Finishing Fellowship – Fall 2024 – Ashwin Karthik Purushothaman

I began my Ph.D. program in Fall 2019 under the guidance of Dr. Youngchul Ra in the Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics (MEEM) department at Michigan Technological University. My research focuses on evaluating the potential of low-carbon, highly reactive gasoline fuels as a future alternative fuel for conventional internal combustion engines. Utilizing the in-house computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool, I performed numerical simulations to gain critical insights into fuel spray characteristics, fuel-air mixing behavior and ignition properties. This foundational work provided strong correlations with experimental data, enabling an assessment of these fuels suitability for multi-mode engine operations.
Building on these findings, I advanced my research by exploring the use of a low-carbon oxygenated synthetic fuel in a 6-stroke engine configuration. Through comprehensive engine simulation studies, I investigated key parameters for optimizing engine performance while striving to meet stringent emission targets. These efforts have offered valuable insights into the potential of synthetic fuels for creating more sustainable internal combustion engines.
I am deeply honored to receive the Doctoral Finishing Fellowship and I sincerely thank the Graduate School and the Dean’s Advisory Panel for this recognition. I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Youngchul Ra, for his unwavering support, guidance and mentorship throughout my master’s and doctoral journey. His insights and encouragement have been invaluable in shaping my research and academic growth.