PayScale, a compensation analysis web site, has announced the top 25 university computer science programs in the country and Michigan Tech placed 18th. In its 2016-2017 College Salary Report, Payscale ranked 171 colleges and universities with computer science programs based on the median early-career and mid-career pay of the schools’ computer science alumni. Tech’s early-career . . .
Associate Professor Philart Jeon received a research award from Hyundai Motor Company in the amount of $130,236. The project is entitled, “Novel In-vehicle Interaction Design and Evaluation”. Philart and his students will investigate the effectiveness of an in-vehicle control system and culture-specific sound preference.
Associate Professor Timothy Havens received a DoD Army Research Office research award with a budget of $99,779 during the first year. This is also a 3-year project with a total budget of $1,066,799. The project is titled “Multisensor Analysis and Algorithm Development for Detection and Classification of Buried and Obscured Targets.” Tim and his students . . .
Professor Zhenlin Wang received an NSF research award with a total budget of $375,000. This is a 3-year project with a title of “CSR:Small: Effective Sampling-Based Miss Ratio Curves: Theory and Practice”. In this project, Zhenlin and his students will use miss ratio curves (MRCs), which relate cache miss ratio to cache size, to model . . .
The Code Ninjas Workshop for middle school girls is from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday in Rheki 112. Interested in virtual reality? Code Ninjas is for girls interested in programming computers, making and playing games,concerned about the environment and you. Participants will learn about bees, learn to program in Processing, learn how their program . . .
Associate Professor Charles Wallace received NSF funding through a 5-year project that has a total budget of $2,983,358 and involves researchers from Michigan Tech, Arizona State, Penn State, and Rutgers. The project is titled “Climate Change Mitigation via Reducing Household Food, Energy and Water Consumption: A Quantitative Analysis of Interventions and Impacts of Conservation.” The . . .