Author: Brittany Buschell

Caleb Kaminski MS in Geophysics Final Defense

On April 21, 2023, Caleb Kaminski demonstrated resounding success in defending his research for his Geophysics Master of Science degree.

Advised by Aleksey Smirnov, with Paul van Susante and Jeremy Shannon as committee members.

Title: Exploring Ground-Penetrating Radar Responses to Basaltic Terrain for Upcoming Lunar Expeditions

Abstract: In preparation for upcoming lunar expeditions, a comprehensive understanding of the Moon’s geophysical properties is imperative, particularly in the context of resource identification and extraction. This study focuses on the experimental characterization of electromagnetic (EM) behavior in the radio spectrum for ground-penetrating radar applications, utilizing basaltic Keweenawan stamp sand and highland lunar simulant soil test materials with varying particle grades. Under controlled laboratory conditions, we systematically analyzed and compared the differences in EM wave velocity and signal amplitude as a function of particle size and mineralogy, as represented in radargrams. Our findings demonstrate that the highland lunar simulant exhibits a significantly higher EM reflection coefficient than the stamp sand, which can be attributed to its lower conductivity arising from compositional differences. These results hold important implications for the development of remote sensing techniques and optimization of ground-penetrating radar systems for future lunar missions, ultimately enabling the efficient detection and extraction of valuable resources such as water ice on the lunar surface.

Nolan Gamet MS in Geology Final Defense

On June 22, 2023, Nolan Gamet achieved success in defending his research for his Master of Science in Geology.

Title: Structural Analysis and Interpretation of the Deformation Along the Keweenaw Fault System from Lake Linden to Mohawk, Michigan

Abstract: The Keweenaw fault is likely the most significant fault associated with the Midcontinent Rift System, with an estimated reverse slip of ~10 km that places Portage Lake Volcanics (~1.1 Ga) over much younger Jacobsville Sandstone (~1.0 Ga). Published bedrock geology maps with cross sections from the 1950s show the fault as a single continuous trace that is locally associated with smaller cross faults and splays. This M.S. thesis presents a structural analysis and interpretation of the Keweenaw fault system between Lake Linden and Mohawk, MI, which includes data collected from well-known localities such as Houghton-Douglass Falls, the St. Louis ravine, the Natural Wall ravine, and the anomalous rhyolite body near Copper City. These data were used to revise existing bedrock geology maps, construct new cross-sections, and analyze fold geometry and fault slip behavior to infer aspects of the tectonic regime that caused the deformation.

New field mapping has refined the trace geometry of the Keweenaw fault (KF) and smaller associated faults by shifting the main fault’s position laterally as much as 150m, revising intersections between several splay faults and the main fault, and suggesting the existence of several footwall splays not previously recognized. Orientation analysis of Jacobsville Sandstone strata in the footwall of the fault system defines fold axes with plunge directions changing from southwest in the south to northeast in the north. The style of folding also changes along the fault from broad syncline-anticline pairs in the southwest to tightly folded anticlines with overturned bedding to the northeast. Fault-slip analyses reveal a bimodal distribution strike-slip and reverse slip along the fault system that collectively define a 1:1 ratio and a nearly north-south maximum tectonic shortening direction of 2°–182°. The NS-trending shortening direction computed from fault-slip analysis creates a paradox yet to be explained. However, fold axis trends in the current area indicate shortening along an ESE-trending line, which is consistent with recent results for the fault system northeast of this study area and with Grenville orogenic compression being the primary cause of slip along the Keweenaw fault system.

Advised by James DeGraff, with Chad Deering, William Rose, and Jeremy Shannon as committee members.

Paola Rivera-González MS in Geology Final Defense

On April 5, 2023, Paola Rivera-González successfully defended her Geology Master of Science degree.

Title: Climate Changes in El Salvador: Impacts of ‘La Canícula’ (“Dog Days of Summer”) on Agricultural Practices and Decision-Making in Rural Communities

Abstract: The Central American Dry Corridor (CADC), a tropical dry forest region, is characterized by distinct rainy and dry seasons that influence the local agricultural calendar and decision-making in rural communities. ‘La canícula’ is a period of decreased precipitation during the rainy season, which typically occurs in July during the corn growing season in El Salvador. The ‘canícula’ is expected to change in intensity and duration in the next decades, which would impact small-scale farmers and their livelihoods. Climate variability and uncertainty has led to crop loss, water scarcity, and food insecurity in rural communities dependent on subsistence farming. Farmers’ experiences with a changing climate led to reformed decision-making and agricultural processes (eg. agricultural calendar, seed type usage, crop rotation) to optimize their harvest and adapt to a variable climate. Studying the local perceptions and adaptation practices of farmers showed how natural hazards related to global climate change impact society, community dynamics in how farmers identify their main challenges, and revealed the ways farmers improve resilience to a changing climate.

Advised by Luke Bowman with committee members Kari Henquinet, John Gierke

Paola Laguna Algeria

Natalea Cohen MS in Geology Final Defense

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, Nat Cohen triumphed as she confidently defended her Geology Master of Science degree.

Nat Cohen on Mont Ripley

Title: Rain-induced hazards in remote, low-resource communities: A case study of flash flooding in the Usulután Department, El Salvador

Abstract: Natural hazards like flash floods can cause devastating impacts, so it is important to better understand these events to improve mitigation and emergency preparedness of vulnerable communities. California, El Salvador is a data-poor agricultural community experiencing climate change impacts and associated hazards, including flash flood events. This study uses ArcGIS Pro to map regional flash flood susceptibility and applies the Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP) to model sub-daily flash flood events in a California drainage well-known for flash flooding. Natural hazards like flash floods can cause devastating impacts, so it is important to better understand these events to improve mitigation and emergency preparedness of vulnerable communities. California, El Salvador is a data-poor agricultural community experiencing climate change impacts and associated hazards, including flash flood events. This study uses ArcGIS Pro to map regional flash flood susceptibility and applies the Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP) to model sub-daily flash flood events in a California drainage well-known for flash flooding.

Co-Advised by Luke Bowman and John Gierke, with Greg Waite as a committee member.

Congratulations Spring 2023 Graduates!

It takes a lot of hard work, determination, and sacrifice to complete a college degree, and you have done it. Congratulations on your achievement!

The Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences offers our sincerest congratulations on your well-deserved success! This is a momentous occasion and a testament to your dedication and perseverance. You should feel proud of your accomplishments and the bright future that awaits you.

Doctorate of Philosophy Degrees Awarded

Bartel, Beth Ph.D. Geology, Advised by Greg Waite

Chakrapani Lekha, Vishnu Ph.D. Geological Engineering, Advised by Thomas Oommen

Ewing, Jordan Ph.D., Computational Science, and Engineering, Advised by Thomas Oommen

Master of Science Degrees Awarded

Anderla, Madeline MS Geological Engineering, Advised by Luke Bowman

Barth, Elana  MS Geology, Advised by Chad Deering
She is joining AECOM in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Eshwar Reddy Sirigiri, Dharmasai  MS Mining Engineering, Advised by Snehamoy Chatterjee

Gamet, Nolan MS Geology, Advised by James DeGraff

Kaminski, Caleb  MS Geophysics, Advised by Aleksey Smirnov
He is joining PND Engineers in Anchorage, Alaska.

Langfield, Katherine MS Geology, Advised by James DeGraff

Lizzadro-McPherson, Daniel  MS Geology, Advised by James DeGraff
He is working as a geospatial research scientist at the Great Lakes Research Center at Michigan Tech.

Ricchio-Hitchcock, Evan  MS Geological Engineering, Advised by Snehamoy Chatterjee
He is joining Colliers Engineering & Design in Charlotte, North Carolina as a geotechnical engineer.

Rivera-Gonzalez, Paola  MS Geology, Advised by Luke Bowman 

Bachelor of Science Degrees Awarded

Anderson, Cole  BS Mining Engineering
Carley, Michael  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining Riverside Energy in Michigan as a production engineer. 
Carpenter, Kolby  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining Coleman Engineering as a geotechnical engineer.
Donajkowski, Clay  BS Mining Engineering
Doud, Quin  BS Geology, He is joining the Affordable Housing Development.
Gabriel, Aidan BS Applied Geophysics, He is joining RS&H in Asheville, North Carolina, working as a CEI inspector. 
Goecker, Addison  BS Applied Geophysics, She is continuing her education, accepting a full scholarship to the University of Utah’s Graduate School.
Klein, Peter  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining  Geoengineers in Springfield, MO, doing geotech work on pipeline projects.
Maxon, Jake  BS Mining Engineering, He is joining Pogo Mine in Alaska to work as an underground mining engineer.
Ojala, Grace  BS Applied Geophysics, She is continuing her education at the University of Denver for an MA program in archeology.
Searl, Jared  BS Geological Engineering
Max Stange  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining Freeport-McMoRan’s Chino Mine to work as a geomechanical engineer.

Undergraduate advisors: John Gierke, Jeremy Shannon, Nathan Manser, and Snehamoy Chatterjee

Take a moment to reflect on all you have accomplished and to thank those who have supported you along the way.

Congratulations again to the graduates, and best wishes for a bright and successful future!

Photo gallery

Evan Ricchio-Hitchcock
Grace Ojala
Jake Maxon
Addison Goecker
Aidan Gabriel
Daniel Lizzadro-McPherson
Max Stange
Elana Barth

Addison Goecker Wins Poster Award at AIPG Meeting

Addison Goecker, an applied geophysics senior at GMES, presented her research at the AIPG Michigan Section end-of-year meeting in Ann Arbor on December 8, 2022. Addison’s poster “Tectonically Versus Magmatically Accommodated Extension at Different Mid-Ocean Ridges and Ridge Segment Offsets” won her $500.00 in the student poster contest. Addison worked on this research during her summer internship at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Honolulu) with Prof. Garrett Apuzen-Ito and Dr. Jana Schierjott. Congratulations, Addison!

Addison Goecker at her award-winning poster. 
Addison Goecker discusses her poster with Chuck Graff (MS Geology ‘91), a Senior Geologist with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.
Addison Goecker (right) with David Adler (Geology ‘82), the industry sponsor of the GMES AIPG Student Chapter, and Sienna Meekhof (Mining Engineering ‘21).

Congratulations Graduates!

Commencement at Michigan Tech–it’s coming up on December 17, 2023

The Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences would like to congratulate our Class of 2022 Summer and Fall graduates. We are proud of you and wish you the very best of luck in your next chapter. 

Summer 2022

  • Brock Howell – MS Geological Engineering, advised by Dr. John Gierke
Brock Howell
Brock Howell
  • Nelmary Rodriguez Sepulveda – MS Geology, advised by Dr. Simon Carn
Nel Rodriguez Sepulveda

Fall 2022

  • Poorva Kadrolli – MS Mining Engineering, advised by Dr. Snehamoy Chatterjee
Poorva Kadrolli
Poorva Kadrolli
  • Emily (Street) Voght – BS Mining Engineering
Emily (Street) Voght
Emily (Street) Voght
  • Fletcher McGuire – BS Applied Geophysics
Fletcher McGuire
  • Austin Riggs – BS Applied Geophysics
Austin Riggs

Beth Bartel Receives the NAGT Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Beth Bartel, a geology doctoral student at the Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Department, receives the NAGT Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. NAGT recognizes outstanding teaching assistants in geoscience education.

“Teaching at Tech has been a fantastic learning experience. GMES assigned me to courses I could contribute to from my particular academic and professional experience—and yet, I have learned how much more I still have to learn in these subjects, through the planning of courses, the lead instructors, grading, and the students,” Bartel says.

“Coming into my PhD, I was curious whether I would enjoy teaching a semester-long course after having only recently taught short courses and workshops,” she adds.

“I love it!

“I appreciate being able to support students, come up with creative ways to engage students, and take time to explore material together.”

Beth Bartel pictured at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala.

MTU Students Receive DeCleene Scholarships from the Copper Country Rock and Mineral Club

Pictured left to right: Elliz McClelland, Sam Johnson, and George Schriver, president, Copper Country Rock and Mineral Club.

Geology majors Elliz McClelland, a senior, and Sam Johnson, a junior, were awarded the DeCleene Memorial Scholarship by the Copper Country Rock and Mineral Club (CCRMC). This scholarship is for students in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Tech who have demonstrated academic achievement, and best exemplify the blending of mineralogy and mineral collecting as both a hobby and an educational pursuit.

This fund was established in memory of Nathan DeCleeene, a geological engineering student and an active member of the CCRMC.

Eight new members inducted to GMES Academy

The Michigan Tech Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences (GMES) inducted eight alumni into the GMES Academy on October 14, 2022. Held in the Great Lakes Research Center overlooking the fall foliage, sixty-two people were in attendance at the invite-only induction ceremony, including faculty, staff, current Academy members, and select students. The Academy honors alums who have made a significant impact in their professions and others who have made extraordinary contributions to the department’s advancement.

Celebrations continued on October 15 with a tour of the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum led by curator Dr. John Jaszczak, followed by a pasty luncheon and apple pressing hosted by the Gierke Blueberry Farm.

The 2022 GMES Academy members include:

David Adler ‘82 B.S. Geology
Daniel Farrell ‘60 B.S. Mining Engineering
Mary Herrmann-Foley ‘83 B.S. Geological Engineering
Terre Lane ‘82 B.S. Mining Engineering
Julie (Varichak) Marinucci ‘02 B.S. Mining Engineering
Richard Saccany ‘71 B.S. Mining Engineering
Brian Schwanitz ‘77 B.S. Applied Geophysics
Todd Stone ‘85 B.S. Geological Engineering

Congratulations on your well-deserved recognition to Dave, Dan, Mary, Terre, Julie, Rich, Brian, and Todd. You are all an inspiration to all of us!

GMES gives special thanks to those who made the event possible: MUB Catering, Great Lakes Research Center, Copper Island Engraving, Jim’s Foodmart, Audra Morse, Shelle Sandell, John Jaszczak, A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum, Protea Floral, Roy’s Bakery, Tony’s Kitchen, John & Lynn Gierke, and Dean Callahan’s support and high-level snapshot into the future of Michigan Tech.