarelli says.

She plans to work with Joan Chadde, educational program coordinator at Michigan Tech’s Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education.

Read more at Michigan Tech News, by Mark Wilcox.

Lake Superior Youth Symposium May 14-17, 2015

11th Biennial Lake Superior Youth Symposium
Thunder Bay, Ontario
5 pm, Thursday to 11 am, ET, Sunday ~ May 14-17, 2015

for Grades 8-12 Students and Teachers in MI, MN, WI, and Ontario




On the Road

Joan Chadde (CLS) attended her ninth Biennial Lake Superior Youth Symposium in Thunder Bay, Ontario over the weekend. 70 students from Houghton, Jeffers and Lake Linden-Hubbell attended the event hosted by Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate & Vocational School on the Lakehead University & Confederation College campuses.

From Tech Today.

Mind Music Machine Lab Podcast in Distillations Magazine

tri-M-podcastResearchers involved with Michigan Tech’s Mind MusicMachine Lab were interviewed by reporter Allison Mills for a podcast in Distillations Magazine. The magazine is an online publication of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, which is a library, museum, and center for scholars.

The interview occupies about the first 12 minutes of Episode 198: Old Brains, New Brains: The Human Mind, Past and Present.

The interviewees for that segment include:

High Schools Can Solarize Houghton

Solarize HoughtonSolarize Houghton
May 2 & May 16, 2015
1:00-5:00 pm
104 Great Lakes Research Center
Presenter: Abhilash “Abhi” Kantamneni, author of Michigan Solar Guidebook and Calculator

Open to ALL 9th – 12 Grade Students

Hands-on training, tour of local solar installations, assistance of local community members.

Eat Pizza! Earn a certificate of participation.

Register for 2015 Solarize Houghton

Coordinated by the Western UP Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education and the Keweenaw Community Foundation.

Outdoor Community Nature Program at Maasto Hiihto

Families take a hike in Hancock

Families got to learn about animals on a nature hike on Saturday.

An environmental educator from the Michigan Tech Center for Science and Math Outreach lead the hike. The group walked along the Maasto Hiihto Ski Trail.

Read more at Upper Michigan’s Source, by Phil Ford.

The Outdoor Community Nature Program, coordinated by the Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education, runs through May 16, 2015.

Students Attend 2015 Upper Peninsula Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference

UPISR-2015-graphicAbout 25 students from Michigan Tech attended the 2nd annual Upper Peninsula Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference (UPISR) on April 21, 2015. This year’s event, which took place at Northern Michigan University (NMU) at Marquette, was sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences at NMU and the Department of Psychology at NMU.

The 2015 conference was a continuation to collaborative efforts between Michigan Tech and NMU, focused on student research in human and behavioral sciences. It also witnessed the diversity of areas that include psychology, human factors, education, human effectiveness, human-centered design, social science, kinesiology, neuroscience, and other related fields.

UPISR-Students-2015Undergraduate and graduate students from both universities gave oral and poster presentations.


2015 UPISRC Proceedings

2014 UPISRC Proceedings

Lake Superior Celebration April 23, 2015

LakeSuperiorCelebrationLake Superior Celebration
6:00-8:00pm, Thursday, April 23, 2015
Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center

Hands-on Activities
· Great Lakes Research Center tours: green roof & other sustainable features
· Energy efficient homes, wind turbines, draft dodger activities for youth
· MTU Sustainable Vehicle Lab (invited)

Local Resources
· Renewable energy experts
· Energy efficient builders
· Home energy audits
· Green burial initiative
· Local food & greenhouses
· Houghton Co. recycling plan

Celebrate !
· Solarize Houghton County! Abhilash “Abhi” Kantamneni
· Mine Water Geothermal? MTU Alternative Energy Enterprise students
· LSSI Student Presentations & School Team Displays
· Cake & lemonade

Sponsored by Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative, Michigan Technological University, Western U.P. Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education, and Houghton Energy Efficiency Team (HEET).
Funded in part with a grant from the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative.

Celebrate Lake Superior

Displays, local resources and experts will address a variety of topical issues include renewable energy, home energy audits, green burial initiative, local food and greenhouse, Houghton County recycling, HEET (Houghton Energy Efficient Team) Dollar Bay-TC Student Organization of Aquatic Robotics (SOAR), Mine Water Geothermal, “Solarizing” Houghton County and more.

Read more at Tech Today, by LSSI.

LakeSuperiorCelebration2015Lake Superior Celebration April 23

There was a variety of hands-on activities, GLRC tours (green roof and other sustainable features), energy efficient homes, wind turbines and draft dodger activities for youth.

See the Photo Gallery of the Lake Superior Celebration here

Read more at GLRC News and Announcements, by Emil Groth.

Designing a Sustainable Future – Teacher Summer Institute

Sustainable FutureDesigning a Sustainable Future
July 20 – 24, 2015
Deadline: June 2, 2015

Grade 4 – 12 teacher participants will:

  • Investigate product manufacturing, building design, site design, transportation systems, renewable energy sources and food systems;
  • Engage in lessons and gather resources to facilitate teaching your students about sustainability while meeting the Next Generation Science Standards;

and more.

Learn more at Teacher Professional Development – Current Institutes or the Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.

Engaging Students in Authentic Science Research – Teacher Summer Institute

Engaging StudentsEngaging Students in Authentic Science Research
July 6 – 10, 2015
Deadline: June 2, 2015

Grade 4 – 12 teacher participants will explore:

  • Research design methods & procedures
  • Forest Hydrology
  • Climate Science

and more.

Learn more at Teacher Professional Development – Current Institutes or the Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.