Category: Students

ICPC Programming Competition Info Session Is Feb. 11, 6 pm

What: Info Session: ICPC Programming CompetitionWhen: Thursday, February 11, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.Where: Zoom An information session about the ICPC Programming Competition will take place this Thursday, February 11, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. ICPC Programming Competition, North America North Central Regionals, will be held, Saturday, February 27, 2021. The contest will be held remotely using the Kattis contest . . .

Registration Open for Graduate Research Colloquium

by Graduate Student Government Registration for this year’s virtual Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) is open. Due to the continuation of the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic, the GRC will be held virtually on Thursday and Friday, April 1and 2. The GRC is a great opportunity to work on your presentation skills and prepare for upcoming conferences. Students are . . .

EET Senior Design Project to Help Child Rest Easy

By Karen S. Johnson, Communications Director, College of Computing Read Part II of this article, “EET Motorized Swing Senior Project: The Students.” Professor Alex Sergeyev, Applied Computing, was reading an American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Engineering Technology Division magazine last summer when he saw an article that prompted an idea for an Electrical Engineering . . .

Spend 1010 with Dean Dennis Livesay, Feb. 17, 5:30 pm

You are invited to spend one-zero-one-zero—that is, ten—minutes with Dr. Dennis Livesay on Wednesday, February 17, from 5:30 to 5:40 p.m. EST. Dr. Livesay is the Dave House Dean of Computing and a professor in the Department of Applied Computing. In this informal discussion, Dean Livesay will talk about his journey from chemist to engineer . . .

2021 Summer Youth Programs Announced

by Center for Educational Outreach Since 1972, Summer Youth Programs (SYP) at Michigan Tech has offered students in grades 6-11 a variety of hands-on explorations in engineering, science, technology, computer science, business, design, and the humanities. From college and career discovery to academic immersion, SYP is a fantastic mini college experience that packs a ton . . .