Category: Announcements

Items that are time sensitive and require action

Business Plan Competition Deadline Approaches

Want to see your business ideas grow? Enter the first Michigan Tech Business Plan Competition.

Wednesday, February 3, is the registration deadline for the competition, hosted by Michigan Tech’s Institute for Global Learning and Entrepreneurship, the School of Business and Economics and the Michigan Tech SmartZone. Michigan Tech graduate and undergraduate students as well as Finlandia University students are eligible to enter.

If you’re interested in entering a team, send an email to by 5 p.m., Wednesday. In the email, list the names and email addresses of all team members and a one paragraph summary of your business idea.

Ten teams will be selected to present their plans to a panel of judges. Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third places.

Announced in Tech Today

Nominations for Summer and Fall Finishing Fellowships Open

Nominations for summer and fall 2010 finishing fellowships are now open.  Nominations are due no later than March 18, 2010 at 4pm.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must be eligible for Research Only Mode during the semester supported is requested.

Please see the application page for complete information on eligibility and the application procedure.

Reminder: Nominations for the DeVlieg Fellowship due February 4th

The Graduate School is accepting nominations for the 2010 DeVlieg Foundation Graduate Fellowships.  Applications are due in the Graduate School no later than 4 pm on February 4, 2010.

This year, The DeVlieg Foundation will provide $3,000 for up to four doctoral students and $1,500 for two master’s students in support of research in engineering or a closely related field. Only US citizens are eligible for the fellowships, which may be used to supplement other fellowships or assistantships.  Complete details on eligibility and application process can be found on our web page.

Please contact Debra Charlesworth with any questions.

Library Databases Training Workshop – Thursday, January 21

The Van Pelt and Opie Library will offer a workshop on library databases, provided by ProQuest, from 1 to 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 21, in Library Instruction Room 242.

Kimberly Bastian, senior customer education and training specialist at ProQuest, will cover basic and advanced functionality of the ABI/Inform and CSA Illumina databases. The session will include an overview of each system, outlining basic searches and user customization. The workshop will include live demos of the products and time for questions from participants.

The ABI/Inform database includes a wide range of business information from journals, company profiles and industry periodicals, including the Wall Street Journal. Coverage includes 1985 to the present, with some indexing coverage back to 1971. ABI/Inform also includes some full-text material.

CSA Illumina has much broader topical coverage, including the Medline, Toxline, and PsychArticles databases, Plant Science and Biological Science resources, GeoRef, the Modern Language Association international bibliography, NTIS database, and other indexing for aeronautics, space, environmental, automotive engineering, materials science and industrial manufacturing. Temporal coverage varies by database. Some sources index material back to the 1960s and earlier.

The workshop is free, but preregistration is encouraged by calling 487-2507 or emailing .

Seminar (Jan 21): Submitting your thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School

Are you planning on finishing your thesis or dissertation spring or summer 2010?  Do you assist students submitting theses or dissertations?  If you answered yes to either of those questions, please join the Graduate School at our next seminar designed to help students, faculty, and staff better understand current procedures and have all of their questions answered.

Join Debra Charlesworth of the Graduate School for a description of online submission of a thesis or dissertation from start to finish. This seminar will be useful to students preparing their documents as well as faculty and staff who assist students.  The seminar will be January 21st at 4:00pm.

Please register for the event at our online registration site:

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time.  Space is limited, so register early!

If you are unable to join us, please see our online seminar presented on May 21st.  Please note that the forms “TD-Bindery” and “Life after Michigan Tech” that were described in the seminar are now combined into one form titled the “Degree Completion Form.”

Thesis and Dissertation Submission Seminar

Students planning on finishing a thesis or dissertation this semester or next semester are invited a seminar designed to help students understand current procedures, the new procedures, and answer student questions.

Join Debra Charlesworth on January 19th at 4:05pm to learn about the submission process from start to finish.

Faculty and staff who work with students completing a thesis or dissertation are also invited to attend.

Please register online for the event.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time. Space is limited, so register early!

If you are unable to join us, a taped version of this seminar is available online from our May 18th presentation.

Fall Graduates – January 11th deadline

To graduate in the fall semester 2009, graduate students must have all final paperwork submitted and approved no later than January 11th by 4pm.  All forms are online with a detailed list for each degree type.  Final items typically include:

  • A final thesis, report, or dissertation
  • Binding order form (TD-Bindery, theses and dissertations)
  • Life After Michigan Tech form
  • Report on Final Oral Examination (M6/D8)
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (for PhD students only)

Students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague for questions related to degree auditing, and Debra Charlesworth for questions related to theses and dissertations.

Facilitators sought for Graduate School Orientation

The Graduate School needs your help in welcoming our new graduate students and helping them successfully begin their career at Michigan Tech.  Faculty, staff and student volunteers are needed to facilitate discussion during orientation.  This is your opportunity to help enhance graduate education at Michigan Tech.

The training will help graduate students and advisors set expectations for graduate education and introduce students to basic concepts in responsible conduct for research.

Volunteers will help facilitate discussion at a table with six or seven new graduate students.  The discussion will center around two vignettes that depict typical graduate student and faculty interactions.  Volunteers will participate in one training sessions offered the week of January 4th.

Orientation begins at 9am on Friday, January 8th.

Please register online if you would like to volunteer.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the locations for the training and orientation, along with reminders as we get closer to the event.

Please contact Debra Charlesworth with any questions about orientation.

Graduate School Orientation – January 8

Michigan Tech looks forward to welcoming our new graduate students for spring 2010. All new degree seeking students will be invited to orientation on January 8th beginning at 9am in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Registration and light snacks will be available beginning at 8:30am.

Please register so we can plan for your arrival!

In addition to the orientation session sponsored by the Graduate School, students may also be required to attend sessions sponsored by:

Questions about Graduate School orientation may be directed to Debra Charlesworth or Carol Wingerson.