The Graduate School is pleased to announce new dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Forest Science
- Forestry
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mathematical Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Yilin Dai
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences
Co-advisors: Jianping Dong and Renfang Jiang
Dissertation title: Statistical Methods for Multi-Marker Testing in Genetic Association Studies
Shu Wei Goh
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
Advisor: Zhanping You
Dissertation title: Development and Improvement of Warm-Mix Asphalt Technology
Sheng Hu
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering
Advisor: Jindong Tan
Dissertation title: A Body Sensor Network for In-home Personal Healthcare
Rocio Jimenez Vazquez
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Co-advisors: Linda Marie Nagel and Rodney A Chimner
Thesis title: Assessing Success of Forest Restoration Efforts in Degraded Montane Cloud Forests in Southern Mexico
Raymond Molzon
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences
Advisor: Iosif Pinelis
Dissertation title: Berry-Esseen Bounds for Nonlinear Statistics, and Asymptotic Relative Efficiency Between Correlation Statistics
Anne Pond
Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Science
Advisor: Robert Edgar Froese
Dissertation title: Evaluating Northern Hardwood Management Using Retrospective Analysis and Diameter Distributions
Katie Preston
Master of Science in Forestry
Advisor: Thomas Grant Pypker
Thesis title: Fuelwood Collection and Consumption: A Case Study in Lupeta, Tanzania
Andrew Rice
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Amitabh Narain
Thesis title: Assessments and Computational Simulations in Support of a Time-Varying Mass Flow Rate Measurement Technique for Pulsatile Gas Flow
James Sevik
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Scott Andrew Miers
Thesis title: Exhaust Emissions of Low Level Blend Alcohol Fuels from Two-Stroke and Four-Stroke Marine Engines
Shangzhao Shi
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering
Advisor: Jiann-Yang Hwang
Dissertation title: Microwave-Assisted Wet Chemical (MAWC) Synthesis of Lithium Iron Phosphate
Alessia Uboni
Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Science
Advisor: John Andrew Vucetich
Dissertation title: Wolf Habitat Selection at the Territory Level: Seasonal and Interannual Variation and Influence on Reproductive Success
Robert Washeleski
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Lyon Bradley King
Dissertation title: Laser Thomson Scattering Measurements of Electron Temperature and Density in a Hall-Effect Plasma