Category: News

Lake Superior Water Festival

Water FestivalIf you were a raindrop, where would you go? Can you drink your groundwater? Fourth through eighth graders will have a chance to wrestle with these and other questions related to preserving our most precious resource–clean, fresh water–at the 2012 Lake Superior Water Festival on Friday, Oct. 5, at Michigan Tech’s new Great Lakes Research Center.

The Water Festival is sponsored by the Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative, Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society, Michigan Space Grant Consortium and the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition.

Read more at Tech Today.

Water Festival 2012

Read more at the Michigan Tech Lode, by Nicole Iutzi.

First-ever Water Festival

Michigan Tech faculty and students and other organizations held 45 different stations for the younger kids to go to. Some talked about the importance of recycling to maintain a clean environment, while others showed students wildlife that lives in the lake.

Read more at Upper Michigan’s Source. WATCH THE VIDEO

Edward Cokely on Graph Literacy

Behavioral Decision MakingEdward Cokely and colleges published a paper, “Individual Differences in Graph Literacy: Overcoming Denominator Neglect in Risk Comprehension” in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 25, 390-401.

From Tech Today.

Special Issue Article
Individual Differences in Graph Literacy: Overcoming Denominator Neglect in Risk Comprehension
Yasmina Okan1,*, Rocio Garcia-Retamero1,2, Edward T. Cokely2,3, Antonio Maldonado1
Article first published online: 12 AUG 2011
DOI: 10.1002/bdm.751

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Special Issue: Individual Differences in Decision-Making Competence
Volume 25, Issue 4, pages 390–401, October 2012

Cokely Publishes on The Virtues of Ignorance

The Review of Philosophy and PsychologyAssistant Professor Edward Cokely (CLS) published an article, “The Virtues of Ignorance,” in the journal, “Review of Philosophy and Psychology.”

From Tech Today.

The Virtues of Ignorance
Adam Feltz and Edward T. Cokely
From the issue entitled “Consciousness and Moral Cognition”
Volume 3, Number 3 (2012), 335-350, DOI: 10.1007/s13164-012-0107-2

Change in Leadership at Peace Corps Master’s International Program

Peace CorpsProfessor Blair Orr (SFRES) is stepping down as director of Michigan Tech’s Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI) program, the nation’s largest. Orr will be replaced by Lecturer Kari Henquinet (SS).

As the new Michigan Tech PCMI campus director, Henquinet will work with the Graduate School to oversee existing PCMI programs and assist in the development of new ones. She will serve as the primary point of contact at Michigan Tech for the Peace Corps.

Read more at Tech Today, by the Graduate School.

Michigan Tech opens new research center

Michigan Tech’s Joan Schumaker Chadde has traveled the state connecting the public, particularly the young, to nature and the sciences. She’s made several visits to Detroit to educate teachers and students on everything from forest stewardship to basic outdoor education. Now the Great Lakes Research Center will serve as a focal point for those efforts. “One of our goals is to get students excited about learning,” Chadde said. READ MORE

Michigan Tech Faculty, Researchers Endorse Michigan’s 25% by 2025 Renewable Energy Initiative

More than a dozen Michigan Tech faculty members and researchers have gone on the record in support of a ballot initiative designed to give a big boost to the state’s renewable energy industry. Among the Michigan Tech signers of the Union of Concerned Scientists letter is Brad Baltensperger, chair of cognitive and learning sciences. READ MORE