Tag: EET

Kay Oliver, Academic Advisor

Kay Oliver is the academic advisor for all College of Computing graduate-level majors, as well as the undergraduate majors in the Applied Computing department (CNSA, EET, Cybersecurity, Mechatronics). Chances are good that you’ve met Kay. Here’s a bit of background about her education and career. Oliver has an M.A. in educational technology from Michigan State . . .

EET Motorized Swing Senior Project: The Students

Read Part I of this article: EET Senior Design Project to Help Child Rest Easy by Karen S. Johnson, Communications Director, College of Computing Four senior-level Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) students are working on a Senior Design project with an altruistic focus, designing and producing a motorized swing set that will help a disabled child . . .

EET Senior Design Project to Help Child Rest Easy

By Karen S. Johnson, Communications Director, College of Computing Read Part II of this article, “EET Motorized Swing Senior Project: The Students.” Professor Alex Sergeyev, Applied Computing, was reading an American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Engineering Technology Division magazine last summer when he saw an article that prompted an idea for an Electrical Engineering . . .
