Computer Science Colloquium Lecture: Shiva Rallapalli ’05

Shiva Rallapalli ’05 B.S. in Computer Science, will present a Department of Computer Science Colloquium lecture on Friday, March 22, 2024, from 3-4 p.m. in Rekhi 214 and via Zoom online meeting. The title of Rallapalli’s talk is, “The future of Computer Science is in finding synergies with allied disciplines to unlock societal value.”

Guy Hembroff Receives Grant from Henry Ford Health

Associate professor Guy Hembroff, Applied Computing, was recently awarded and began a 6-month research project sponsored by Henry Ford Health to develop a deep-learning model to identify low bone mass from radiographic knee images. The model will aim to detect low bone mass early on, reducing imaging costs and expediting treatment.

Burgers and AI? “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for AI today.”

The Center for Business AI will present a seminar with Adam Mitteer ’03 ’17 on March 15, 2024, at 4 pm in the Academic Office Building (AOB), Room 101. The presentation is titled, “Burgers & AI? ‘I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for AI today.’” The talk will look at AI use within the restaurant industry . . .

Work for SYP this Summer!

Are you looking for a summer job in Houghton? Are you looking for a fun summer experience where you can share your interests with middle and high school students? If so, we are looking for you! Multiple positions are available. Earn as much as $20 per hour. Job details and program descriptions are below. Apply . . .