Tim Havens Quoted in The Enterprise Project Blog

Timothy Havens (CC/ICC), the William and Gloria Jackson Associate Professor of Computer Systems and director of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC), was quoted extensively in the article “How to make a career switch into AI: 8 tips,” which was published September 5, 2019, on The Enterprisers Project blog. https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2019/9/ai-career-path-how-make-switch

Bo Chen Receives $250K NSF Award for Mobile PDE Systems Research

Bo Chen, assistant professor of computer science and member of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems Center for  Cybersecurity, is the principal investigator on a project that has received a $249,918 research and development grant from the National Science Foundation. The project is entitled, “SaTC: CORE: Small: Collaborative: Hardware-Assisted Plausibly Deniable System for Mobile Devices.” . . .

Soner Onder Receives Year One Funding for $1.2M NSF SCALE Project

Soner Onder, professor of computer science, was recently awarded $246,329 for the first year of a four-year NSF grant for his project, “SHF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Statically Controlled Asynchronous Lane Execution (SCALE).” The project is in collaboration with Prof. David Whalley of Florida State University. Michigan Tech is the lead institution in the project, it . . .

Blue Marble Security Enterprise Info Session, Thurs., Sept. 12, 7 pm

Blue Marble Security Enterprise will be having an information session focusing on people who know how to or would like more experience with coding as well as people interested in Business.  We currently have three projects that could use more brainpower for coding, below. If any of these projects sound interesting, please come to our information session . . .

Meet and Greet with Dean Minerick, Weds., Sept. 18, 3-5 pm

Attention all College of Computing Students! Please join Dean Minerick and College of Computing faculty and staff on Weds., Sept. 18, from 3-5 pm on the patio outside the Library Cafe, for a casual meet and greet and build-your-own-sundae ice cream social. Ten College of Computing t-shirts will be raffled (you must be present to win), and . . .