Category: News

Auto User Interface Conference for Philart Jeon

Philart JeonAssistant Professor Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS) attended the 4th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications in Portsmouth, NH. While at the conference, Jeon cohosted a workshop, “The Social Car (socially-inspired C2X interaction)” and presented two papers, “Cross-cultural differences in the use of in-vehicle technologies and vehicle area network services: Austria, USA, and South Korea” and “Yes, free parking lot app, no, invisible health check app in my car: Young drivers’ needs analysis on vehicle area network services.”

From Tech Today.

Silver Medal to Blair Orr of PCMI Program

Michigan Tech’s Board of Control has awarded its Silver Medal to Professor Blair Orr (SFRES) in recognition of his efforts to establish and grow the University’s Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI) program. Orr is the second faculty member ever to receive the Board’s rarely awarded Silver Medal.

Tech’s PCMI program now is the largest in the nation and has held that distinction for seven years. Since Orr launched the program in forestry in 1995, PCMI at Michigan Tech has expanded to eight graduate programs in departments across campus.

From Tech Today.

Orr receives Silver Medal Award

Orr’s areas of expertise include forestry in developing nations, forest economics, and land use in the Upper Peninsula. Congratulations, Blair!

Read more at the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.