Category: News

Last Opportunity to Weigh in on Candidates for the Center for Teaching and Learning

Last week’s public presentations by the two final candidates for director, Center for Teaching and Learning, are available for online viewing at the links provided below. The two candidates are Debra Charlesworth, assistant to the dean, Graduate School; and Michael Meyer, senior lecturer, Physics.

Board of control praises Tech’s direction

Among the notable accomplishments over the year was the designation as the No. 1 Peace Corps Masters International Program in the nation for the seventh consecutive year. Shari Stockero was promoted from assistant professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure. Paul Ward was promoted from associate professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure.

Baltensperger Recognized by MASB

The Houghton-Portage Township Schools Board of Education recognized Brad Baltensperger for winning the Michigan Association of School Board (MASB) President’s Award of Recognition. The Board Member Awards Program, with basic certification as its cornerstone, was developed in 1990 with input from both veteran Michigan school board members and representatives from higher education and state administrator organizations. Level 7 is the President’s Award of Recognition.

Cokely Receives Best Paper Award

Assistant Professor Edward Cokely (CLI) has received the Raymond S. Nickerson Best Paper Award, sponsored by the American Psychological Association Division 21 (Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology). Cokely and a colleague’s paper, “Effective Communication of Risks to Young Adults: Using Message Framing and Visual Aids to Increase Condom Use and STD Screening,” appeared in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 17, No. 3, 270–287 (2011).