Category: Competitions

RedTeam Achieves Breakthrough in NCL Cybersecurity Competition

The 23 members of the Michigan Tech RedTeam achieved a historic breakthrough in the Spring 2021 National Cyber League (NCL) competition. The primary team finished the capture-the-flag (CTF) team competition 3rd Place in the overall ranking (tied for 1st Place in score). More than 900 teams from across the country participated in the CTF. Students . . .

CTF, Great Lakes Security Conference is April 16-18

The Michigan Tech RedTeam, the Michigan Tech Networking and Computing Student Association (NCSA), and University of Michigan’s WolvSec will host the Great Lakes Security Conference from April 16-18, 2021. The virtual conference will include talks from industry professionals and a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition in which students can win prizes. Find more information at . . .

Human Factors Grad Student Wins Hackathon, Cites Pandemic for Opportunity

One Michigan Tech graduate student found a silver lining of the pandemic-driven shift to remote study: the ability to gain experiences previously prevented by distance. And “gained experience” is an understatement, as Brooke Poyhonen recently was on the winning team in the Texas Health Care Challenge, an online hackathon that sought solutions to problems in . . .

2021 Design Expo Continues As Virtual Event

by Pavlis Honors College The 21st Design Expo will continue virtually, but with a twist! Combining lessons learned from our first successful Virtual Design Expo and the desire to engage student teams synchronously, the Design Expo committee is excited to invite the Michigan Tech community, program friends and sponsors to register for this year’s Design Expo held . . .

ICPC Programming Competition Info Session Is Feb. 11, 6 pm

What: Info Session: ICPC Programming CompetitionWhen: Thursday, February 11, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.Where: Zoom An information session about the ICPC Programming Competition will take place this Thursday, February 11, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. ICPC Programming Competition, North America North Central Regionals, will be held, Saturday, February 27, 2021. The contest will be held remotely using the Kattis contest . . .