Breaking Digital Barriers

Associate Professor of Computer Science Charles Wallace is rethinking cyberlearning top to bottom. He’s working with K–12 and undergraduate students, software development professionals, and senior citizens to improve how humans communicate and learn in computer-intensive environments. Digital literacy is a basic human need. There is a revolution sweeping the nation, but millions of senior citizens . . .

Power Grids and People

Today’s infrastructure is connected in ways not always known until problems like extreme weather, diseases, major accidents, terror, or cyber threats arise. Say fuel delivery will be delayed. What can be done? Sixteen critical infrastructure sectors—including water, gas, energy, communications, and transportation—are linked and interdependent. The National Science Foundation is supporting new fundamental research to . . .

Tiny Microgrids, Fiercely Important

A microgrid is a standalone power grid requiring generation capabilities (often generators, batteries, or renewable resources) plus control methods to maintain power flow. Electronics, appliances, and heating or cooling are all responsible for consuming that power. In this project, Laura Brown and other Michigan Tech researchers are investigating a control system for such microgrids that . . .

Associate Professor Nilufer Onder receives high marks on student evaluations

Associate Professor, Dr. Nilufer Onder has been identified as one of only 91 instructors on campus who received an exceptional “Average of 7 dimensions” from student evaluations this fall.  Students in Nilufer’s classes felt she deserved a 4.95 (out of 5.0) on the question, ‘Taking everything into account, I consider this instructor to be an . . .