Category: Announcements

Items that are time sensitive and require action

Facilitators Sought for Fall Graduate School Orientation

Facilitators are an important part of the Graduate School’s orientation.  They lead discussion at a table with seven new graduate students, and help to answer their questions.  Faculty, staff, and graduate students are invited to participate this fall and help mentor the next group of scholars at Michigan Tech.

New facilitators will attend a training session on either August 22, 10 a.m.-noon, or August 26, 1-3 p.m.  The training will ensure everyone is comfortable and confident with the material being presented.

All facilitators will participate in orientation, 1-4:30 p.m. on August 28.  Please note that this is a time change from previous years, designed to accommodate students’ requests for an afternoon start.

To participate, please register online so we can include you in reminders and important notices as we get closer to the day: .

Do you have questions?  Contact Deb Charlesworth ( or Kristi Isaacson( for more information.

Published in Tech Today

GTA’s at Tech – Coffee Chat

Thursday, April 11 at 3:00 PM the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Graduate School will co-host a “Coffee Chat” called “GTAs at Tech” in the Library East Reading Room.

We’d like to give GTA’s a forum to discuss the instructional support they are being given and additional needs.  We hope to improve GTA orientation and support by the Center next fall.

Coffee and snacks will be provided to those who register by April 8.   We hope you’ll come and share your experiences so we can make being a GTA at Tech better for you and better for our students!

To register, call 487-2046 or register online.

Peace Corps Informational Meeting Thursday

Brett Heimann, the regional recruiting representative for the Peace Corps, will hold an informational meeting at Michigan Tech at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 21, in Fisher Hall 125. He will talk about the Peace Corps overall and the Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI) program. The session is free, and everyone is welcome.

Michigan Tech has eight PCMI programs in four different Colleges and Schools. Graduate students earn a master’s degree with a combination of classes and Peace Corps service overseas. For more information, contact PCMI campus director Kari Henquinet (SS),, 7-1843.

Published in TechToday

Library announces EndNote workshops on March 20th

The J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library is offering another round of its EndNote Workshops.

EndNote is a citation management software that helps you easily create and manage bibliographic information and incorporate references into your writing.  In other words, EndNote streamlines the research and reporting process.

Seating for these workshops is limited and registration is required. To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide

March 20th 2013 sessions:

EndNote Basic I: Creating and Organizing an EndNote Library

  • 11:00 AM room 242
  • 1 hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation management software, EndNote.  EndNote allows you to easily collect, organize and use your research references.
  • No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary

EndNote Basic II: Cite While You Write (CWYW)

  • 12:15 PM in room 242
  • 1 hour EndNote Workshop on how to incorporate your EndNote Library citations into a written document (MS Word).
  • Attendance to EndNote Basic I, or prior knowledge of building and managing an EndNote library, is recommended.

EndNote Special Topics: Sharing EndNote Collections

  • 1:30 PM in room 242
  • 1 hour EndNote Workshop on how to share EndNote collections.
  • In this workshop participants will learn how sync their EndNote library with EndNote Web.  Participants will also learn how share EndNote citation collections with anyone else who also uses EndNote.
  • Attendance to EndNote Basic I & II workshops, or prior knowledge of creating an EndNote Library and using CWYW, is recommended.

Note: Our sessions use EndNote X6 on PCs. Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session. See the library’s EndNote Download page.

Archaeology for Everybody: Summer School at the Cliff Mine

Ever had an Indiana Jones fantasy? Now is your chance to indulge it.  During the first summer session, Tech students and those from other colleges and universities, high school students and community seniors are all being invited to apply for the Cliff Mine Project’s fourth field research season.  Participants will help the University’s industrial archaeologists document the historic copper mine found along the 200-foot greenstone bluff that runs up the spine of the Keweenaw Peninsula.

The “Cliff Vein” produced more than 38 million pounds of refined copper over a 40 year period, paying dividends to its investors totaling $2.5 million.  People working in the mine and living in the town of Clifton transformed the social and technological practices of mining, starting America’s first successful industrial mining boom.

The field research project runs from May 13 through June 28, led by Associate Professors Timothy Scarlett and Samuel Sweitz (Social Sciences), working closely with project archaeologists Sean Gohman and Lee Presley.

“Learning archaeological fieldwork is an immersive experience where teamwork is essential,” Scarlett said.  “It takes weeks of work before a person can begin assembling the clues from each discovery into meaningful pictures of the past. Students should expect the work to be exacting, often slow and physically challenging.”  Those accepted into the course will be expected to work 8-hour days, 5 days a week throughout the 6-week course.

The course can be taken for undergraduate or graduate credit, at the regular undergraduate or graduate cost per credit hour.  It can be audited as a lifelong learning experience at no fee for seniors.

Information about class registration and costs can be found at registration/costs.

Explore the Cliff Mine research blog, which archives information from several years of fieldwork and research, at blog.

Published in Tech Today by Jenn Donovan, public relations director

Spring 2013 Professional Development Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce it’s spring seminar series.  Designed to help students prepare for careers as researchers in an academic community, attendees will learn about publishing, proposals, and project management.

Please join us on one or all of the following dates for a brown-bag lunch and learn (noon – 1pm).  Light snacks and beverages will be provided.  Seating is limited; please register to reserve a seat and receive the room location.  Students may also choose to view the seminar online (live streaming or recorded).

  • March 20 | Publishing, Presenting, and Building your Reputation
    • Learn strategies to build your professional reputation through writing and presenting your research
  • April 3 | The Art of Proposal Development
    • Learn from a panel of experienced proposal writers how to craft successful and compelling proposals to meet the requirements of specific funding opportunities.
    • Take-away tips will be applicable for a variety of proposals, including graduate fellowships, research proposals, outreach events, and related proposal opportunities.
    • Co-sponsored with the Sponsored Programs Office.
  • April 24 | Project Management
    • Learn time-tested strategies for steering research projects to successful completion within the context of a complex and demanding graduate student experience

Ninth Annual Student Research Forum

Ninth Annual Student Research Forum to be Held March 27, 2013

The Ecosystem Science Center, the Biotechnology Research Center and the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science invite graduate and undergraduate students conducting research related to ecology, the environment or biotechnology to submit titles and abstracts for poster presentations at the Ninth Annual ESC/BRC Student Research Forum.

Abstracts must be submitted by Feb. 27.

The event will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, Mar. 27, in the atrium of the Noblet Forestry Building.

The forum allows students working in these fields an opportunity to present their research to their peers and faculty members. Graduate and undergraduate researchers participate in separate divisions.

We invite student participants to present their advanced or preliminary research findings as a research poster. Cash prizes will include one grand prize and up to four merit awards for each center in the graduate student division and one grand prize for each center in the undergraduate student division. Each student may present only one paper but may be included as a coauthor on others.

For more information, contact Jill Fisher, program manager for the ESC, at, or Mary Tassava, program manager for the BRC, at

Published in Tech Today

Nominations open for Dean’s Fellowships

Nominations are now open for the Dean’s Fellowships.  They are due no later than 4pm on March 15, 2013 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth.  Dean’s Fellowships provide partial support for the recipient’s first year in a PhD program.  This primary goal of this program is to support Michigan Tech’s strategic plan goal of being an inclusive and welcoming campus for faculty, students, and staff who bring rich, diverse perspectives to our teaching, learning, and research.

In brief, students are eligible to be nominated for the fellowship if the following conditions have been met at the time of nomination:

  1. Student has applied to and been accepted into a PhD program at Michigan Tech.
  2. Student is a US citizen or permanent resident.
  3. Student has been offered at least three years of support by the accepting department or graduate degree program.
  4. Student has been assigned a faculty mentor who will provide guidance as soon as the student enters Michigan Tech.
  5. The department or program has a formal peer-mentoring program in place.

Please see our web site for full details on eligibility, nomination procedures, and evaluation.

Library is offering another round of EndNote workshops

The J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library is offering another round of its EndNote Workshops.

EndNote is a citation management software that helps you easily create and manage bibliographic information and incorporate references into your writing.  In other words, EndNote streamlines the research and reporting process.

Seating for these workshops is limited and registration is required. To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide

February 21st 2013 sessions:

EndNote Basic I: Creating and Organizing an EndNote Library

  • 11:00 AM room 242
  • 1 hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation management software, EndNote.  EndNote allows you to easily collect, organize and use your research references.
  • No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary

EndNote Basic II: Cite While You Write (CWYW)

  • 12:15 PM in room 242
  • 1 hour EndNote Workshop on how to incorporate your EndNote Library citations into a written document (MS Word).
  • Attendance to EndNote Basic I, or prior knowledge of building and managing an EndNote library, is recommended.

EndNote Special Topics: Managing Journal Terms List

  • 1:30 PM in room 242
  • 45 minute EndNote Workshop on how to manage Journal Terms List.
  • Some publication submission requirements specify abbreviations for journal titles in citations while others prefer full journal titles. The EndNote Journal Terms List feature can simplify this process for you by managing both the journal title abbreviations and full titles.
  • Attendance to EndNote Basic I & II workshops, or prior knowledge of creating an EndNote Library and using CWYW, is recommended.

Note: Our sessions use EndNote X6 on PCs. Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session. See the library’s EndNote Download page.

Chinese Night Celebration Friday

The Chinese Students and Scholars Association will host its gala Chinese Night on Friday, Feb. 15, celebrating with a feast and a traditional performance.

The New Year’s Eve dinner is set for 5-7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Commons. Seven delectable Chinese dishes will be served, including beef tomato, mushroom chicken and potato with ribs.

“Chinese Night 2013: Year of the Snake” begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Rozsa Center. The performance marks the Chinese Spring Festival, their most important holiday. Like Christmas in the West, it is a time of celebration when all family members get together.

Performers hail from many countries, including India, Thailand, Germany and, of course, China.

Because this is the year of the snake, the show includes the traditional Chinese opera “The Legend of the Snake.” It is one of four famous Chinese folk legends and tells the circuitous and graceful love story of a snake spirit, Lady White, and a mortal, Xu Xian.

Also on the program is “Thousand-Hand Guanyin,” a well-known dance of China. Guanyin means “Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World.” The Buddhist goddess of compassion, Guanyin has thousands of faces and hands. In this dance, 12 dancers will form her likeness on a lotus-shaped stage.

International students will present a skit, “MTU Friends,” about an international friendship at Tech. In addition, the program includes songs and traditional dances.

“We are sincerely looking forward to sharing this wonderful night with you and your family,” said members of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

Tickets (including dinner and show) are $15 for the public, $12 for students, $6 for children under 13 and free for CSSA members. Tickets may be purchased at or at the Ticketing Operations in the SDC.

Sponsors of Chinese Night include the Undergraduate Student Government, Graduate Student Government, the Rozsa Center, Memorial Union Dining Services, I-club, Ming’s Asian Bistro, Super 8 Hotel, Cyberia Café, 5th & Elm Coffee House and the Blue Iris.

Published in Tech Today