Category: Announcements

Items that are time sensitive and require action

Additional EndNote workshops – October 10, 2013

Due to the strong interest in the EndNote Basic I and II workshops, the Van Pelt and Opie Library has scheduled additional sessions to be held on Thursday evening, October 10th, in Library Room 242.  Please note that these will be the last EndNote workshops offered this semester.

EndNote Basic I:  Building an EndNote Library –  Thursday, October 10, from 5-6pm

One hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation software, EndNote.  No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Construct an EndNote Library in order to effectively organize references
  • Create custom and smart groups to efficiently manage references

EndNote Basic II – Thursday, October 10, from 6:15-7:15pm

One hour EndNote Workshop on how to incorporate your EndNote Library citations into a written document (MS Word).  Attendance of the EndNote Basic I workshop, or prior knowledge of building and managing an EndNote library, is recommended.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Successfully incorporate EndNote Library references into their writing process (MS Word)
  • Locate, identify and import specialized output styles

Seating for these workshops is limited, and registration is required.

To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide.

Note:  Our sessions use EndNote X7 on PCs.  Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session.  See the Library’s EndNote Download page.

October First Friday Social at the Van Pelt and Opie Library

Faculty, staff and graduate students are invited to join the staff of the Van Pelt and Opie Library for the October First Friday University Social on Oct. 4, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Opie Reading Room.  Complimentary soda, beer and wine will be served along with some delicious food.

Visit with library staff and meet the newest members.  Learn about some of the library’s latest programs and services including the undergraduate information literacy program, Browzine, Digital Commons @Michigan Tech, the planned opening of the US Patents and Trademarks Resource Center and more.  Appreciate “People, Place and Time: Michigan’s Copper Country through the Lens of J. W. Nara.”  Talk or tour with the provost and library and IT leadership to celebrate the progress with the new workstations and student-centered furniture as they unfold throughout the library.

Nominations open for Spring 2014 Finishing Fellowships

Applications for spring 2014 finishing fellowships are now being accepted, and are due no later than 4pm, October 23, 2013 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.  Please note that the required form has changed slightly for this cycle of competition.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Only Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Reminder: Pick up your HuskyCard by Monday Sept 30

Pick up your HuskyCard by Monday, Sept. 30, to ensure uninterrupted service!

Michigan Tech is issuing the new HuskyCard to all faculty, staff and students.  Your HuskyCard will be your official Michigan Tech ID card, replacing the existing Tech Express ID.  It will have the same functionality as your Tech Express card, with the additional optional benefit of a prepaid Debit MasterCard, if you choose to register your account.  Additionally, you will be able to receive your student financial aid refunds faster, by having them applied to the HuskyCard.

Everyone using their ID for card readers should obtain their new HuskyCard by Sep. 30, to ensure you will have uninterrupted access to all your buildings and parking.  We are in the process of transitioning existing card readers on campus to new contactless smart chip readers, and the new technology will not support the old Tech Express cards.

To obtain your HuskyCard, stop by the HuskyCard Service Center (Library and IT Service Center) in the J. R. Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library.  Bring your existing Tech Express card or photo identification.

Our goal is to ensure uninterrupted access to the areas in which you currently have and need access.  If you have additional questions, please email For more information about the Michigan Tech HuskyCard, visit HuskyCard.

Published in Tech Today

Employment for F-1 and J-1 Students and Scholars Workshop

Thy Yang from the International Programs and Services Office will be conducting a workshop for students entitled, “Employment Options for F-1 and J-1 Students and Scholars” on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Faculty and staff who advise international students are strongly encouraged to attend in order to gain greater insight on the legal challenges and issues faced by our international students seeking to work in the United States.

Topics addressed include:

  • on campus employment
  • co-ops and internships
  • optional practical training (OPT)

We will also discuss special benefits for STEM students after they complete their studies at Michigan Tech.

To register for the workshop, please contact the International Programs and Services office at 7-2160 or

Published in Tech Today.

Additional EndNote Workshop scheduled for Sept 30

Due to the strong interest in the event, the Van Pelt and Opie Library has scheduled a second ‘EndNote Basics 1’ workshop to be held on Monday, Sept. 30, from 5-6pm.

We would also like to remind those interested that seating is still available for the ‘Advanced Topics’ session scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3.

Seating is limited and registration is required.  To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide.

EndNote Basic I – Monday, September 30 from 5-6pm, Library room 242

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering a one hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation software, EndNote.  EndNote allows you to easily collect, organize and use your research references.  No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Construct an EndNote Library in order to effectively organize references
  • Create custom and smart groups to efficiently manage references

Note:  Our sessions use EndNote X7 on PCs.  Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session.  See the Library’s EndNote Download page.

EndNote Workshops Sponsored by Library

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering EndNote workshops on September 26 and October 3 2013.  EndNote is a citation management software that helps you to easily create and manage bibliographic information and incorporate references into your writing. In other words, EndNote streamlines the research and reporting process.

To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide. Seating for these workshops is limited, and registration is required.

EndNote Basic I – Thursday, September 26 @ 5pm, Library 242

One hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation software, EndNote.  EndNote allows you to easily collect, organize and use your research references.  No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Construct an EndNote Library in order to effectively organize references
  • Create custom and smart groups to efficiently manage references

EndNote Basic II – Thursday, September 26 @ 6:15pm, Library 242

One hour EndNote Workshop on how to incorporate your EndNote Library citations into a written document (MS Word).  Attendance of the EndNote Basic I workshop, or prior knowledge of building and managing an EndNote library, is recommended.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Successfully incorporate EndNote Library references into their writing process (MS Word)
  • Locate, identify and import specialized output styles

Using EndNote – Advanced Topics – Thursday, October 3 @ 5pm, Library 242

Kristen Faeth, Customer Education Product Training Specialist at Thomson Reuters, will conduct this advanced Endnote workshop.  Light food and beverages will be provided.

This workshop will cover the new features in EndNote X7 as well as ways to use your synced EndNote Basic library online.  EndNote X7 allows you to easily search hundreds of online resources to collect references and PDFs or automatically import PDFs from your computer.  Prior knowledge of, or attendance of, the EndNote Basic I & II workshops is recommended.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Create bibliographies with subheadings and utilize new output styles.
  • Attach charts, tables and equations as figures to be cited in your work.
  • Sync your EndNote library with your online library to share groups of references with other EndNote users and access file attachments from anywhere.
  • Easily cite references in your own work using the Cite-While-You-Write plug-in for Microsoft Word.

Note:  Our sessions use EndNote X7 on PCs.  Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session.  See the Library’s EndNote Download page.


The fall career fair is fast approaching. Are you ready yet? Do you need guidance to build your CV or resume? Need to sharpen your approach of meeting prospective employers?

To help you prepare, Graduate Student Government (GSG) is organizing a career workshop with the help and support of Michigan Tech Career Services. The session will include CV and resume development – both industry and academic, interview skills, networking and professional etiquette.

Date: September 18th, Wednesday

Location: Library east reading room

Time : 12-2pm

No RSVP required!

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Nominations sought for 2014 MAGS Thesis Award

The Executive Committee of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) is soliciting nominations for the 2014 MAGS Distinguished Master’s Thesis Awards to recognize and reward distinguished scholarship and research at the master’s level.  Michigan Tech may nominate one candidate in each disciplinary category.

Eligible students

  • will have earned a master of science degree between July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013 in the field of Biological Sciences or Humanities
    • Michigan Tech may nominate one thesis in each category
    • The 2015 competition will seek nominees in the fields of Social Sciences, and Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • will have completed an original thesis that makes an unusually significant contribution to the discipline
  • will not have earned a PhD (or comparable research degree) in any discipline prior to the writing of the master’s thesis

Please see our web page for complete details on eligibility and application procedures.  Nominations are due no later than 4pm, October 3, 2013 to Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School.

Seminar: Submitting your Dissertation, Thesis, or Report

Students planning on finishing a dissertation, thesis, or report in fall 2013 or spring 2014 are invited a seminar designed to help students understand the submission process and answer questions about it. Faculty and staff who assist students with submissions are also welcome to attend.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time.

If you are unable to join us, this seminar will be taped and available online after the event.

Significant changes were introduced in fall 2013 based on revisions approved by the University Senate.  Join us to learn about the changes and have your questions answered.