Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Fall 2024 – Fatemeh Razaviamri

My journey at Michigan Technological University began in the summer of 2021 when I joined the Ph.D. program in the Biomedical Engineering department. My research focuses on biomimetic chemistry inspired by the strong underwater adhesion mechanisms utilized by mussels. Specifically, I have been developing biomimetic materials for infection prevention and hemostasis applications. This includes creating self-disinfecting coatings to limit the spread of infections and introducing a portable, powder-form hemostatic agent designed to control hemorrhage in prehospital settings while also preventing infection.

I extend my sincere gratitude to the Graduate School and the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for the Doctoral Finishing Fellowship. A special acknowledgement goes to my advisor, Dr. Bruce Lee, for his motivation, guidance, and support throughout my journey. His mentorship has helped me not only succeed in my projects but also grow as an independent researcher. I would also like to express my appreciation to my committee members, collaborators, lab members, and the faculty and staff of the Department of Biomedical Engineering for their support and assistance during my Ph.D. journey.

I am excited to apply the technical and leadership skills I have gained during this degree to further research in the healthcare industry.